My 11 year old is doing online school. He’s an only child and he is really lonely as we are social distancing and just moved to a new state during the pandemic. He is starting therapy in April. Worried about him.
March 18, 2021
A couple of things have occupied my feelings this week. One is my daughter's recovery. She had lost her senses of taste and smell, which seem now to have returned. Her main symptom, which has lingered, is tiredness. (I can't see it as fatigue, more just tired all the time.) Obviously the side effect of the pandemic is that I can't be with her and have to rely on phone calls to find out how sh's doing. The second thing is the pathetic roll-out of the vaccine here in Massachusetts. Many of my friends in other states have already gotten their second doses. I have no idea when they will make my group (over 65) eligible, nor how long I will have to wait for an appointment, or where I'll have to go. I'm really scared, living as I do in a high-risk community. This has kept me even more isolated and nervous to go out.
February 5, 2021