San Francisco Airport, my first flight since March 16, 2020, on my way to help my daughter as her fractured heel bone heals. Nervous about being around so many vaccinated and unvaccinated people, even though everyone was required to wear a mask. I was struck by the irony of these signs on the carpet in the airport, when we will all be literally rubbing shoulders with strangers on the airplane.
November 19, 2021
It is less covid and more ridiculous amounts of snow that have affected my life in the last week. We live in some rural hills and already had between shin and thigh deep snow around our farm for a few weeks (overall have had snow since 23 December non stop) but there was a massive storm yesterday with very fast winds that caused huge drifts and now in some places it is waist deep or more! The gale was so loud it kept us awake all night and it sucks all the heat out of the house so fast. It was beautiful - with the clouds of snow travelling in the wind, it looked like the whole landscape was constantly shifting and glimmering - but caused so much havoc. It has closed nearly all roads in the area including major connections to cities like Aberdeen and Inverness. On the moors the snow is also waist deep on the actual roads themselves, not just around it. Everything ground to a halt yesterday, even more so than it already has due to covid. All the sheep are hiding together in the little shelter in their fields and the birds are barely able to fly. It has caused disruption to my family's life in that we usually order my grandparents an online food shop that arrives on Sundays so they don't have to go into the shops themselves but we had to reschedule it as 1. we aren't sure they would even be able to deliver it, even though my grandparents live in town where the roads are comparatively clear and 2. if they did deliver it, my grandma is too lame with a bad knee to put it away herself and we cannot get out of our farm to go and do it for her as we usually do (we are allowed to provide her essential household support under the rules in this country provide we wear masks inside). Luckily she has food in the freezer but it is a bit worrying to be cut off from supplies. We also know someone who had to go into hospital on Friday 13 Feb for an operation on a swelling in front of their eye who was meant to come out of hospital yesterday morning but no one could come and pick them up and all transport was cancelled - buses, trains, taxis etc. - so the hospital luckily let them stay another night as there was not really any other option.
February 15, 2021