Demasiado silencio, demasiado estar en interior. Las horas se pierden, algunas pasan volando y otras se quedan estancadas... ¿sigue la humanidad ahí afuera? El diálogo interior no cesa y ya no sabe uno si es preferible estar casi solo o haber tenido una gran familia bulliciosa, la primera vez que salí de casa vi personas en la calle como si no pasara nada como si solo yo fuera la única dentro de una cuarentena interminable. Extraño pasear llevar mi cámara y fotografiar sólo por el placer de hacerlo, extraño salir el sábado y encontrarme el transporte público lleno de personas que no conozco y que hoy quisiera conocer. Ahora esa frase de "el interior es lo que cuenta" se vuelve primordial ¿sobrevivir o exponerse?... ¿cada 100 años la realidad cambia?... ¿que podemos hacer de forma individual más allá de las recomendaciones?
July 29, 2020
My older son has had the virus for the past week but is now on the mend. He was quite disagreeable while sick but I think much of that had to do with believing he was responsible for spreading it to friends. He traveled to Mississippi, Chicago and Texas. It was in Texas that he either contracted it from his friend or spread it himself. Who knows. His friend came down with it the day my son left. My son did not get it until the following day. Does that indicate who is the vector? They had a small gathering of friends at a pool in Texas. Everyone who attended got it. My son did not bother to get tested. He had every symptom - including loss of taste. The lines are too long, the results are not received in a timely enough manner to make any kind of difference. So, now both kids have had it - my younger son in Boulder, my oldest in LA. I wish I could see them during this 90 day window we have where they are immune but both are busy now with school starting in a few weeks. All but one of my younger son's classes will be on line which is such a disappointment for him because he was looking forward to his junior year and getting to know his professors in his core classes. My nephew has almost recovered from Covid. ... He came down about the same time as my son but since he is seven years older his symptoms were worse. He had greater fatigue and fevers. Poor guy, he is quarantining and hasn't seen his wife and kids in weeks. During these last few weeks the virus has definitely felt like it is closing in. I'm glad my kids are in college and graduate school and I am not having to deal with sending them to high school in the middle of this nightmare.
August 16, 2020