I’m at the airport waiting to go to Hawaii. We just got our pre-clear wristbands that confirm we are vaccinated & symptom free. It feels strange to be around so many people at the airport. Today will definitely the longest I’ve been indoors and masked. I feel nervous about traveling with the delta variant. I don’t know if I would’ve booked this trip if cases had been as high as they are when we made arrangements. I guess we could’ve rescheduled, but travel plans have quite a lot of momentum & it’s hard to dial things back. We are just wearing our masks, crossing our fingers, and hoping no one in our group gets sick.
August 10, 2021
My husband has been the only other person here in my "bubble" . We have not had anyone else in our home for 10 months. We have only been with people outside, masked and distanced. My husband is very reclusive. He is one of Illinois exonerated death row inmates and suffers from PTSD. Lock down because of covid19 is heaven for him! Nothing in his life has really changed. He is an organic vegetable farmer and never liked leaving the farm. Because all my activities have been put on hold he is the sole source of my in person interaction. That is difficult for him. Because his life hasn't really been affected he does not share my sense of loss of all the things that made up who I am as a person.
February 17, 2021