The pandemic has only given a larger platform to the right wing nuts and I can’t fathom Roe v. Wade being obliterated from our country. I’m disgusted with our country.
May 20, 2022
My daughter. She is an introvert, like me, but more so. And anxious. "Hell is other people" and "people suck" are two things I've heard her say *before* the novel coronavirus arrived here. Maybe misanthrope is a better word. (And prophet?) She does live with 3 other people and 2 dogs, all of whom she likes or loves. So, that's good; she has had this support. She announced that she and her household went to dinner with neighbor/acquaintances recently. The first time she has been with anybody (except her parents and in-laws) in 16 months or more. I asked how her social skills had been. "Not bad, I don't think. I think I did okay." A tender sprout. I am hoping that the malignant variants and sucky-people's reactions to them don't send her back into her warrens this fall & winter.
July 5, 2021