After a year in which we had a new virus and no way to fight it except with masks, social distancing, and staying isolated, having an effective vaccine is a game-changer for sure Last year my friends and I hiked nearly every Sunday None of us had access to the vaccine, and some of us are over 65 years old We put on masks and quizzed each other about our carefulness in avoiding groups and people outside our households We got lucky; none of us ever tested positive for Covid-19 Now we are all vaccinated and boosted, and we get into each others' cars and drive out to the wilderness areas together with barely a qualm Last Sunday I invited two new people to join our group One of the more careful members of our group asked whether the additional people had been vaccinated They had, and we had a wonderful time on a beautiful winter day
January 24, 2022
This week a friend offered to help me get a vaccination appointment. I’m not really eligible yet but could probably “get away with it”. I ultimately said I would do it as long as I didn’t have to lie to anyone. Nothing has happened yet. In the meantime I also pre-registered at my local mass vaccination sites, country site, DC site, and signed up to be “notified” when dependents are eligible. I’ve also been leaning into my status as a former smoker. I find it kind of hilarious and ironic that the history I used to be so ashamed of might save my life.
March 27, 2021