May 19, 2021
May 19, 2021
The thing I am maddest about is what I've been mad about since this thing began. I'm 62 years old and trying to make the most out of the health and vitality I have left. I took my first plane ride at the end of 2019 and was ready to begin a new phase of life. A phase of not holding back. Not being afraid to have fun. I was ready to see new places, ride taller roller coasters. Have as much fun as I can, while I can. But COVID hit the pause button. It stole what might have been the best year out of the years I have left. I will never be younger than I am right now. I can never get that back. And I am afraid that some of my new found bravery might be gone, too. I long for spring to throw the lid off of this damned box. Let me OUT!
February 24, 2021