"WEAR YOUR MASK" says the newest graffiti on the cement wall under an overpass by the trail I walked on yesterday morning. It makes me so sad to see that message and realize that once again it is relevant to our lives. If everyone eligible and medically able to would have just gotten the shot in the past few months, our country wouldn't be in this mess: of overcrowded hospitals and people once again dying of Covid. We all want to put the pandemic behind us and get back to normal: re-start the economy, have children learn in person in school, and socialize without fear. So, why, why, why, when we have the means to do this -- do so many people refuse to follow medically sound advice? My frustration knows no bounds.
August 10, 2021
I had a wonderful conversation with a friend in my building that I think sums up most eloquently what we are experiencing. She quoted Victor Frankel who, referring to the horrors of the concentration camp that he was living through, said that "we must be worthy of this time". Not that this time in any way compares to that horrible experience, but it does put any inclination to complain or be impatient into a whole new category. I hope to be worthy of this time in my life, when the clock is definitely ticking down my days on this earth. I want to be able to say at the end of every day, well, I can feel good about how I spent at least some of this day.
February 25, 2021