Each evening, I have been photographing the view from the window in my room. The pandemic and the near-constant state of being cloistered indoors has me cherishing whatever little of the outside I have access to, and I find myself increasingly fascinated by the houses in the apartment complexes opposite with the light in their windows. They make wonderful patterns, every day a different one depending on who is home. It is an interesting and heartwarming activity to try to pick up bits and pieces of people's lives from what little I can see. I even feel something akin to friendship and camaraderie towards some of these homes, especially when it's really late at night and I see a house or two with its lights still on; it's like a murmur that reassures me that I'm not alone.
February 21, 2021
First a comment concerning the questions that preceded this week's question. I am from Canada, so my responses relate to my experiences in Canada. Healthcare here is something we all have without concern for cost with very few exceptions. If someone wanted to change our health care this is "a mountain I would die on."I also feel that I can trust my elected officials and the media to a greater extent than if I were to live in the United States. I watch American news, and it is different from here. Some American news can get my blood pressure up quickly The pandemic affected me this week in a few ways. First my wife is continually commenting on the lack of vaccines in Canada compared to the US. We have no production facilities which makes us lower on the list than countries that produce their own. The result is fewer people being vaccinated compared to the US which does not sit well with her. I try not to dwell on it as there is nothing I can do that will change the situation. I find the comments and comparison somewhat annoying, but I let her know I hear her. A highlight was I able to ski this week which gave me a break from the monotony of isolating for most of the time. Walking in the community was back in my routine after a few weeks off with an injury. It was nice to see the doctor a few weeks back and be told that the injury would heal but would take time. It has healed so my concerns gone. I do not often think about getting Covid-19 even though it is a possibility. In our community there have been a few minor outbreaks but nothing connected to anyone I know or associate with. I did see someone this week without a mask on in Costco. I was going to say something but decided not to as I did want her shouting at me without a mask. This is the first time I have witnessed this since the spring. I miss contact with our family and not having them over for dinners and visits. Not being able to do things with our grandchildren I miss very much. I also miss being able to crouch down and talk to younger children who are out walking with their parents or grandparents. Young children when they smile perhaps say something can really make my day. I dream most nights and often they are nightmares. Regardless of the type of dream, good or bad, I cannot remember the dream within seconds of waking up. I think my dreams have changed over the past year, and perhaps it is related to the pandemic, but I am not sure. I don't seem to dream about the pandemic, at least that I can recall. Likewise, I try to avoid social media and much of the news as there is little that is new, and I feel much of the information isn't based on facts but opinions. Negativity is something I try to avoid social media and many news sources are a great place to find it. I, like most people am just tired of doing so few things that were a part of my life. I am simply tired but will continue to do what is asked of me. I feel like we will make it and patience is a virtue.
February 26, 2021