This is a piece of the calendar of post-it notes my daughter and I started last March when she came home from college. The first week of quarantine last March, we thought it would be interesting to mark the days of staying home and see if we could make it across the room. We had no idea our swoops of seven flags (representing a week) would go all the way around the room. After 10 weeks, we started stacking the flags. Yesterday, at 55 weeks, we finally reached the last day. I’m so thankful that we’ve had no interruptions to our jobs and housing, but it’s great to be done with all that staying home!
April 6, 2021
No, my political views have not changed as a result of this pandemic. It only shines a light on the suspicions and innuendo that many persons not elected to office suspect of their representatives. The pandemic is yet another opportunity for wealthy, well-connected members of society to profit from the events of late. This newest nonsense of Trump & Goya products is just another fleeting example that will be lost to the twitter-verse when the next 'scandal' drops. I wonder if this is not just a ploy by the Trump et al. network to profit from the anticipated and predictable rebellion that blue liberals have had to whatever the scandal is. I observe the reactions of persons (liberal, moderate, conservative, ignorant) and see it as a machine with predictable inputs and outputs.
July 19, 2020