Cada 7 de diciembre, en mi país, quemamos al diablo. Es una costumbre que viene de los tiempos coloniales y es previa a la celebración de la Virgen de Concepción que es el 8 de diciembre. En la foto pueden observar una piñata que lo representa y que fue quemada en una hoguera que encendimos en la calle. Este año, a pesar de la pandemia, lo hicimos con mi familia. Fue una quema muy breve, no como otros años, cuando sacamos mucho papel para realizar una fogata que dura bastante tiempo. Todos sentimos que ese ritual abre el tiempo navideño. A pesar de ello, muchas otras costumbres ligadas a la religión católica se han suspendido. Lo que no ha desaparecido es el impulso de la población por comprar productos. Los mercados están abarrotados, los centros comerciales también y no digamos las calles de la ciudad con un gran número de vehículos circulando. Pareciera que no existe en COVID-19. Las personas que circulan con suerte usan mascarilla, pero la distancia social se les ha olvidado. El gobierno no interviene porque es necesario que la "economía" se reponga y se fortalezca. Los intensivos de los hospitales ya están saturados. Lo que vendrá dentro de quince días será tremendo. A menos que lo oculten y digan que aquí, como siempre, señoras y señores, no ha pasado nada.
December 23, 2020
After weeks of fruitless efforts, I finally got an appointment for my husband to get his first dose of vaccine for this week. It's such a relief to know that he will finally be protected. I'm still not officially eligible, however a friend of mine told me yesterday about a site where a local hospital system is registering people 50+ years old. So I immediately signed up. It wasn't clear how long it will be before they contact me to make an appointment, but I hope it's soon. My brother called yesterday and asked if he can come to visit and stay for a couple days. He lives about 2 hours away from us. He will be arriving tomorrow. Since the pandemic began I've only seen him maybe 3 times. He's come over to visit for an hour or two and we always sat outside. This time he will be staying overnight and as much as I want to see him for a longer visit I"m also worried. He will be in the house with us, eating and hanging around. We obviously can't sit outside the whole time. We can wear masks inside and I think the weather will be suitable for having windows open. Even so, there is risk and it scares me since my husband will only be getting his first dose on the day he arrives and of course I won't be vaccinated at all. My brother's wife died of COVID in December. She was in a nursing home so it wasn't exactly a surprise, but it was still heart-breaking. Now my brother is alone. His sister-in-law lives about 30 minutes away from him and they are close. But I worry about him being alone. I wish he would move back home close to me and my sister and other brother. We're the only ones left in my family and I'd like us all to be close together.
March 2, 2021