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My 12-year-old daughters were vaccinated last evening. We had a great time--laughing and joking with the staff of the mass vacc site. Everyone was great! Now, this morning, I am waiting for them to wake up. Nervous about side effects; simply because I hate to see them feeling bad--not because of any concern about vaccine safety.
May 29, 2021
Surprised by the number of places that no longer require face masks. I am not ready to put mine aside.
May 29, 2021
In the past week has affecting me emotionally in how stressed I be because of my availability to go out with my friend without being worried if I’m going to get infected or not. The vaccines are something that has me very worried because I don’t feel safe because of short notice. They made the vaccine very quick and some people have died or developed heart diseases after getting it.
May 29, 2021
I'm feeling scared like I've never felt before. I had to go to another state to do University's exams, it's already been one week since my arrival. My father came with me. We're staying in a hotel, since we don't have relatives close to here. But I'm to frightened even to cross the hallway and really worried about my father. He has arterial hypertension and hasn't got vaccinated yet. I keep studying hard without knowing If we will survive until the next day. My faith and relationship with God use to help me whenever I felt insecure this way, but I've been so distant since a close friend of mine died by covid...
May 29, 2021
This is the Memorial Day weekend and memories surround us ... not only for the valiant people who defended and died for the country but for the thousands the virus took away. Today memories of all those we lost and all those who still struggle with the symptoms clash with the muted celebrations of opening up. I continue to be cautious and fear that we are moving to fast. There are still people around who dismiss the virus and ignore all precautions. My thoughts are focused on India and the suffering there. And Singapore where a new lockdown is in place. And yet , despite all this evidence, the denials continue. The days fly by and we wait for this nightmare to end.
May 29, 2021
This past week I was working and covering Africa, so the main news issues were the volcano eruption in DRC and the coup in Mali. Both very big events, but I was amazed to realize how little people here were focused on them. With my job it is interesting how I am immersed in a world so far away just through my computer-- while all around me in my physical environment is a different story. Very strange to be focused on something so far away all week and then today, when I'm finally done with work I come back to my immediate surroundings in NYC where everything is different and people have been following other news and other stories.
May 30, 2021
Hallelujah! Last weekend one grandson graduated from college and was able to be part of an in-person ceremony. Students were outdoors on a football field, socially distanced in their seating, and masked throughout the ceremony. Each graduate was allowed 2 tickets, so his parents were in the stands. The ceremony was live-streamed; we were able to see it from start to finish. Students walked across the stage to receive diplomas - masked, pictures taken with masks, no hands shaken. We could lament about not being there as we have been for other grandchildren. Instead, we were delighted that a ceremony was held and that he was able to participate. We celebrated what was and put aside what wasn't. We took another important step toward normalcy, and that was worthy of celebration.
May 30, 2021
The pandemic has pushed me into full retirement. Hence now is the time for me to discard files that I will have no use for. A version of my “Marie Kondo”. Going through my files of papers is a trip down memory lane - some difficult, with some happy memories. I’ve had the above article for many years, and I’ve often shared its message with patients. I feel that the article is too precious to discard without first sharing it. Hope it helps someone.
May 30, 2021
Total individual life insurance policy sales increased 11% in the first quarter, compared with first quarter 2020. This is the highest growth in the number of policies sold in a quarter since 1983. New annualized premium also experienced significant growth, up 15% from prior year, according to LIMRA’s First Quarter U.S. Individual Life Insurance Sales Survey. LIMRA: First Quarter U.S. Life Insurance Policy Sales Highest Since 1983 — https://www.limra.com/en/newsroom/news-releases/2021/limra-first-quarter-u.s.-life-insurance-policy-sales-highest-since-1983/ I am an underwriter of life insurance policies. The past several weeks have been crazy busy at work and the numbers from the LIMRA survey provide some perspective. So if asked how the pandemic affected my life the past week I'd have to say I'm extremely busy at work and I think the virus has driven demand for life insurance products to its highest point in years.
May 30, 2021
I've been feeling a fair amount of internal conflict this week. It's both a painful and a hopeful moment that I find myself in. My parents won't get vaccinated. This worries me on a personal level for their sake and mine, but also hurts me to think of them as contributing to the problem and prolonging this pandemic. Still, I feel conflicted about how to broach this with them, and how hard to push. Local and state governments are announcing that mitigation efforts are ending - mask mandates being canceled, capacity limits lifted, and summer events back on. I am overjoyed to see my world open back up and my community start to thrive again. I am all for safely returning to normal life! It has been SO nice to walk around without a mask when I am outdoors. I haven't found a store near me yet who doesn't require masks, but I can't wait! Yet my conflicted feelings do dampen some of my joy. I am so frustrated by the way it's all being handled. My state announced they'd drop mask mandates on June 28 or at 70% vaccination, whichever comes first. Of course the June date will be first, which leaves unvaccinated people free to live normal life and keep the virus around, albeit at lower levels. Why can't we continue with masks - while putting everything back to normal - until it's safer? Wjy can't we develop a vaccine passport that allows vaccinated people to do these things safely, while creating incentives for the unvaccinated to get on board? I swear this is not about "punishing" those who don't get vaccinated. It's about protecting the immunocompromised and avoiding a situation where we have localized spikes in cases or where we create the conditions for a mutation or variant to thrive. It's about avoiding unnecessary deaths. I really worry that we will mishandle this so that vaccine-resistant variants can start to appear and spread. Why can't we find a way to actually encourage vaccination BEFORE lifting the mask mandates?
May 30, 2021
This is the Half Dome in Yosemite Park. On the right, you can see the Vernal and Nevada waterfalls. There are some things we do that remain "highlights" of our lives. The first night with your wife, the birth of your child, the events that make us who we are now In past years, I have walked up onto the top of that rock. First in 1965 when I was 15, and twice more over the years. Many folks do it, you actually need a permit now to keep the congestion under control. But by any standard, it's one hell of a eight mile walk just to the cables. Then the last bit, with steel cables for safety, because it's so steep you can barely stand. Scary, I will admit it. That walk takes strength and courage both. Each time, It was a major accomplishment of my life. So now I can go to my rest (not this year, thank you) knowing that at least three times I got to climb Half Dome, AND I survived the "Plague" or Pandemic of 2020. Not everyone can say both of those. Virginia Woolf said someplace (and quoting an old Roman) : I joined a vast fleet Sailing on the Ocean of Time When my ship sank The others sailed on My ship is loaded with these victories. And others, but these two will always be special for me. Thank you for giving us this place to write our stories.
May 31, 2021
My daughter who is in her third year at college, in Montreal, basically had her college year and a half taken away from her. No in person classes, limited socializing, especially with an 8 pm curfew. Her study abroad trio was cancelled twice. Fortunately, she never got Covid, but I did feel for her as an important and fun time in her life wasn’t as it should have been.
May 31, 2021
My life is going actually better than it was before the pandemic, surprisingly; well, at least professionally speaking. I got laid off after the end of my maternity leave and I managed to get an overall much better job than the one I had before (better salary, working conditions, benefits, schedule, etc.), so that's definitely a huge plus. In other areas of my life, I feel like my relationship with my partner has also been strengthened by the hardship we've suffered in the past year, and I cannot express how grateful I am for that. The past year has also made me reflect on my life in general and how I can come more into myself. In other words, I've been doing some soul-searching on what I can do concretely to live the values I believe in and implement changes in my life. That's meant doing some thinking about boundaries and how to convey them to the people around me. Overall, it's been a challenging year, but it brought some positive changes to my life.
June 1, 2021
My garden has been exploding this spring. These are just a few of our roses in the garden right now. When the pandemic started, I would "visit" our garden every morning and take photos of the new buds and really try to enjoy them ... literally, stopping to smell the roses. Anyway, I am happy to report that a year later, I am still "visiting" my garden every morning, something that I didn't really make time to do before the pandemic.
June 1, 2021
My family has been fortunate - we didn't lose anyone in our immediate family and we have been able to stay employed and our quality of life has been maintained. I have been very concerned about the political divisions in our community and how it seems that there are different narratives in different circles. It has been very stressful at work because the management has not had any real concern over Covid - their narrative is that it isn't an issue and we just need to get on with our life - no masking, no distancing, no real concern. When there was an outbreak (Jan. '20) and half of the employees tested positive, management decided not to close our plant - just keep on going - you can stay home (if you dare) - I wore my masks, kept my distance, bought air filter units to use in my area; I did what I could the entire time from March '20 thru May '21 - but I felt very alone and isolated - I would leave work, come home, strip off my clothes and wash - I felt so isolated, but fortunate too because I wasn't completely alone - I still have my partner and our kids - they helped to keep me balanced. Things are returning to 'normal' - we will have a family gathering, my brothers and sisters and parents, for the first time since December '19 - we are all vaccinated, except for the younger children - it feels good to be able to move around again. I still have been masking when I go places, out of respect for the people who have to be out working and for those who may not have been vaccinated yet or choose not to. I think masks will be a part of our lives more now, but that is not all bad. We had very little illness in our household for the past year, which is unusual with younger children. Feels like we can finally start to breath again now.
June 1, 2021
Chalked on our usual walking/biking route through the neighborhood.
June 1, 2021
It's May 31, 2021. I've spent the pandemic mostly alone. I'm high risk as a breast cancer survivor and type 1 diabetic, so it wasn't safe to be around others. Now, I'm fully vaccinated, and I go out a little. I always wear my mask and social distance. I started Equine therapy and I go to an outdoor restaurant to see my musician friends play sometimes on Sunday. I'm alive. I can't believe I didn't catch Covid.
June 1, 2021
I think trust is a weird thing now. There have been a lot of tests to trust within the last year. I like to think I still trust my women’s intuition, my gut instinct. I trust my husband, my dad, my kids and my brother. My aunts and my in-laws. All of the people in my inner circle I have immense trust for, my family is pretty close-knit. Again, it’s earned. One thing that maybe I have learned during COVID is, definitely to keep that inner circle small and safe. The less infiltration the better. When I look around me, I see the foundation of a lot of institutions being tested on the trust front: the CDC, the WHO, etc. It’s been a philosophical year of weighing the checks and balances as the news cycle spins versus listening or reading something from an always go-to source and trusting it blindly. Research is key. No sudden jumps to conclusion, definitely warranted.
June 2, 2021
The thing that has surprised me the most this week is how naked I find myself feeling without my mask. For over a year, I wore a mask every time I stepped out of my apartment, even to empty the trash. I still wear a mask when I go to public indoor spaces, like the grocery store, but I rarely wear one outside anymore. When I prepare to go for a walk, I find myself hesitating and feeling like I have forgotten to dress completely! Such a strange thought -- it really makes me laugh!
June 2, 2021
An especificamente thing that I had a big struggle was my physical health. I have asthma since I was a child, but this have been controlled for a long time. But now that I stopped doing exercises it came back, some crises and even getting a low blood pressure with makes me almost faint. I really don't know how I'm going to handle it, because I don't see a safe way to get back to exercises and I don't wanna see the doctors.
June 2, 2021