My living situation has changed many times throughout the pandemic. When it all started, I was the only one of my siblings at home with my parents. My sister was in her junior year of college, and my brother had just finished studying [in] Boulder. I remember the day before spring break started, my school decided to have a day off to decide what would happen if the pandemic progressed in United States. My senior exchange trip to Spain had just been cancelled and I was feeling a bit bored. I remember that Monday we got news that both my sister and cousin's schools had been cancelled. .... It was very interesting to go from being the only child at home to having to share it with my sister and my cousin. While my cousin and I have always gotten along really well, we had never spent so much time together. It turns out, while me and my cousin get along well, we do not always get along so well with my sister (as we are both a bit more messy and disorganized, and she is a person who very much likes control, any control), so that created a very interesting dynamic within the house. We made it through it though and have lots of fond memories. My living situation changed once again when I started my first year of college. ... this was the first time in a really long time that I had to share a room. I was so nervous about that, but my roommate and I clicked from day one. She became my closest confidant, she was the only person I had trusted to tell about my decision to apply to different school, as we had other previous conversations in which we talked about all the reasons we were unhappy and exactly how much we want to transfer (though we were being quite dramatic). Our room ended up being a really happy place for me. We had LED lights that went all around the room and they could change to any color we wanted. We also had Christmas lights up all year round which made it super cozy. Our room had a light pink and light yellow theme that reminded me of the desert, so when I saw this awesome cactus light (picture above) I knew it would be the perfect addition to our room. While for all of December we were at home, we decided to decorate our room early for Christmas to help us push through the last bit of November. I decided to decorate the cactus light with more tiny Christmas lights and I remember having such a good laugh about it as we listened to some Christmas music one night. My living situation changed one more time when I transferred. This year I am living in a single room, which wasn't my first choice. I am a people person and I really like being around other people, so I was hoping for a roommate. However, I will say, after living in a house full of people, and sharing a college dorm the size of a shoebox, it is nice to have my own space.
October 19, 2021
March 5, 2021 I have kept journals over my years on earth. I started one when I was in fifth grade, and I have always found them to be useful. I can look back and jog my memory, and I can keep up with future expectations. This journal has been useful to me because I have had a place to vent, and I have answered prompts that kept my focus on my fellow humans and my neighbors as well as myself. It has been a lonely year, and I for one cannot wait until the isolation requirements are over.
March 7, 2021