CoVid continues to feel like this thorn on a rose bush… ever present danger despite the promise of beauty. Can’t let your guard down or you may get pricked. The rain drops emphasize a longing for sunshine, light and a carefree spirit which is not the same as CoVid fatigue. I think we’re beyond that now…
April 21, 2022
I went back to school this week. It was both a departure from and a return to normalcy. Some classes worked better than others. Some gave us work. Some didn't. I wasn't allowed to stand up in three of them, for fear of moving around and breaking out 6-foot distance. In others, life continued almost as if it were normal, except with masks. I still feel uncomfortable that students are allowed to remove their masks to drink water. But I sat in a classroom. I brought notebooks and a pen with me. It was strange. A side note: double masking and wearing glasses for hours on end leads to sore ears at the end of the day! Safety first, but it was uncomfortable :)
April 26, 2021