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How is the coronavirus pandemic affecting your life right now? Tell us about your experiences, feelings, and thoughts.

I'm not a student, or the parent of a student, but I work in a school! Full of unvaccinatable children, because they're all under the age of 12 and there's no pediatric vaccine available! It has created a very stressful environment at work, where I feel that I am surrounded by plague rats, and have been contacting parents of symptomatic students to tell them the kids need COVID tests before coming back to school! As if I don't have enough work to do without this added black hole time suck. This week was also the week that Big Hit finally formally and officially cancelled the Map of the Soul tour for BTS, and will refund our money for the tickets we all bought in early 2020. I don't want my money back. I want to keep my tickets. They were damn good tickets. Not soundcheck, ok, but they were really good seats, and I am absolutely crushed that the tour has been cancelled. I want it to be clear that I respect Big Hit for not putting its artists and fans in danger by holding in person live events while there's a pandemic, and while the horrifically contagious Delta variant is so prevalent ( I have some thoughts about people who haven't been vaccinated driving the current wave, but they tend to devolve into profanity and bile, so I will leave it at that). I'm glad that Big Hit prioritizes health and safety over profit, at least in this case. But I'm still devastated, and it has chewed up any emotional bandwidth I had, and murdered my coping mechanisms.

August 23, 2021

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