Our financial situation is fine. My husband already wotked remotely and his office was already in our home. We are older and in good health - a large oral surgery bill was no problem but the dentist who broke my tooth should be sued. We were refunded deposits for a fabulous October trip to Pompei and Capri. I received an artist grant. I would love to plan a mural in our smaller sanctuary at our shul that represents this time period. It may not be literal but whatever is painted will have been dine by artists in a pandemic. Hopefully not to be repeated. We ran a fund raiser for essential workers and received medals. - see picture. We will run a 5k for a fundraiser benefitting a school for autistic students - we are donating to state parks, therapeutic riding programs, native American projects - we are comfortable in our home without financial worries. We wantvto support Essential Workers often - and thank them each time they provide a needed service!
October 23, 2020
I'm sure most people will say today's Inauguration. I'm so relieved that we arrived here without any further incidents of serious political violence since that horrible day two weeks ago. Though it is only 1PM at the time that I'm writing this. I've had such a hard time staying focused on normal life, on a hair trigger for some earthshattering breaking news. It's like a paranoia, like being in pitch-black, remote woods in the dead of night, knowing that something dangerous is out there, flinching at every snap of a twig. I'm so exhausted waiting for the next news story to send me into that two-part phase of shock, at first, and then the crash from the shock. I know I should focus on the day-to-day, because there's nothing I can really do about those kinds of news stories. Since March, I've felt braced for something terrible, and never really been able to fully detach and relax.
January 20, 2021