We are having a hard time getting back to a normal tech-life balance in our house. Screens have been such an exaggerated part of our lives for a long time now. With lockdowns and things being closed and playdates so infrequent, as well as digital school for a while, we've let technology like video games and Netflix take a larger role in our daily life than we normally would have. Everyone has just gotten used to that as the default entertainment option. It can be hard to even remember what we did all day during the summer before the pandemic. We are working on breaking bad habits like binge watching and cycling from 1 screen to another, but the number of hours we all find ourselves using tech is still pretty high. Especially on a rainy day like today.
July 15, 2021
My very close friend of 44 years was just admitted to a hospital as a psychiatric patient. She has had lifelong issues with her mental health. Her daughter brought her to the emergency room of a major hospital in this area this morning. This evening , I finally spoke to her. There are no psychiatric beds available in any psychiatric hospitals in this area. There were 25 other mental health patients in the ER who were there before her. She was finally admitted to a medical floor. At least she will be safe. People will be watching over her. What chance does she have? This is so unfair!! I feel like screaming!! Mental health issues during Covid have multiplied. This is a world crisis.
October 8, 2021