It’s the last day of the last month of 2020. While I am extremely thankful to have emerged from the pandemic unscathed (thus far!), I will be equally appreciative when I can social distance alongside family members, neighbors, friends and fellow citizens to receive a dose of the vaccine. How wonderful to bid farewell to this horrific year with its uncertainty, sadness, high mortality rate, social isolation, financial stress and decision fatigue!! How amazing to anticipate a future where we can once again warmly welcome hugs, handshakes, mental and physical freedom, family gatherings, in-person schooling and JOY!! Hello, 2021! I’m SO glad you’re here!!
January 1, 2021
I actually saw a play last night in a room full of strangers. I found myself angling my body toward the friend next to me and away from the stranger on my left - even though I know it doesn't matter at that point. The venue required proof of vaccination at the door and everyone in the audience was masked. But it still felt super weird. But also almost normal? I imagine it's weird from the stage not being able to see everyone's full faces. So much of live performance is being able to get a read on how the audience is reacting, and when you can only see people's eyes I imagine that's super hard. A year ago I couldn't even wrap my head around the possibility of being in a room with strangers (or anyone, really) so it was wild to feel almost safe last night. And from everything I'm reading it seems like what I experienced last night is just....the way it's going to be forever? So better get used to it, I guess.
October 28, 2021