My garden has been exploding this spring. These are just a few of our roses in the garden right now. When the pandemic started, I would "visit" our garden every morning and take photos of the new buds and really try to enjoy them ... literally, stopping to smell the roses. Anyway, I am happy to report that a year later, I am still "visiting" my garden every morning, something that I didn't really make time to do before the pandemic.
June 1, 2021
I have a recurring dream. It's a nightmare. I see a tall bookshelf in our bedroom (it doesn't exist!) and on the top of the bookshelf there's a fragile vase. The vase is about to fall off the bookshelf and shatter. I wake up - and I wake myself up - with a gasp, a jump, and I'm out of the bed, rushing to the bookshelf that does not exist to catch the vase that is not falling. Sometimes I wake my husband with my loud gasp and my frantic movements. I'm then awake and terrified the rest of the night. Sometimes the dream has a different story - I hear a doorbell and must jump up out of bed to help someone - but it's the same feeling of anxiety, responsibility, and unrest. I know what this dream is about. I am struggling with the added pressures as a mom in this pandemic. I've always been the CEO of the family and my husband is the COO. He is fabulous; he does a LOT. But it's all stored in my head. Each of our kids has his own google calendar (since March) so I need to monitor these, plus my husband's work schedule, plus my own. It's exhausting. And terrifying. I'm always worried that I'm forgetting to do something or to tell one of my kids to be on a zoom. I've been on important calls and I've interrupted to call out to the other room, "Honey, can you please make sure our son is on his juggling camp zoom?" My head hurts. There's always more to do and nowhere to go. I'm ready to wake up from this global nightmare.
August 10, 2020