I am lucky enough to be living in a house with some of my best friends while doing online classes. It is the only semi normal thing that I've been afforded (or afforded myself) in this pandemic. I bought myself a [Nintendo] switch as a reward for surviving last srmester- my hardest, most depressed I've ever been. I am happy to be able to say I made it through last semester to be able to experience this one where I get to play animal crossing with my roommates.
February 5, 2021
More and more I find myself planning for the fall and weighing risks. Should my kids go back to school? Will my daughters lung disease in her early years make her more vulnerable? Was I overdoing it when I wore gloves pumping gas? The emergency precautions I took, I thought, temporarily, are now being strangely reevaluated as I try to compromise and build a new normal for covid.
August 24, 2020