December 10, 2020 Sketch photo 1: Caption: Covid days. To not let my reading slide - I plan to read this tomorrow (Sophocles' Antigone) and to take notes with post its. But M. and I did complete last touches on my tutoring website. I want to get lost in a book again. Sketch photo 2: We stay in. Order from Fresh Direct. I take quick jaunts to stores for necessities. Record breaking deaths from Covid. New death numbers each day. 300,000 lives so far. Unlike so much -- Covid is "not fast moving content."
February 7, 2021
Finding new hiking paths Near our home Throwing bits of carrots Bunnies have a treat. Hiking past old dams Marveling at stone walls The sun sinking westerly We hurry before the datk. A bone carved long ago As I transversed a path This bone configured clearly By ancient tribal hunter. Before the stone walls set Long ago, many sunsets past The bone was carved to use Hunting across this land. Perhaps a call is due Finding bone provenance Could it truly be sacred? Sacred in such an early life? The spring water rests up Pressure against the dam I rush home and can finally paint A blossom in covid times. In the time of elections We are free from oressured hatred A regime that never spoke to me Now I can paint and dream. I dream of the carver who made This bone tool for his use His land now safe from harm New leadership protect the land! I wandered into my thoughts - ferling happier today!
November 27, 2020