Sometime, perhaps not too far in the distance, we anticipate a return to normalcy. Even as spring is soon set to arrive, we are constantly reminded of the promise of hope and renewal. We long to joyfully emerge from dark, dreary days of confinement and thereafter commence to slowly, but steadily, rebuild our shattered lives and dreams. The world is reawakening.
March 8, 2021
This is the second week back to school. It is incredibly frustrating due to technical problems and miscommunication. Paras in our district we’re led to believe we’d be able to work from home. That turned out not to be the case. We were essentially told if we wanted to get paid we had to be in the school building. Everyone’s on edge. It doesn’t feel right. “Essential” workers should not be put in the position of choosing getting paid over risking their health (and their family’s health.) I feel expendable.
September 3, 2020