One of the things that’s changed is being able to discern where the line is? Though I’m not sure it’s the virus alone to blame for that but it certainly has exacerbated things. “Alternate facts” have unfortunately been with us awhile now so it’s no wonder it’s hard to figure out the best way to move forward. Lives versuses livelihoods is at the core of who we are and who we want to be as a nation...and ultimately as a global community. While we are adapting very well to certain things, ever grateful for zoom, people more aware of neighbors, time to notice things that might have been overlooked in our “ normal” daily lives, the fear lies, mistrust, and anger are real. We are fighting an invisible enemy, a virus you can “catch” but can’t see... so our fear and anger need an outlet, and that has made the line harder to define. Add some inflammatory language and lots and lots of repetition of alternate facts and the line between truth and fiction becomes harder to define and we end up with events like we saw at the Capitol. I miss smiles, and hugs a lot, but I miss knowing what’s true and not even more!
January 22, 2021
Again I find myself in the solitude of the farm and wondering. I love the light at sunset this time year and in the craziness leading up to the election it seemed especially peaceful to be an observer at this moment. A cow with no worries gently grazing as the last gasp of sunshine fades. The cloudy gray sky hints at the weather change coming, as it will despite the spike in the number of cases, despite our wanting it to be over, despite wanting an effective cure, despite wanting an effective vaccine, despite wanting to be able to hug friends and family again, despite wondering if this trip to the grocery store will prove fatal, despite wondering if conspiracy theories could be true, despite wondering if someone I care about may succumb, despite not being ready for snow and cold, despite trying to figure out where the summer went and why autumn flew by...despite wondering why this year is so not what I expected it to be... and yet, there is a stillness, and a beauty, and a sense of calm, and a feeling of serenity as I lean on the fence and watch the shadows lengthen.
November 4, 2020