This past weekend I was able to visit my brother and his boyfriend at their new place in NJ. They had been living in Manhattan and decided, after years of talking about it, to move. Their condo is amazing and the area where they live is fabulous. On Sunday, we went for a walk to Liberty Park. It was 90 degrees and I did not bring my water as I had no idea how far it would be. Seven miles until we got home!! We stopped and I chugged a gatorade. While the turning around part of the walk was painful, going was great. The breeze felt nice and it is always great to see the Statue of Liberty. The whole weekend felt rather normal. People out and about, some with masks, some without. I was just glad to see my family and visit while there was too much time when visiting was extremely dangerous. It was a good weekend and a calming one, well, with the exception of the death walk!
June 18, 2021
This week the inevitable news came out about President Trump testing positive for Covid19. This is not surprising at all! He let the nation down, by not taken adequate action, and using his presidential authority wisely to contain this virus without taken beloved Americans lives. Leaders suppose to be our guidance, stars, and protectors. However, Trump failed to do that. Instead, he spread fear, violence, and division among the Americans. Perhaps, you are wondering if this has any personal affect on me. Indeed, with the high level of unusual anxiety, seen the President of this great nation, is not qualified for his job, is absolutely terrifying.
October 6, 2020