I saw this sign when I was driving through my old hometown with my roommates. I'm not sure why but I couldn't stop laughing at it. Maybe because it's a church sign that has a great intention, but the weirdest wording ever. I want a vaccine, I think we all do, and I think we all know it'll take a while and it won't stem the flood of infections and deaths for a long time. But at the same time, it's like we have to wear masks? Is it reverse psychology to get people to wear masks? I mean I agree with it, but there's something about it that's just so funny to me.
December 12, 2020
The pandemic has narrowed my focus. I seem to have lost the drive and purpose that fueled me beforehand. The loss of live worship services and the loss of our Care and Concern Director has left me feeling abandoned. How do you care for a congregation in a pandemic with no Director? How do you mobilize volunteers without one? There are times when the sense of loneliness is deeper. Nowhere to "hang out" now that the weather has turned cold, wet, and windy. More lockdowns seem to be in the forecast as the numbers keep climbing. I am tired of COVID precautions. It is this letting down the guard that spreads this latest wave. People are covid-fatigued, and want to be with family and friends. Beyond that, I have been utterly demoralized by the politicization of the pandemic. IT IS NOT A HOAX!! People are literally dying from attending funerals, weddings, and birthday parties. Political rallies and other mass events become super-spreaders because people are not taking Covid-19 seriously. It is "someone else's" problem. I am anxious about Election Day and the prospect of voter harassment. I don't understand why police are still killing African Americans at the rate they do. The pandemic has made my job doubly difficult! There is too much to do virtually that takes three times as long as when we could do it in person. So many more people are in danger of foreclosure or eviction. Some of the people that call me haven't worked in 5-6 months. I can see the handwriting on the wall. Once they get back to work, we will have another lockdown. Then there will truly be a homeless population close in scale to the refugees. I am NOT ready for the Fall Back off of Daylight Savings Time. In a meeting, someone shared that we need to revive our dreams. Sleep is an issue, even with medication. Fatigue comes with listening to other people's struggles. I am planning a better garden next season. More greens, root vegetables (beets, turnips, rutabagas) more herbs, and a Three Sisters' Garden with Popcorn, Cherokee Trail of Tears beans, and Kuri Squash.
October 25, 2020