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How is the coronavirus pandemic affecting your life right now? Tell us about your experiences, feelings, and thoughts.

"... I had to take my daughter (6 months) to a checkup today at the pediatricians. The protocol is to wear a mask, only one parent and one child can attend the appointment. We have to sit in the car until they are ready to take you in, only two children/families in the entire building at a time in opposite sides of the building. My daughter is just entering that 'stranger danger' phase newborns go through...she screams when anyone who is not me or her father or brother come anywhere near. ... We walk into the doctors office and everyone is wearing masks, including me. She looks to me for reassurance and can't figure it out. I feel badly because, though I try to reassure her and comfort her, she can't see my smile. These are not huge things in the scheme of life in this pandemic. I'm grateful they are taking precautions. But I do wonder what the social/psychological effect is of all of this on our littlest ones, the ones who don't really understand what's going on. ..."

June 29, 2020

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