One year ago today we flew to Portugal for a business trip, and added on 4 days in southern Spain, Cordoba and Seville, to see something new, and continue our exploration of the Iberian Peninsula. We had spent a few weeks there in 2019, as well. We were beginning to read articles about a worldwide contagion, but no one knew what that really meant. No masks, no worries, just anticipation for another interesting trip. We flew out on a Friday, I recall, so that we could join up with others from the business side of our travels, to explore Sintra (pictured), a park area outside of Lisbon proper that is filled with castles and beautiful wooded areas. Beside the business that my husband did with this group, I had traveled with them for more than 10 years, and so we were looking forward to cameraderie during the first part of our travels, and then a fascinating getaway to what had once been a center of Jewish life, and tragically, after 1492, became the center of the Inquisition. One year ago we were packing for a trip. One year ago we were counting on business, history, romance, identity, incredibly delicious food, adventure and just plain fun. One year later, we aren’t packing, that’s for sure. Not only haven’t we traveled in 272 days, we haven’t even left the house for a few, because it is really, really cold outside (5 degrees Fahrenheit this morning). My husband is recovering from surgery, and hasn’t been “out and about” for almost two weeks. So here we are: no passports, no travel, no room service, not seeing friends, no wandering about, no adventures, just home. Not that I’ve ever been on lockdown before, it hasn’t been horrible. We are incredibly lucky. We have a market across the street, we have a roof over our heads, and a lovely home where we used to house constant visitors. We have Zoom and TV and phones, of course, so it’s not bad. But it would be nice to get out, if we could. While my husband is already over 65, I’m not. Thus, we aren’t old enough — or connected enough — to be on the list for vaccines. We are likely to remain here for quite some time. My excitement for today is to participate in a quilt ‘zetreat’— a day in my sewing room, tackling UFOs (UnFinished Objects) and NYSes (Not Yet Started projects), while keeping my iPad tuned to Zoom with my quilt guild friends. Since 2002 I have spent a weekend every January on a quilt retreat on Cape Cod, about 90 minutes from here, with other members of this guild. While this version is fun, it is a poor substitute for the real thing, a real getaway with laughter and learning, and a sense of accomplishment. No hot tub time, no dashing into a fabric store for a bit of this or that. No chocolate! No gift swap. There is, however, a sense of accomplishment as I check projects off of my ToDo list. Just a few more months, and I might actually clean up my colorful project room. For now, however, I long for a few mid-winter days off that could be spent outdoors, in the lap of luxury, with hot tubs, and swimming pools, and hiking trails and and sunshine, and starlit nights, and calm.
February 14, 2021
What scares me most is seeing the utter chaos in the US where I have all my close family and so many friends How can I not worry for them? Here, the situation is bad, too--yet, I don't feel the despair that I do when I think about the USA. At least here there is some semblance of a desire for control and people are not so divided. When I hear the selfish, ignorant and mocking rhetoric coming from Trump and his supporters it makes my blood boil, thinking that their recklessness is putting so many people I love in even greater danger.
October 31, 2020