I always feel nervous going outside, especially on my way to work, but seeing the flowers in neighbors’ gardens as I pedal by on my bicycle reminds me to stay optimistic. With all the tragedy on the news, these flowers still decided to grow full of color and light, and I think we humans might be able to do that someday, too.
August 21, 2020
Since I have a good resistance against viruses and disease, I wasn't affected by the outbreak on a physical health basis. However, I got impacted in many other ways, such as mentally, financially, emotionally, and in my daily activities. For example, I lost access to many of the activities that I used to do before the pandemic, such as going to the gym, eating breakfast at the dining, hanging out with friends, going to the library, visiting museums, and other sorts of entertainment, which lead to a lot of emptiness to my life. Also, I used to be an uber driver, but because of the crisis, most people are now quarantined at home, which caused me to lose my job and be stuck financially. Being at home for almost a year has directly affected my mental wellness and caused me anxiety, and the fact that there is an outbreak makes me uncertain about the future, and, can't stop worrying about it.
January 9, 2021