As for my health I guess I feel about the same… I can tell I’m aging… maybe not as gracefully as I’d hoped but not sure I can blame the pandemic for that…so far I’ve been spared CoVid, but the specter is always there. I work at a theater and our doors are open, but will the audience come? Do I want them to? Each person is another potential source of infection. Where is the line between living your life with cautious optimism, and maximizing protective strategies by isolating? What’s the trade off between physically healthy and emotional deprivation? And if we answer that for ourselves throwing caution to the wind, is it fair for its potential impact on society? Yes, you can chose not to get vaxed, not to wear a mask, not to socially distance…but not sure you can then blame the government, the politicians, the news media, the overworked nurse or burned out doctor if you fall ill and are not getting the care or service you think you are entitled to. Too many people are focused on their individual rights, and not on what might be for the good of the whole.
December 24, 2021
Oddly, money has not been an issue. As I mentioned, I was asked to teach and extra class to help mitigate numbers. I also have the part time teaching job I picked up in September to help with me taking the first trimester off. That part time job turns my teaching job into my life as I don’t have any real breaks between my day job and my night job. At the beginning of the pandemic, I said I could do anything with a time stamp. I feel that way about this work grind. I am working over 70 hours a week and putting every ounce of my being into it. I am tired and sick of it all. I want to quit and I want to take a break, but it’s not who I am. I will finish it out, it has a time stamp, I can do it. And the extra money has afforded us to do some extra stuff. I can do (really) hard things.
February 15, 2021