664 entries
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On the verge of a third lockdown in Israel we went to see the migrating birds, but the birds had already flew away.
December 11, 2020
Due to the pandemic, our little town (pop. 5,500) is facing many changes to its long-standing holiday traditions. Both the annual tree lighting ceremony and the Christmas parade were cancelled. Neighborhood caroling and holiday block parties are out of the question. An area church that usually hosts a multi-date walk-through Little Bethlehem is offering a drive-through version on two nights only. Stores, normally bustling with gift-seeking customers, are abnormally silent. Yet, one of the constants, even in the face of this deadly virus, is the lights that adorn houses and businesses in our community. Outdoor decorations were put in place much earlier this year than in the past—many families had their garlands, lights and inflatable scenes situated and shining prior to mid-November. These lights provide a welcome brightness in the dark of winter and lift the spirits of those weary of dealing with the coronavirus and all of its implications.
December 11, 2020
News event? My husband and I are all news all the time. My close friends avoid the news. I am compelled currently to listen and make sense of how this country is doing. The news: stats as to deaths in US - that dwarfs all other news. I will post the compared stats on the next optional photograph upload. I try to look at the positive side so first for this space I posted my Biden/Harris flag - yes we Dems have political flags too! The “soul of our nation” is also the title of Historian Meacham’s book I am currently reading! The parallels with the Depression and FDR’s leadership over four terms are stunning. Over my flag, a pastel of a National Park hangs on the wall - I won 2nd prize for “professional artist” category ! I had shoulder surgery months before I created this very prismatic landscape! It was my first artwork post surgery. Miracles happen - Life offers our souls abundant joy. I believe we will emerge successfully as a nation!
December 12, 2020
I saw this sign when I was driving through my old hometown with my roommates. I'm not sure why but I couldn't stop laughing at it. Maybe because it's a church sign that has a great intention, but the weirdest wording ever. I want a vaccine, I think we all do, and I think we all know it'll take a while and it won't stem the flood of infections and deaths for a long time. But at the same time, it's like we have to wear masks? Is it reverse psychology to get people to wear masks? I mean I agree with it, but there's something about it that's just so funny to me.
December 12, 2020
Here's something I posted. And someone added that another day this week had enough deaths to be on the list.
December 12, 2020
My mother went into a nursing home right when the pandemic started and it's been so challenging trying to see her. In the beginning, no visits. Then over the summer, window visits. Then, in the fall, when her facility got things under control finally, outdoor visits. For about a week in November we then had indoor visits but then someone in her facility tested positive, so it's back to outdoor visits. On Monday I went to see her. It was REALLY cold. This is how I dressed. This is how I have to suit up to protect myself from the cold and my mother from me. This is what life is like the second week of December, 2020 as we are drowning in what they are euphemistically calling a second wave. Let's be honest and call it what is is: a fucking tsunami. For the record, for all you future historians studying this archive when those of writing this are all dead (Hopefully of old age and not covid) let's be clear: IT DIDN"T HAVE TO BE THIS WAY. New record deaths--Three thousand just today. And we've still got months and months to go. No national mask mandate. No national movement restrictions. Hospitals rationing medicine. People getting sent home to die. All because we have a fuckwad of a president who is more concerned about overturning an election HE LOST, rather than governing and helping people. Right now all we can do is go day by day and hope that when Biden takes office he can turn this thing around.
December 12, 2020
12/12/20 Usually Chanukah is all about get togethers with friends at our house or their houses. Big annual parties, community celebrations. Shipment of presents — two kids x eight days each — that my mom brings along when they visit for Thanksgiving and leaves with us, squirreled away in a closet, until the appropriate moment. Chanukah is not a big holiday, despite the bullshit attempts at parallels In media and popular culture, and I never really have shopped for the kids. Just let my mom do one token gift a night, more or less, and that’s it. This year, of course, we’re doing it differently. No community gatherings at all. No latke and dessert gatherings at friends’ houses to light the candles, and no one at ours. No parties. But we did make a ton of latkes last weekend and have been eating them all week, accompanied by the usual disagreements: Applesauce AND sour cream? Just applesauce? Sour cream only? Or, the genuinely contentious question: salt or sugar? (My family has a salt wing and a sugar wing, so I can appreciate both, but would say I’m planted squarely in the sugar wing!) Presents situation was different too. Without my mom’s careful planning, preparation, wrapping, and delivery, I had to pull something together myself. I’ve spoken with friends and other parts of the country in the past few weeks who won’t set foot in any stores unless absolutely necessary, but I’ve been to Marshall’s a bunch of times. One hour at Marshall’s, $200 later, and I had enough silly little gifts (and wrapping paper) to make it through the holiday: Kids robes, superhero slippers, toy dinosaurs, a set with a ton of tiny nail polish colors, etc. We’re managing this one just fine. And I’m still ready for more latkes.
December 13, 2020
La navidad es una de mis épocas más importantes y favoritas del año. No importa cuanto tiempo pase, aún me emocionan los comerciales cuando promocionan los juguetes, haciéndome desear uno de todas formas. Los colores de las luces navideñas cuando salgo a ver las casas de mis vecinos y el olor característico que emana del viento exterior. Este año ha sido tan extraño y duro pero eso no impedirá que disfrute estas fechas. Aún no se que sucederá el 25 de diciembre, si la pasaré sola o, como siempre, en compañía de mi familia, lo único que se es que mi espíritu navideño aún no ha muerto.
December 14, 2020
There's so much we can't do right now because of COVID -- so many ways we're stuck. Sometimes, though, the inability to do stuff we want to do makes us pay attention to other things we wouldn't necessarily do otherwise, or notice otherwise. This is the sunset my family and I watched over the weekend after a long (and unseasonably warm) day of playing board games, zooming into the really moving bat mitzvah of a family friend in another time zone, going for a walk, and hanging out in the backyard doing yardwork. Snuggled with my kids in the hammock with songs from Hamilton and the new Mary Poppins playing and just soaked it in.
December 15, 2020
Can we find a way to unite our country? Only by our willingness may we succeed. Verifying election results finished! In our hearts let us be Americans. Democrats AND Republicans come together. COVID can spell solutions if we look closely at this blossom and read these words carefully.
December 16, 2020
Happy Hanukkah ! NOTE:The photograph is on its side. The first try, upside down. I reversed the photograph on my phone but it was still upside down when uploaded. In any case, Chag Sameach ! The word “hanukkah” means “dedication” in Hebrew. We dedicate yhis sacred time each evening to praise God and express our gratitude for life. For decades we used a smaller, lovely menorah hand crafted in silver by annIsraeli artist. A few years ago, we discovered this ceramic menorah and ever since that day, we look forward to the upturned, expressive faces on this ceramic menorah. Some faces are in awe, others disrracted, a few serenely pleased in the reflected light that grows brighter each of eight nights. It is a quiet time post sunset as my husband listens while I chant the prayer “Baruch ata.....” followed by a shared kiss. In he candle light within the silent space, we pray for a release from this pandemic. The vaccine has arrived here in Connecticut. We pray for those families with grievous losses this year, some as thec result of Covid, others with losses less closely related to the virus but who suffer the social distancing imposed. We grieve online, on zoom, via emails, streaming yet our tears are real, they stream down our faces. The light reassures is there is hope. Our arms will wrap about our loved ones soon, the vaccine has arrived.
December 16, 2020
I made this angel over 20 years ago. It tops our tree every year, even though we have a much less horrifying angel and a star. My mom always insisted we put it up, because she thinks it's cute since I made it. I think it's high-key terrifying. Her eyes follow you. I always fought my mom over putting her up, except this year. I used to decorate the house, but this year I was asked not to come home until Christmas (and to wait to see if coming home for Christmas is something my family is comfortable with). So my mom decorated. And when she sent me a picture of the scary angel, for the first time I thought it was sweet. All our ornaments are stuff we made as kids, or momentos-- things like that-- but the angel feels different. It feels like I didn't miss as much, like I'm there somehow. I'm hoping my parents will let me make the 45 minute journey to their home for Christmas this year, but I understand if they don't. I've gotten two covid tests so far and I'm planning on two more, but tests aren't perfect and I can't control their comfort level, and I don't want to jeopardize their health. Christmas means a lot to me, but health and life mean more.
December 18, 2020
I find myself drifting aimlessly day to day. I’m so aware of how fragile life is. How so many people are being taken from us too soon. How it seems especially cruel we are experiencing a surge during what has traditionally been the “the season of joy”. So since I can’t do any thing about so many of the “big” issues in life I find my self looking at little details of things I would have overlooked before. I must admit I’ve never sat and watched rain drops drip, counting seconds for them to collect and then drip, and then try and match that with the click to catch a picture. Regardless of how steady the drip is, “catching the moment “ seems a fitting metaphor for these times.
December 19, 2020
December 19, 2020
How to Stay Married During a Pandemic • Enjoy outdoor walks--alone. • Take long drives in the country--alone. • Wear headphones and listen to soothing music while he plays video games at high decibel levels • Utilize separate TV sets so that you aren't forced to watch Nat Geo 24/7 • Practice meditation to discourage murderous thoughts • Maintain a secret chocolate snack stash • Share cooking chores but keep an eye on the location of the butcher knife • Ignore the way he hums as he chews • Refrain from discussing politics, financial concerns or home remodeling projects • Pray emphatically for an end to the pandemic
December 21, 2020
12/20/20 Saw this sign at the local liquor store in our neighborhood today. We had just run into Dunkin’ Donuts to pick up a couple of pounds of coffee beans, and One of the people behind the counter had her mask below her nose. Then, some guy walked in without a mask. I was there with my kid, whom I sent out of the store to wait for me while I paid. Then I saw this sign in another store just a few doors down. I know it’s easy to say, but FFS what is wrong with people That they won’t wear a mask, or will actually go to the trouble, and then not wear it properly? I feel like for Those of us who’ve gotten accustomed to, it’s just second nature now – and not wearing one evokes the sensation of those dreams where you show up at school and suddenly realized you forgot to put your pants on or something like that. With kids too, it’s like they’ve learned it in their flesh. They immediately notice when other people aren’t complying, and they certainly have opinions about it too.
December 21, 2020
More day by day sketches: March 27 & 28 2020 Brooklyn, NY Captions: Photo 1: Pot with Dried Basil Photo 2: N. takes deep naps in the afternoons We had stopped going out. Food was delivered. Days were blurry and we soft of drifted from doing one thing to another. It reminds me of Sleeping Beauty's kingdom -- when she fell asleep from pricking her finger on the poisoned spindle of the spinning wheel. And during the course of the curse, the whole kingdom languished and fell asleep.
December 23, 2020
Hanukka at my 5 year old’s playschool class: same image, different degrees of abstraction
December 23, 2020
Cada 7 de diciembre, en mi país, quemamos al diablo. Es una costumbre que viene de los tiempos coloniales y es previa a la celebración de la Virgen de Concepción que es el 8 de diciembre. En la foto pueden observar una piñata que lo representa y que fue quemada en una hoguera que encendimos en la calle. Este año, a pesar de la pandemia, lo hicimos con mi familia. Fue una quema muy breve, no como otros años, cuando sacamos mucho papel para realizar una fogata que dura bastante tiempo. Todos sentimos que ese ritual abre el tiempo navideño. A pesar de ello, muchas otras costumbres ligadas a la religión católica se han suspendido. Lo que no ha desaparecido es el impulso de la población por comprar productos. Los mercados están abarrotados, los centros comerciales también y no digamos las calles de la ciudad con un gran número de vehículos circulando. Pareciera que no existe en COVID-19. Las personas que circulan con suerte usan mascarilla, pero la distancia social se les ha olvidado. El gobierno no interviene porque es necesario que la "economía" se reponga y se fortalezca. Los intensivos de los hospitales ya están saturados. Lo que vendrá dentro de quince días será tremendo. A menos que lo oculten y digan que aquí, como siempre, señoras y señores, no ha pasado nada.
December 23, 2020
It snowed and snowed. Baby blizzard was born. Lady Snowflake his Mom. . King Snowman his Dad. A crown for the king Aunt Liza’s bonnet on Mom Big blue decorative ribbon. Baby blizzard wears blue. . .Now in pandemic journal Baby blizzard photo op Vaccines are on the road In twenty1nine days change! It’s all over now 🎶🎶🎶 Baby Blue 🎶🎶🎶Blizzard !!!
December 25, 2020