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I have become much more comfortable with spending time alone. In fact, I am starting to look forward to it. But I'm also learning to really appreciate those people I consider to be true friends. They have been wonderful to have in my life during this time. Unfortunately, though, I have become more wary of other people --- not quite as trusting as I used to be. I don't want to be afraid of others and of life in general. My personal cocoon is cozy but I'm hoping I will be willing to venture out more and expose myself to new adventures --- like I used to do, pre-pandemic.
September 8, 2021
My dog has been great company during our lockdowns and now that I am back in class she is not getting as much of my attention as before. She seems to be coping though. I'm just so glad she was with me all those lonely isolating days. She is good company.
September 8, 2021
The school situation seems to be the worst, as far as harassment. There is so much division between people - adults and students - wanting to be safe, require masking, distancing, etc., and those who want total freedom. Our local vaccination rate is barely above 30%, and infections/hospitalizations are at an all-time high. Our governor has made it illegal for school districts to require masks or offer online school options. Within a week of starting classes, the schools had to shut down due to large numbers of faculty/staff/students contracting COVID or in quarantine. The schools were forced to use built-in "inclement weather" days for the shut-down, as there is no provision for COVID. I am at a loss how parents are treating the health and well-being of children and their local school employees with such disregard.
September 8, 2021
This is the week of the rentrée in France, when everyone is back from holiday and schools and offices reopen. So I'm curious to know how infection/hospitalization numbers are going to be affected in a couple of weeks, because I'm sure there will be a rise. On the other hand, compared to the stories one hears from the US, I don't think it will be unmanageable because everyone is still masking and most indoor places require the vaccine passport.
September 11, 2021
Apples and honey for the new year....we just finished observing Rosh Hashana. And while it wasn't quite normal, it was far better than how we celebrated the holiday a year ago. Last year, we could only "zoom" for services, and it was just our immediate household for meals. We tried to make it festive, but it was hard. This year, we had the option if we were fully vaccinated and wore masks, to attend services inside. And we did! And it felt wonderful. Many, many people still chose to watch from home, so those of us who were there, were able to space ourselves in the sanctuary. And we had meals with friends and extended family -- outside in our yards. The weather cooperated. Not too hot and no rain. Beautiful blue skies to welcome in the new year. Every year I say to friends and family, best wishes for a good and healthy new year. This year, like last, I emphasize the word "healthy"....I say, may it be a healthier year for all (for everyone, everywhere)! There is nothing more important.
September 11, 2021
Antes de la pandemia solía realizar consultorías que exigían visitar municipios del interior del país. Me gustaba mucho hacerlo porque tenía oportunidad de escuchar los puntos de vista de diferentes personas, además, conocía lugares lejanos. Durante el año de la pandemia, fue imposible encontrar ese tipo de trabajo. Luego, ha surgido, pero, debido a las restricciones, todo se hace de manera virtual. Los traslados al campo son pocos y representan un gran riesgo, ya que mucha población rural no está vacunada. En la foto se observa el Palacio Maya de San Marcos, Guatemala . En el 2018, fecha de la fotografía, estaba siendo restaurado.
September 12, 2021
Went to a minor league baseball game with my family. Kids got to run the bases after the game. Some people were wearing masks, most weren’t. Ambivalent feelings of enjoying a relative normalcy and some concern, especially since kids under 12 can’t be vaccinated yet.
September 12, 2021
My parents - politically conservative Covid-19 vaccine resisters - are FINALLY getting vaccinated! Both have had their first shots and are due for the 2nd in early October. It is honestly such a relief for so many reasons. First and foremost, I no longer have to worry about their health and the impact they are having on the community around them. My mom works in an elementary school with unvaccinated kids. My dad volunteers at the same school. They both attend church. It has bothered me so much that they're at personal risk and also contributing to a potential risk in their social and workplace communities. It's also a relief because my son isn't eligible for the vaccine yet - he's too young - and we have had to limit our contact with my parents because of this. It's led to guilty feelings on my part as well as anger and resentment on both sides. And it was about to happen between them and my brother as well, because his wife is due with their first baby in a few weeks, and they'd been considering whether or not it was safe to let my parents spend time with a newborn. That would have been a devastating choice for everyone involved. I am so thankful it doesn't have to be made! It's also a relief because it gives me hope that there is a way to convince unvaccinated people to change their minds. My parents are strongly in the conservative camp for politics and social issues, and they tend to repeat a lot of misinformation about the coronavirus, vaccines, and other issues of the day. I had pretty much given up hope that people like them would change their minds. But my mom wrote about being a responsible community member and grandparent, and not putting people they cared about at risk, when she texted to tell me that she was going for her first shot. Perhaps the Delta variant scared them, or my pleas finally got through, or maybe my brother talked to them about the baby... who knows? But I am so happy that they are finally protecting themselves and doing their part for the protection of others, too!
September 15, 2021
I can't seem to wrap my head around making plans for the long term. I can have hopes for things that I've planted in my yard, or colors I want to paint my house's interior, but I can't seem to fixate on my own future. It's sort of a vague "do what I have to to stay alive and keep my house" life goal.
September 15, 2021
Actually this week there were several relatively minor issues that my husband and I both probably would have checked out (sooner) were it not for the pandemic. We are both by coincidence having some tooth issues, and we both see dentists in the city—very convenient when we work in the office during the week, but highly inconvenient from our suburban home. He lived with a massive toothache for almost a week before giving up and going in and will have to go back next week for a procedure; I’ve just noticed an implant is loose and will need to get it tightened up next week. It would be 30 minutes off my life from the office, but will end up probably 2 hours (and a small fortune to park) from home. Perhaps we can carpool. Also this week, I was very weak from a gastro bug (not Covid, we checked!) and ended up falling in the night. My poor husband found me on the floor and must have been so worried, but I told him there was no way I was going to wait on the floor at urgent care or the ER in the middle of a pandemic. I don’t know that I would have let him take me anyway, but it was a little scary reminder that help isn’t just a simple phone call away anymore if we have an emergency.
September 15, 2021
Mi preocupación es que sean afectados en su desarrollo. Pero eso no lo sabremos hasta que pase el tiempo y se hagan más estudios.
September 15, 2021
Apropo of nothing to do with covid, I'm posting a cute kitty photo today--a little feral gentleman who helped me write an essay last week. Because in the middle of all this death and dying and incessant fighting and horrible politics of the US it's good to take a break and just enjoy the peace and calm of a kitty cat!
September 15, 2021
Durante a última semana tive notícias da minha madrinha hospitalizada com covid 19, a família inteira teve que reorganizar a rotina para da suporte a ela e ao marido que são idosos. É muito triste acompanhar o caminho que a doença causa nas pessoas. Aqui no Rio as UTIs estão lotadas de idosos, grupo que já completou a vacinação mas por motivos de idade e imunidade diminuída nesse grupo, estão sofrendo com a variante delta.
September 15, 2021
Another Rosh Hashana at home with just the three of us, but this year we couldn’t blame it all on Covid—lack of planning was also to blame. We both are working from home is great, but it has us both running a bit ragged and somehow despite having saved all this commuting time, there is still no time to think and plan. I suspect the general state of alert and Covid anxiety contributes too, but it seems like the days pass by so fast and suddenly POOF there’s a holiday we forgot to make plans for. Still, it was nice to bake a couple of rounds challahs, one for us and one for a neighbor who also celebrates. My matzo ball soup isn’t as good as my mother in law’s but it was still tasty and no one complained!
September 15, 2021
My office coworkers and I are at different comfort levels. They wanted to have a meeting at a restaurant, and I'm not ready to be eating in crowds given the latest caseloads. It was awkward to tell them I wasn't coming, but they were very understanding and said we'd all get takeout next time. I live in a rural, non-COVID-caring area, but there has been an uptick of masks at the grocery store. Probably about 40% are wearing them, which is muuuch higher than it has been.
September 16, 2021
Food has become more casual. There seems to be less desire to spend as much time preparing meals. I guess my enthusiasm has diminished. One upside however is that I am making more bread than usual and sharing it with family and friends. I have made bread for years, the traditional way, a bowl to mix the ingredients in and kneading and shaping by hand. No mixer or bread machine. I started years ago after reading an article on stress and how bread making was recommended to women in Britain in WWII as a way to reduce stress during the blitz. It is a good stress reliever, especially the kneading and punching of the dough. The end result is rewarding and there is nothing better than fresh bread out of the oven. I have even got grandkids over to help on occasion. They love to punch the air bubbles out and shape it into loafs and often saying “take this Covid!” as they pound the dough. Good therapy with a good result.
September 16, 2021
September 16, 2021
September 16, 2021
I've noticed that during the Pandemic, conversations with friends have become longer and more intimate. Maybe because we know that we won't be seeing each other any time soon. Two friends came out of the woodwork and have become good friends. Will this continue if the Pandemic ever ends?
September 19, 2021
September 21, 2021
September 21, 2021
El pasado sábado fue cumpleaños de mi padre, llego a 81 años, dado el COVID19 habíamos suspendido las fiestas, sin embargo, mi padre, quien ha tenido un año muy difícil por distintas afecciones, deseaba hacer una celebración por lo que mis hermanos y yo pensamos en un pastel al que invitaríamos a muy pocas personas, al final nos reunimos alrededor de 15 personas. Cuidamos que mi padre trajera siempre cubrebocas, por su avanzada edad y estado delicado, sin embargo, nosotros mismos y mis familiares, nos olvidamos de él, dado que la casa es espaciosa, llego un momento en que sentí angustia de no haberles dicho a mi familia que debimos usar cubrebocas, sin embargo, mi yo interno me decía que todo estaría bien, que había sana distancia y al parecer todos estábamos sanos. Afortunadamente todos estamos bien, pero creo que al estar junto con la familia extensa después de tantos tiempo separados, nos gana el gusto y el afecto sobre el temor de contagiarnos., las estadística de que los contagios van a la baja y que la mayor parte estamos vacunados creo que también han sido factores que han aligerado el temor al COVID.
September 21, 2021