664 entries
Page 21 of 28
I have been spending more time outdoors now that the weather is improving. It's nice to see so much green everywhere. It feels like spring!
April 20, 2021
I am most upset about vaccine inequality around the world. The vaccine rollout is going fairly well in the US and I will be getting the second dose of the vaccine next week. However, the vaccine rollout is going poorly in many parts of the world. That map really demonstrates unequal access to vaccines. We are not safe unless everyone can get vaccinated.
April 20, 2021
A part of my soul is out there Waiting for everyone to devour Consuming words they may or may not enjoy I feel as though my work is cheap Like those bag of chips in the vending machine Bending my mind to give into to temptation’s Craving as I stare at my translucent reflection To see through the looking plastic of food That’s quite terrible for my gut but great for my mind’s soul Solely spirited sauntering around from daydreams To daymares of mistakes I am constantly trying to avoid Mentally but this too shall pass somehow if I let my mind wander And get lost in itself from fanfictions to dreams about achievements I hope n know I can get to once I get down to business To defeat my inner mind always adding extra weight when I just want to fly, but this weight I have will make me stronger Slowly through sweat, sugar, and saltiness, I will overcome through it all and find the weight less heavy Helping heal hearts’ holes wholey Wonder why characters go through pain? To remember the other versions of themselves To write new chapters and stories endlessly for the rest of time I wish this could rhyme more but it’s more about the journey That dash in between the numbers on a stone That last memory folks have of you before your face is forgotten That last photo people have of you wondering what type of person you were That last second of an impact you had that made my day to never forget that A part of my soul is out there With you.
April 21, 2021
My husband and I have now both had our first dose of the Pfizer vaccine in the last week. Because Canada's supply of vaccine is limited we have taken the unprecedented step of delaying our second doses for 16 weeks. I think that is risky...but we have no say ... so we wont get our second doses till August. I suspect that we could still catch covid waiting for our second shot. What does delaying it do to our immunity .. its like a giant science experiment ... I guess as a country we will know by the fall if its a problem not having our second doses sooner. They made the decision to do everyone with first doses then start on second doses they figured it provides good protection with one dose but do they really know for how long?!
April 21, 2021
If there is an increasingly loud call to reconsider outdoor mask mandates, how will it impact overall mask wearing compliance? I'm truly scared that people will think they no longer need to be diligent. Or that they need to wear masks indoors, with people from other pods/households.
April 23, 2021
This is the scene on 15 April 2021 at the Times Union Center, downtown Albany, during my post-vaccine 15 minute waiting period. This is my second vaccination (Moderna). I bumped into an old friend who was volunteering at the site, and she gave me instructions for signing up to volunteer. My wife also signed up. We have yet to volunteer, but we're looking forward to it. I imagine it will be guiding people, maybe doing intake, etc.
April 23, 2021
Mourning my own as I gaze upon the English mourning The pandemic stole my right to mourn I remained huddled in my home My friends Were buried on zoom. My colleagues, friends, advisors Passing after shutdown March ‘20 And yet a year later I sought To set aside a memorial moment. In lieu of wakes and shivas Along with my in-person hugs I sat through Prince Philip’s service Mourning all my losses in a royal setting Taking time for silence and grief Thank yous for the Royal Family For this moment set aside to grieve. I engaged with the service, half listening, My own departed held no titles,no heraldries Philip’s honors appropriate for queen’s mate. I was gifted the time to observe and reflect Upon dear friends some younger than he They had died, as he, untouched by covid. I sat before the flat screen and mourned Remembering each friends’ kindness, each one’s care. The army-green Land Rover turned at Windsor gates With a bear skin helmeted officer standing in salute I marked the passing month by month of friends And on this day I transformed the regale spectacle Into my own service remembering my own losses Internally I stood in salute and prayed for each My own special persons, grateful for this timely solution.
April 23, 2021
I thought I would share this photo since the van caught my eye. I love how each of the pictures on the van shows a famous portrait in which the subject is wearing a mask (you might have to zoom in on the photo to see them). It captures the moment we're in.
April 23, 2021
4/22/21 Last week's art project in Mrs. G.'s kindergarten class. I love the projects she has the kids do. Yesterday they made dandelion playdough. Each child had to pick 20 dandelions, then they put them all in a big bucket with hot water and added vegetable oil, flour, and salt. Three friends mixed it with their hands, then other friends came with scoops to distribute it. Some even came home -- in a gross little ziploc we found in our little friend's backpack, totally unidentifiable. We'd clearly missed the memo (on the Seesaw online school program).
April 24, 2021
Dreams have been uprooted Churned like grains of sand In the billowing waves Till all that remains Are the bare bones Of shattered lives
April 24, 2021
Have gained weight and more signs of mental health symptoms from stress. Will cancel NYT subscription because too stressed to even reach list of articles in daily digital edition. Not worth the money. Will still receive free newsletters on specific topics. Not watching news At All. Too stressful. Even when read article supposed to be uplifting have immediate thoughts focusing on possible or real negative aspects of news. Friend sent me link to video showing snow leopard doing incredible acrobatics while playing with big ball in enclosure. Beautiful animal doing incredible physical movements but I only felt like crying because it was only alive and healthy because it was in zoo, imprisoned. News is always depressing. More and more mass shootings and bombings. More species of plants and animals vanishing because of loss of habitat and climate change. More Black deaths due to police fuckups or uncaring is firing up BLM movement again. Avoiding stress to defend my mental and physical health is sensible. But it does go to extremes and leaves me trapped in my home with few things to entertain or occupy me. Not much pleasure in my life right now. Aromatherapy is working. Strong scents of lilac, lavender and orange help me cope. I’m sleeping Much better even though I’m not exercising or going outside much. I want/need to start walking outside again. Using walking sticks/trekking poles is moving meditation for me. Very relaxing and enjoyable. I take photos like the one I uploaded. Very enjoyable to find subjects, take several photos of each, edit at home until find version I like best. Helps me feel good about myself and be aware there are beautiful things in the world close by to my home. I also enjoy meeting and briefly chatting with other walkers. I feel better after writing this.
April 26, 2021
This photo is from when my brother and I biked to Pike Place Market last week. Right now it's wet and gloomy outside. But being able to see the sunshine in my photo albums from just a few days prior reminds me that things can change fast and unexpectedly, and that it will one day be sunny again. An analogy for COVID, anyone?
April 26, 2021
We humans are adaptable. We fight as hard as we can to forget events as soon as they are over. Some of us even deny events that are happening now. What do you expect, in a world where some folks argue the world is not round? When I went to college and grad school, I studied the humanities. But now I work with scientists, and I've come to appreciate all that the scientific approach has brought. So much of our lives has been made possible through science and technology: the food we eat, the buildings and transport systems we enjoy, the internet which keeps us employed and occupied. Scientific research brought us a highly effective Covid-19 vaccine, in an astonishingly short amount of time. After this pandemic crisis is over, the scientists will continue to do research. Hopefully the rest of us non-scientists will gain a finer appreciation for what science has done for us. Respect and fund science!
April 26, 2021
My Pandemic Life at the Educational Park Moderna shots received with my husband At the new track facility in my hometown Built, never used as lockdown began First use? CERT volunteers open doors Vaccines from orthopedic surgeons! My second shot given by a young physician. The educational park holds multiple schools Next to this new track facility, now open When I was in a sixth grader only One school on the hillside as cows grazed . I pondered what my grade school self might Wonder seeing this future, 57 years onward. How shocking ? Two shots saved our lives With a year old pandemic sweeping by Catching over three million souls In a wake that also bred mistrust Honoring the flag ? Are you right, left? Ruby shot Oswald but Floyd dead on our screens Fifty plus years ago displayed fallout shelter Placed in our town square - what a sight It might all end in a second, no notice Try hiding young heads under school desks? Now years later masks are new shelters Injected vaccines saving lives cascading past. The educational park holds old memories: A line drive to my eye while pitching A softball to a friend, knocking me out I learned that epsom salts work well I see girls in skirts galloping across fields If not jumping ropes we warred in dodgeball My half-foot shorter eleven year old self Could not see her future husband running An outdoor track to complete a virtual 5k We had run so many BAA marathons Patriots Day ‘21 we donned running gear As golden hued forsythia lit the hillsides. The pandemic issued in unique moments So our 5k, of multiple track loops beckoned Us on that Patriots Day weekend fully Bright sun blinded us,dark clouds arose As first light sprinkles of refreshing rain Turned to hail stones as we ran for our jeep Educational park was named for a neighbor Voted “First selectman” he selected this land The cows moved on, buildings now bearing Names of farmers who worked the hillsides And one field bears a classmate’s name Who was a town coach, his name also honored. We also walked loops circumventing the park Daily with springer alert to resident ground hogs The pandemic has made our routines range local Discarded light blue masks, newly strewn refuse So many seasons passed yet i see my younger self While ahead my husband watches new forsythia bloom.
April 27, 2021
This was the view today after my second vaccine at a race track parking lot. What a massive undertaking to bring all the people, tents, supplies.
April 27, 2021
We argued last week over having a client here at our condo. My argument was that since we are vaccinated, at least with the first of the two shots (two of the three of us are fully vaccinated) the danger is pretty much past for us. E. argued that there was no sense in exposing ourselves to an unnecessary danger, especially when we are close to having full immunity. There is no "right" or "wrong" response to this. Los Angeles is down to 5 out of 100,000 having the bug, from over 150 a few months ago. So there is objectively less danger, but still some. Besides, who wants to be the last one Hospitalized for this ? Not me ! Los Angeles at one time had an aggressive anti-vax Face Book group, but when the LAPD finally put their foot down and said they were going to begin arresting protesters, the fun went out of being obnoxious, and the protests have apparently stopped. All in all, we are less vigilant than we were a month or two ago. I'm going to have lunch in a real restaurant tomorrow with my buddy out in Valencia. But still wary. We will eat outside on a patio, even though both of us are fully vaccinated. I wear a mask while putting gas in the car at Costco (and of course while shopping inside). At work, all our documents are sent by e-mail, no hard copies anymore, unless there are a lot of tabs. We are thinking about a trip overnight to Palm Springs -- first time in a hotel since last summer's trip to Yosemite. Big improvement in our ability to get out of the condo. And a very welcome relief !
April 27, 2021
I received my second vaccination shot last week and I am still so excited. All I see are beautiful colors, like in this mandala. I am working on being hopeful.
April 27, 2021
Since April 14, 2020, I've been creating a daily Haiku accompanied by an image and posting it on my Facebook page. This is my Haiku from April 19: Day #366 Haiku in Corona Time So many changes Sadness and uncertainty Need to acknowledge
April 28, 2021
Siempre he sido aficionado al futbol (soccer), pero por los tiempos que vivimos no podemos asistir a los estadios para apoyar al equipo de mis amores. El año pasado justo por estas fechas acompañe al equipo hasta la ciudad de Ibague en Colombia para un partido de la Copa Libertadores. en esta ocasión hay que conformarse con comprar una par de gorras del Macará y ver los partidos por TV, justo en este momento estamos viendo el partido del Barcelona con el PSG.
April 30, 2021
This is a card that the local school kids sent to the ICU. Every time I walk by it, I smile and say Yes.
April 30, 2021