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COLLAGE in PANDEMIC Covid MAP HUMOR on iphones with shared emails Llama (lama) means “WHY” in Hebrew BOOKS my salvation in a pandemic JOY - we Seek it each day 💙 COLLAGE in PANDEMIC
February 10, 2021
No one I know was infected with the virus. I am probably the last in the world and it may change, but so far, no.
February 10, 2021
Using Various Virtual Platforms such as ; ● Youtube ● Facebook ● Snapchat ● Microsoft ● Parties Online
February 11, 2021
When considering money, I have big concerns because a lot of the money distributed by government isn’t going to people who really need it. I as well as many friends I’ve talked to are retired and living on fixed incomes. We all qualify for this financial help because our incomes are relatively low, but yet we don’t have any financial need. Most of us live in homes with no mortgage and easily live within our needs. All of us have affordable healthcare. Some of us have pensions or social security and the security of some investments. Most of us travel modestly and vacation occasionally. None of us are in danger of being homeless or food challenged. We don’t need the money from the government. After the first two dole outs, I made donations to charities, but would rather that the government put more consideration into qualification for receiving future enhancements. There must be many more like us who have little real need.
February 11, 2021
Me sentí muy feliz porque, a pesar de las circunstancias, me logré certificar por el Ministerio de Educación de mi país, como tutora virtual y a distancia por un período de 5 años. Todos los años intento hacer algo que me haga sentir que no estoy estancada, que estoy caminando hacia alguna meta personal importante. Casi siempre enfoco mis esfuerzos en el campo educativo o de capacitación: trato de aprender algo nuevo o de mejorar mis habilidades. Este año inicié muy bien con un curso sobre las estrategias educativas de colaboración en el ámbito virtual. Pero luego, vino la pandemia y casi todos los planes que tenía cambiaron. Surgió esta posibilidad de certificarme gracias a un voluntariado que realizo desde el año pasado. Me esforcé por completar las fases del proceso de certificación y este es el resultado: lo logré. Estoy muy feliz. Incluso tengo un chiste personal sobre el proceso, ya que estaba con esa gripe fuerte que me dio cuando me tocó grabar un video para el proceso de certificación. Le llamo mi video COVID-19. Lo cierto es que, cuando veo que otras personas dicen que el año 2020 fue un año de mi*rda, yo no coincido con eso. Es cierto: mi trabajo quedó congelado, pasé serios problemas económicos, me tuve que acoger al programa de ayuda gubernamental, me enfermé, me tuve que mudar... Aún así no siento que el año tenga la culpa. Fue un año difícil, pero somos nosotros, como humanidad, los que nos hemos puesto en esta situación. El año no tiene la culpa en sí. Todos esperan que termine. Terminará, sin duda. Lo importante será continuar encontrando estas razones de felicidad en lo que venga. De eso se trata la vida.
February 11, 2021
My mother passed away in 2019, following a brief and brutal battle with pancreatic cancer. She is never NOT on my mind, but she especially has been on my mind this past week, and I have notice myself feeling sadder and missing her more than usual. I think it is because in my state, people who are 75+ are recently eligible to get the COVID-19 vaccine, and if my mother were still alive, she would have just turned 75 a few weeks ago. I am still in touch with her closest friend, and I recently helped her navigate the online system to set up a vaccine appointment for next week. This is something that I absolutely, positively, without a doubt in my mind would have done for my mother too. I would have driven my mother entirely across the state if it meant that she could get a vaccine sooner. In some ways, I am glad that my mother was spared living through the COVID-19 pandemic. As weird as it sounds, I am grateful that if she had to get sick and die from pancreatic cancer, that it happened in the spring of 2019 instead of the spring of 2020 (even if it would have meant having more time with her). But, I miss her so much -- and I miss the triumph of helping her get her COVID-19 vaccine. How weird is that?
February 11, 2021
Watched some of the Impeachment proceedings. I saw the video footage that the Prosecution played. It was so disturbing. I felt as upset and dysregulated watching it as I had when I first saw some of this footage 1 month ago. I am having a hard time wrapping my head around how the congressional men and women who experienced this, and saw how the security struggled to defend them, can't find our former president guilty of inciting this. 5 people died because of his lies.
February 11, 2021
This has been a tough week. Dead of winter. Snow. Cold. Luckily my daughter has recovered, but I worry about her going back to work with anti-maskers. For me, the frustration continues over the pathetic roll-out of the vaccine here in Massachusetts. I kind of hit the wall this past weekend, "light at the end of the tunnel" comments notwithstanding. This feels like it will never end, never improve, never change. I feel isolated, having been in this house for 11 months and counting. We have two feet of snow on the ground, it's 20° outside and I am in despair.
February 11, 2021
Whenever I think about it, I get so angry that we still haven't gotten anything from our government other than some mealy-mouthed advice. Now they tell us to double-mask, depending on the mask. Great. And is your mask even any good? I dunno, take a look at this hard-to-use website. There are lots of fakes out there and we aren't doing anything to regulate them. Why doesn't every home have a set of government-issued safety supplies and a manual for how to use them correctly? It has been nearly a year. The latest CDC advice now mentions using a "mask fitter." I look up mask fitters and get a bunch of DIY guides. This isn't even an established product! Just something some researchers thought would be a good idea. Cool, love to make safety equipment out of wire hangers and rubber bands in a deadly pandemic. I know, I know, first world problems right?
February 12, 2021
Life changed today Notice arrived Register! Sign up! Today life changed Notice filled out Registered Signed up Both of us Together My husband His wife - me Both of us Together Vaccine for him Vaccine for me Close enough We could walk Put on his boots Lace up my boots Shot in his right Shot in my left March 13 A very special day!!
February 12, 2021
I am often surprised that I am not having stronger feelings. I worry that I’ve become desensitized to the death and destruction of the pandemic. That being said, I am sad that we are a year into this devastation and I constantly see people continue to scoff at it, refuse to comply with recommendations, and disregard public safety. I often feel angry when I see “influencers” and celebrities posting about their ongoing travel and luxurious dining experiences. I am angry that the choices others make impact so many of us who are trying to remain diligent and I am sad that this is the best we can do.
February 12, 2021
We and our children are so lucky that we can pay our bills. We know that so many people can't. It is a travesty. Our world shouldn't be like this. Joe Biden and his heart and kindness give me hope.
February 12, 2021
There's a constant fear of someone contracting the virus. Every little thing - a sore throat, random coughing, an allergy - puts everyone on edge. It's not very obvious, but everyone at home sort of quiets down and pauses for a bit when any one of us complains about not feeling well.
February 12, 2021
This week I got involved in another project perfect for CoVid time. Volunteering to help translate a whaling journal from the original cursive manuscript to text so it can be put online. I was transported away from this world to a time when men sailed from New Bedford to Hawaii to hunt whales. Some days they would lower the boats threes times and return with nothing. Other days they would not even see a whale, and on other days they may see as many as 30 ships all “cutting & boiling”. I can’t imagine the smells and gore, and certainly pityed the whales. It’s a reminder of how prolific so many resources were, and how carelessly we have plundered many of fthem into extinction or near extinction. I wonder now if even the very oceans that sustained this adventurous crew are too far gone. I hope not, but the debate between lives versus livelihoods has not been resolved and we don’t necessarily learn certain lessons quickly.
February 12, 2021
Last week I received an email with sign-ups for a vaccine and when I went to the websites, there were actually slots! So I signed up. I was feeling a little guilty because although technically I am an "educator" and therefore in group 1C, it's not clear when/if we're going back in person. But the rollout has been so chaotic, everyone said to me "just get the shot." So my husband drove me up to the site, and when they were checking me in, they said "Are you a health care worker?" I said "no, an educator." They said, "Sorry, this is a county site. We're only doing 1A." What a crazy mess. No wonder people are frustrated. So now I have an appointment at a mass vaccination site in March, but I'm going to call first to be sure I'm eligible. Apparently a ton of educators went to the same site I did and we were all turned away. Our county is being really strict with its doses through the county clinics. I'm not sure why. Meanwhile the state is now punishing our county by holding back doses because they're not being distributed fast enough. So now we have to look for statewide or pharmacy sites. Yikes. I'm trying not to stress about it. I'm just staying home as much as I can. Although my husband is back at work in a school and two weeks ago two of his coworkers tested positive and the principal didn't tell the other staff because of privacy. WTF? How is that even allowed? On an up note, we've been "traveling" to India via our airbnb guests from Delhi who have been cooking us wonderful meals. Tomorrow, in exchange, we're making blueberry pancakes and smoothies for them. It's been fun have foreigners here... we chat from a distance and exchange meals. Eases the stress of not being able to go anywhere by eating food from somewhere else!
February 13, 2021
Impeachment. Why are impeachment hearings being held for a president who is no longer in office? Impeachment is designed to remove someone from office. Isn't it? There are so many important things that need to be done in the USA, but our elected representatives are wasting time and taxpayers' money on a non-issue. Their behavior shows their lack of care and respect for those who elected them. It appears that they only care about their own arrogant agendas and egos. I am depressed about the ongoing and evolving virus, business and school closures, unemployment, isolation, hunger, and winter weather. The impeachment hearings not only add to my sadness, but make our country a laughingstock in the eyes of the rest of the world.
February 13, 2021
I'm choosing to write about this issue because this is the first time I'm hearing that there's a racist component to discourse about COVID! I suppose I shouldn't be shocked because so many things are interpreted through a racist lens when it comes to medicine as well as so many other issues. Living in France where no one talks overtly about race, though, has kept me in a bubble--and I would say that here, at least in the media and public discourse, race is really not at all discussed as playing any role in the pandemic, beyond the context of socio-economic disparity (e.g. the virus spreading more quickly in the banlieue where large families live in close proximity to one another; the children in those areas being worse affected by school closing/online learning)--which, of course, often correlates with race. The only connection to race that I've heard has come from the Indian community, where people are speculating about a magic/mythic South Asian gene that can help protect against catching the virus or mitigate its effects.
February 13, 2021
I've been thinking a lot more lately about life post-pandemic. But, it's hard to picture, and now I don't believe it will look at all like it did before the pandemic. I do believe I'll be able to interact and hug and see my loved ones again as before. But, that's going to take a long time still. I think it won't be until the Fall, or Winter of 2021 before we are able to be sort of normal again. But, I think we're always going to be thinking about the next pandemic or epidemic. That's always going to be on the back of my mind. I think the workplace is forever changed. The pandemic showed a spotlight on a lot of problems in our country: lack of access to healthcare, racism (in healthcare, workplace, elections, police enforcement, etc.), sexism, rampant increase of misinformation, and the radicalization of moderate conservatives and the rise in domestic terrorism (i.e. Militias, Proud Boys, KKK, etc.). My hope is that we'll work to make improvements in all of these areas because I really feel like we took a lot of steps backwards during the pandemic. I feel like we lost civility and what it means to look out for and take care of each other. Maybe it was always like that, but I think it got worse during the pandemic. I think overnight we went from trying to follow the Golden Rule to looking out for ourselves and our own.
February 13, 2021
No, but I want to be! I feel a real pull to various creative options--writing, clay, and of course music. None really an option right now for various reasons but definitely part of future vision once I move.
February 14, 2021
One year ago today we flew to Portugal for a business trip, and added on 4 days in southern Spain, Cordoba and Seville, to see something new, and continue our exploration of the Iberian Peninsula. We had spent a few weeks there in 2019, as well. We were beginning to read articles about a worldwide contagion, but no one knew what that really meant. No masks, no worries, just anticipation for another interesting trip. We flew out on a Friday, I recall, so that we could join up with others from the business side of our travels, to explore Sintra (pictured), a park area outside of Lisbon proper that is filled with castles and beautiful wooded areas. Beside the business that my husband did with this group, I had traveled with them for more than 10 years, and so we were looking forward to cameraderie during the first part of our travels, and then a fascinating getaway to what had once been a center of Jewish life, and tragically, after 1492, became the center of the Inquisition. One year ago we were packing for a trip. One year ago we were counting on business, history, romance, identity, incredibly delicious food, adventure and just plain fun. One year later, we aren’t packing, that’s for sure. Not only haven’t we traveled in 272 days, we haven’t even left the house for a few, because it is really, really cold outside (5 degrees Fahrenheit this morning). My husband is recovering from surgery, and hasn’t been “out and about” for almost two weeks. So here we are: no passports, no travel, no room service, not seeing friends, no wandering about, no adventures, just home. Not that I’ve ever been on lockdown before, it hasn’t been horrible. We are incredibly lucky. We have a market across the street, we have a roof over our heads, and a lovely home where we used to house constant visitors. We have Zoom and TV and phones, of course, so it’s not bad. But it would be nice to get out, if we could. While my husband is already over 65, I’m not. Thus, we aren’t old enough — or connected enough — to be on the list for vaccines. We are likely to remain here for quite some time. My excitement for today is to participate in a quilt ‘zetreat’— a day in my sewing room, tackling UFOs (UnFinished Objects) and NYSes (Not Yet Started projects), while keeping my iPad tuned to Zoom with my quilt guild friends. Since 2002 I have spent a weekend every January on a quilt retreat on Cape Cod, about 90 minutes from here, with other members of this guild. While this version is fun, it is a poor substitute for the real thing, a real getaway with laughter and learning, and a sense of accomplishment. No hot tub time, no dashing into a fabric store for a bit of this or that. No chocolate! No gift swap. There is, however, a sense of accomplishment as I check projects off of my ToDo list. Just a few more months, and I might actually clean up my colorful project room. For now, however, I long for a few mid-winter days off that could be spent outdoors, in the lap of luxury, with hot tubs, and swimming pools, and hiking trails and and sunshine, and starlit nights, and calm.
February 14, 2021