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I am a business owner who has to deal with the public so it really affected my business.There was an over all affect on my life because I have a lot of older family members so I can not go around them because of their fear of exposure.I was more worried about my parents and older siblings than myself. I got COVID when I was in prison and the health care system sucks in there. I had to persevere through my trials and tribulations to survive. I actually caught COVID twice the first time I did feel bad it was hard to get out of bed cause I had severe symptoms like flu symptoms but a little worse.Then when the institution finally started to test people almost 800 out 1000 people had COVID at the institution I was at.That was sad to see people dying and health fall apart because of a unknown source.My second time having COVID I did not have any symptoms but I tested positive for almost six weeks this really put a strain on my respiratory system cause I have asthma and have already had upper respiratory infections so contracting COVID absolutely frightened me cause I didn’t want to possibly pass away with out any family or support.
June 19, 2021
The split between the haves and have nots has become more pronounced - This observation refers to countries as well as groups in the US. We cannot forget that COVID is still raging across the world, especially in what we call "third world countries." The US, with all of its resources, has been able to put a dent in the disease, with diligence and good leadership. It is still the case in the US that the poorest among us have not yet been vaccinated. These include those who depend on hourly employment and cannot afford to take time off to get the shot, or worry about getting sick after the second shot and cannot risk missing work. We are beginning to see a racial gap between those who have been vaccinated and those who are not. I read that Hispanics are the largest group WANTING to get vaccinated, that has not yet been able to do so.
June 20, 2021
... In my community of recovering addicts and alcoholics, I felt like we really pulled it together when covid happened. We understand and know that if we don't have human connection we are more likely to self destruct by using substances. We quickly assessed meetings on zoom and soon there was a whole slew of meetings all throughout the day and a few at night. There's international ones, in our country, state, and small community. We put together face groups communicating and reaching out to one another, organized chairs for meetings, put together openers, closers and prayers for the meetings that we would do in regular meetings. It was different, but we did the best we could to make it like a normal meeting. Believe it or not, I met a lot of people in my community that I haven't ever seen before, just because maybe we go to different groups here in town (there's quite a few different NA and AA groups in each town). Numbers were high for those meetings for awhile, but as soon as we could get back into the rooms, we did. Now here is where the problems started, when to go back, how many people in the room, enforcing masks and so on. The problem with this was, so you could only allow ten people in a room for awhile, well who would be the person to tell that 11th struggling addict they had to leave? This was a problem for our community because we know very well what the cost is of something like this. We know it doesn't take much but one bad decision to end up with death. And at the time, it was likely people relapsing, jails were closed, drug testing for the courts was closed (which I have never seen in my life). There was ample reason and opportunity to relapse, and could live with yourself if you were that person to tell one struggling to leave? I know I couldn't. Meetings are vital to our community and to recovery people. They are a lifeline, a means to live through an hour, a minute, a day. It's what keeps us sane, clean and healthy, one day at a time.
June 20, 2021
I wrote about this in my previous entry. Lots of family and friends in India, weary of the pandemic, so many people still dying and suffering and getting sick. Our immediate family still ok, but lost a dear cousin at age 40 this week, a young mother and working woman. Devastating loss for us all. Our immediate family is ok in terms of money and food and everything, but it's mentally taxing. Hard to get vaccines, shots delayed or not available. We desperately need global vaccine equity.
June 20, 2021
The biggest news event is that the US is getting into multilateral agreements with other countries to help vaccinate the world!
June 20, 2021
Today we painted rocks and it reminded me of things we used to do when we were stuck at home early in the pandemic. Crafting at home is much more fun when we can also choose to be out doing other things! This little project seems to represent a turning point for us. So much of our life feels normal again because all of our friends are vaccinated and we can spend time with the people we love.
June 20, 2021
There are a lot of feelings being experienced right now and for me personally it's sadness. I feel sad because with the restrictions being lifted this week I feel like we are setting ourselves up to fail. I feel like we just got to a good solid point and while COVID-19 is around it is always going to be something we watch out for yearly. That saddens me. It makes me sad to know that there are people not taking any of this seriously and want to claim that they "knew it all along". Then there are the people who did everything they were asked and are getting treated badly by other people calling them "sheep". Look we all have our own opinions on what to do or how to do it but antagonizing others needs to stop. When are people going to be kind to one another?
June 21, 2021
My rent went up. The rental office claims "extra maintenance costs" due to the pandemic. That's total bullshit. They neglected lots of routine maintenance with the pandemic excuse. The complex's laundromat had reduced hours during most of the pandemic. Other services weren't available during the pandemic. I know for a fact they didn't honor state laws suspending rent payments for a time, and the people hurt by it didn't have the resources to fight it. Astronomically soaring rent in this city has become a local housing crisis. As for me, I'm trapped. I can barely afford this place, and I cannot afford to move. I can't move to a more affordable city because I work here and don't have a car. And I can't buy a car, because prices are up 30%. And the property owners are basically a cartel, agreeing not to undercut each other on rental rates. It's medieval, downright medieval, how much of our population simply cannot be truly free citizens because a landlord's word is the last word. They can get away with breaking the law for no other reason than everyone else is too tired and too poor to challenge them. I am, mostly, fine. I am able to pay rent, feed myself, and pay my bills. But I know that no matter what I do, I'll never get much further than that. I have endless, bottomless hatred for the bloated rich who take everything until there is nothing left to take. I have nothing but contempt for the rich people whose solution to society crumbling around them is to build a bunker to save themselves. And these people think the "God" they worship will look favorably on them?
June 21, 2021
The Coronavirus has affected my life right now very good. This may seem a little weird, but it has helped me to not leave things for last minute. For instance I started a job, and still made time to complete my work on time. I am now unemployed, but that job has taught me a lot and I am very proud I learned to become independent money wise
June 21, 2021
We finally went on our first outing as a family to see other people this weekend, and it was to a birthday party where we knew everyone was going to be vaccinated and the party was going to be held outdoors. We actually aren't going to our niece's birthday party this weekend because people in attendance won't be vaccinated. I know the transmission rate is low and we are getting to herd immunity, but I'm not taking chances at this point with my child's heath. It felt really good hanging out with other people outside, and I hope that we made the right decision to go to the party.
June 21, 2021
I've written about it before, but I am still very worried about my parents, who are older and have health conditions but refuse to get vaccinated. They have refused all of my efforts to convince them that it is safe to get the shot, as well as all my attempts to make a moral or emotional plea for them to reconsider. While I respect the fact that people have a right to make their own decisions, this is an issue that affects not just the unvaccinated individual but the global population in general, so I feel there is a moral obligation to "do your part" by helping to stop the virus from spreading or mutating. I have also tried to point out the fact that we can't spend time with them as much as we would want, and that they've been missing out on my son's life and I would hope they'd value the time with their grandchild as stronger than their concerns about the vaccine. The reasons they give me usually have mostly to do with the safety, the speed of development and lack of testing, and other more average concerns over the vaccine. But the fact that I also hear them repeating misinformation from people and the internet leads me to believe that something more concerning is really driving their resistance. I fear not just for their health, but for the way they've come to listen to and often believe conspiracy theories and misinformation. This is something that I fear with last beyond the pandemic and affect their decision-making and thinking for the rest of their lives. It's really disturbing some of the things that they say they've heard and believe. And it's becoming more prevalent in general in society, this spreading of rumors and misinformation and conspiracy theories that are skewing how people see the world. It's disconcerting, if not downright scary!
June 22, 2021
I am concerned about two groups of teenagers, one is those that weren't doing great in school and didn't learn well with virtual lesson be, so they have gotten further behind. The other group that I'm concerned about is those who either had emotional problems already, and COVID made them worse, or had a difficult time adjusting to lockdown and are suffering emotionally now and in the future as a result.
June 22, 2021
This is a vax site near my house. It's been there all week and been empty like this. This makes me so sad. And angry. We (USA) are sitting on so many vaccines and people here are not taking them, while all over the world people need them. My sister in the UK JUST got her first shot and has to wait until Sept for #2. My friends in Spain, still waiting for theirs. A friend in Ireland still not vaxxed. Never mind what's unfolding in Latin America and what's about to hit Africa (Can you say Delta Variant?). I can't wait for the vaccines to receive full authorization so that places can mandate them. Methodist Medical in Houston did the right thing, terminating the employees who wouldn't take it. Medical workers not getting the vaccine!!! Crazy!
June 22, 2021
Today I rode the bus and light rail to a doctor appointment. I hadn't been on the transit for over 15 months and was both excited and a bit apprehensive about the trip. I had been relying on friends to help with necessary transportation but now that our world is opening back up again, everyone is getting busy with their lives. And I had really wanted to regain some of the very independent lifestyle that I had pre-pandemic. But it felt very strange to me and I was glad to finally get home. Passengers are required to wear masks on the buses and trains but I rarely saw much compliance. People really are acting like the pandemic is over. The people who had masks were mostly wearing it as a chin strap or around their neck. As an immunocompromised individual, I found myself feeling very uneasy around all this. News about the new variants scare me and I wonder if I will ever feel comfortable around so many people in an enclosed space again. That would be very sad.
June 22, 2021
My friends in Mexico and Thailand have all come to US to get vaccinated because they can't get the vaccine over there. I have mixed feelings about that -- on the one hand I think it's good that my friends are able to get vaccinated, but I think of the poor people who aren't able to travel and how they are stuck with no vaccines. It makes me mad especially with the Mexican government because they seem so incompetent and they haven't been taking the pandemic as seriously as they should.
June 22, 2021
Sí, mi vida, mis actividades, mi seguridad, mis emociones, mi sensibilidad, todo ha cambiado. Claro que el virus ha venido a sembrar incertidumbre en todo. A un año de su llegada aún no recupero esa seguridad, aún no vuelvo a ser la misma, aún sigo en espera, aún espero, espero….
June 23, 2021
I think about the disparities between white neighborhoods and black and brown neighborhoods, especially in relation to receiving the COVID vaccine. It is appalling to hear the differences in numbers of those who are vaccinated vs. those who are not. The detailed information of the race of the human beings in each category simply shouldn't be happening. Black and brown people should have access, in any way, to receive the vaccine and that includes rides to and from, which I know has been a big problem in some parts of the country. While I was able to go online and easily make my appointments, drive there and back without any stress or issues, was a gift I was very aware of. I know there are too many communities where people are simply not able to use the internet, or even the phone to make vaccine appointments. Where is the assistance for these human beings? I feel as if it were there in the beginning, but I haven't heard of it continuing in the same way for the past couple of months. There should be "Vaccine Vans" that go directly to neighborhoods where racial and ethnic communities need the vaccines the most. Go TO them. It's so simple, yet the politics of it continues to block the necessary help for those in need, mostly in black and brown communities. All I can say is, I watch you and I see you - Republicans.
June 23, 2021
I remain very uncomfortable about being indoors with people. I had to leave a museum. It just did not feel safe. I think it will take a while, but I am going to move at my own pace, I have a very wait and see attitude since too many people are not vaccinated yet. I feel like it's pretend, all the we are back celebrations. Are we?
June 23, 2021
It's been a rocky year for everyone and I've certainly had my ups and downs, but I think one positive change from the pandemic has been a more open conversation about mental health. It seems more okay to say you're not okay now than ever before in my life. I find it easier to represent what's truly going on with me and easier to understand what's going on with others for this reason. I also feel more aware of my own ups and downs and have more strategies for addressing them (like meditation).
June 23, 2021
Pandemic Task: Consider good memories Take all running medals Our of their drawers In the attic. Mount all marathoning Medals in large Shadow box. Three more shadow boxes Fill with shorter races. One more box will go elsewhere Now all good memories To savor each day Reminders of one couple Who ran together Montreal? Alles madame!! Athens Greece? Chariots of Fire? Boston Marathon One week before our Ct wedding !! Boston Marathon After six months chemo? Essential workers: 1/2 marathon Virtual ! Together! Last Pandemic Fall 2020. Good memories We had the time The medals hold love.
June 23, 2021