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The delta variant is no joke. Cases are spiking and I knew that the "honor code" around masking wasn't going to work. Now people are also confused because the CDCs is recommending masking in certain indoor situations. I spoke to someone at a local community health care center and they said that the hospitals are full, but the deaths aren't recorded as COVID-related. People with underlying conditions are waiting to go to the hospital, but their conditions are being exacerbated by COVID. So even though COVID is the issue, they're recorded as going in for their other condition.
July 29, 2021
Last week, As KOREA's Covid19 management guidelines were in the fourth phase(4Degree), I could not travel to Seoul, the capital of South Korea, as business trips to the region were restricted. The Delta virus, which has mutated Covid 19, is spreading from Seoul to the provinces. On the other hand, I'm going to receive a MODER vaccine on August 3, 2021, but received a text message saying it would be changed to a PFIZER vaccine due to a disruption in supply and demand.
July 29, 2021
La ciencia es más importante para mí ahora que antes. Pienso que la ciencia se ha desvalorado ante otras "estrellas del mercado", sin embargo, la ciencia es la que nos salva y puede encontrar las formas para superar la pandemia. La ciencia y los científicos han buscado las maneras de responder rápidamente a la situación que enfrentamos. Los países que han invertido en ciencia y científicos tienen mejores respuestas para su población. Los países como el mío tienen que esperar por los descubrimientos del primer mundo. Ojalá esta situación global resulte en un mayor apoyo a los científicos y sus búsquedas para mejorar el bienestar de la humanidad.
July 29, 2021
Going to the store is a dance. Wear a mask? Don't wear a mask? I live somewhere with a strong anti-mask sentiment, so I'm afraid of getting harassed if I put one on.
July 30, 2021
My older daughter, who was fully vaccinated, had a routine colonoscopy last Monday. It was fine, but soon after she developed fever and a severe headache. The fever is gone, but a severe headache continues relentlessly. Her internist ordered a Covid test. She had the test today. Results in a couple of days. She could have caught Covid in the place where she had the colonoscopy, said the doctor. Possibly the evil variant. Will this ever end?
July 30, 2021
We took my son to an aquarium this week and it was so nice to have an outing to enjoy together. After so long with everything closed, restricted, or too risky, I have so much gratitude for these times when we get to go out and feel normal again. It was also a happy day because my son, who is quite cautious and tends to withdraw from uncomfortable or risky-seeming things, did something that for him was very brave. We were at the touch tank and we kept showing him how fun and safe it was to touch the rays. The aquarium staff explained that they have no teeth and their stingers are removed. But he wouldn't do it, not even once. However, about 45 minutes later, he asked to go back to the touch tank. He put his hands in the water, touched many of the rays, and even fed them a few fish. He was really excited, and I was so proud of him for getting up the courage to go back and try. We had seen some regression in him with the isolation of the past year, but this was a hopeful moment of progress and growth!
July 30, 2021
I think the world changes regardless, how can it not with almost 8 billion humans in this planet. Do I think a spotlight has been cast upon areas of life that make us uncomfortable, more than in any time in modern history, probably. But do I think there will be long term changes that will stem from this spotlight. Unfortunately no. Not in my lifetime, maybe … but for my kids kids, my future grandkids, there is hope. Systemic problems need to be corrected starting with a generation of people - my girls are 15 and 16 - and have watched our societal “norms”, or inequalities be showcased this year. They have witnessed the baffling craziness of the lengths to which someone will go to retain power, and not in a good way. This is the generation no one is paying attention to right now, but for the next election cycle, they will be front and center. These kids are old enough to make informed decisions, and could follow the election, but we’re not old enough to vote. By the next election cycle they will be old enough to vote and that could change everything for generations to come. At least a generation that might give a hoot about racial and gender equality and therefore make an impact for their own lives and future generations. Should be interesting to see that unfold.
August 1, 2021
My grandsons car broke down and I sent him a check to help him. I was overwhelmed when he said not only do I have HIS back, ...he has mine. And- He has had my back in the past. His car insurance would allow him to have a loaner car from dealer, but Covid has cancelled that because loaner are gone. Hertz /Avis rentals are 2-3 times what the rates were before Covid.
August 1, 2021
7/27/21 About a week ago, the kids had something boring for dinner (frozen pizza, I think), and my love made us a really delicious trout with polenta, which we ate on the porch with white wine. It was so good the kids stole bites.
August 1, 2021
Nothing could have prepared us for this past year. Im pretty sure we don't know the real sacrifices we have made yet and Im glad we cant see that now. I do see some hesitancy again about a fourth wave… its in the sir. We are all a bit traumatized and scared still. Im not sure why they announced no more testing or quarantining soon in AB… that is just confusing to me at this point. I guess we are assuming the variants are not too concerning to the vaccinated. I just wish my 20 year olds would get vaccinated and my dad. Like it is stressful as things open up more and I know the risk will go up. They had a chance… and feel its too risky to get it. Im tired of trying to motivate them anymore to do it.
August 1, 2021
This is a bewildering time in the pandemic with conflicting, shifting messages from health authorities and governmental agencies. According to the state Department of Health, New Mexico is 65% fully vaccinated and had been re-opening steadily. Movie theaters, restaurants, bars, offices -- it was wonderful to feel like we were on the upswing. But with the increase in the infectiousness of the Delta variant of the virus, we're reinstating measures. Starting Monday everyone is instructed to wear masks again at my workplace, the University of New Mexico. These signs at the Frontier Restaurant on Central Avenue right across from the University illustrate the erratic feeling of this period. One says, hopefully, "Customers who are Fully Vaccinated may enter without a face mask." The other, larger sign says, "For Dine-In or Take-Out Orders Placed Inside We are REQUIRED to ask you for CONTACT TRACING INFORMATION". It's like they are from two different periods of the pandemic. It's challenging to sort out what rules and norms apply at the moment.
August 1, 2021
I found this memorial someone left on the beach at Far Rockaway and began to think about all the lives we lost this year. So many people have died this year, not all of them from the pandemic but many of them did die from the pandemic. I am thinking about what we are doing to the planet with all our progress. We produce so much trash there is no room for it anymore. Our salaries are so low people who are working still can’t afford housing yet inflation doesn’t stop. Landlords keep raising rents yet many of the tenants are behind in their rent, yet the property taxes keep going up. There is so much going on, the earth keeps spinning, the sun keeps rising and babies are bing born. I should be hopeful and happy yet many days I am afraid. Afraid of the future for me, my children and my grandchildren. I am writing a gratitude journal and am trying to be happy and positive. I made a wedding this year, next week I am making a birthday party for my one year old grandson. We have to celebrate the good times. Life is short, I am making it sweeter.
August 2, 2021
Well, June and July (2021) were a brief respite in which we could imagine we saw the light at the end of the tunnel. However, in the last 2 weeks, it's become increasingly clear we are in the middle of the pandemic, with the end unclear, and the light we imagined is merely the headlight of the Delta variant express in the tunnel. Really tried to feel compassionate for the unvaccinated, hesitant, and those who refuse outright out of personal liberty. I'm sort of losing that capability... (Is drinking and driving personal liberty? No - because it can harm others, not just the individual who does it). I've been wearing my mask indoors all along (in public spaces, not in small places where I knew everyone's status). I do not enjoy it, but it is a really, rather minor annoyance for the safety of my community, immunosuppressed, children not yet eligible, etc. And now, due to the surge in delta cases fueled by the unvaccinated, and to a lesser degree involving the vaccinated, we are again under an indoor mask mandate. And the risks will only grow, as the kids return to school and Fall weather drives everyone indoors. Being vaccinated still safer than not, but sadly have learned we can transmit it at same rate as the unvaccinated. The alpha variant was 2x as transmissable as the original SARS-Cov2, the delta variant twice as transmissable as alpha. If only there were some kind of trend here anyone could ascertain?(!?!?) Until we are all safe, no one is safe. Until we are all safe, no one is safe. Until we are all safe, no one is safe. Until we are all safe, no one is safe. sigh.
August 3, 2021
Today I felt compelled to comment on a Covid related Facebook post that I disagreed with. Why did I feel the need to comment? Who knows. I know I’m not going to change anyone’s mind and I’m certainly not interested in getting into an argument with the Facebook connections of a former childhood friend of a friend! And yet, I posted then edited twice before being satisfied with my comment. I was civil and (I believe, I hope) not snarky, and the responses were civil and not particularly snarky, although to me their logic was seriously flawed. I couldn’t think of anything I really wanted to say that would add value so I didn’t respond further. And hence here we are: who knows how many more or less reasonable civil people who can’t or won’t engage in a conversation about the most immediately important issue of ours and our children’s lifetimes because we’ve already decided we can’t change minds. Or because we know we’re not willing to change our mind so why even discuss. I hope someone smarter than me is able to come up with good dialogue ideas to get people talking and open to actually hearing each other. Of course it’s not really fair because I hope in the end people would agree with me and get vaccinated, but I’m not sure I’m willing to seriously consider any Google-researched opinions about why I shouldn’t vaccinate my kid against a life threatening disease. So, back to just lurking and silently judging people I wouldn’t have given a second thought about were it not for Facebook and Covid…
August 4, 2021
Our 15yo son is orienting at his first ever job today! Long delayed by the Pandemic, but it’s a big day for him and us!!! 👏🏼
August 4, 2021
Princesses on the run. For the first time in almost 2 years I boarded a plane and flew to Colorado to be part of my sister's surprise 70th birthday celebration. And, I met my second grand niece for the first time. She is 14 months old. Her sister is 4. This picture was taken a few months ago. The youngest has no idea that she was born during a pandemic. The oldest only knows that she has to wear a mask when she goes to pre-school. But, on this day the only thing that was important was running down the sidewalk in princess dresses. Fear not. The "driveway boundary" was observed and mom was watching closely.
August 4, 2021
Really anxious about all of the news of delta. After our family reunion, I learned that not everyone who could be vaccinated was. I was then annoyed with the organizer who had stressed that vaccination was a prerequisite for attending. She knew about this person, but did not let us know ahead of time. I guess that everyone longs for the good old days so deeply, that many succumb to magical thinking.
August 4, 2021
I'm tired of the news. I'm tired of the conspiracy theories, the feigned outrage, and the willful ignorance. I'm tired.
August 4, 2021
The delta variant has me really scared. I live in a highly transmissible area of the country and am immunocompromised. As it is, I am still dealing with an extreme allergic reaction to an infusion I had back in June so am not in the best of spirits. It's been difficult to get appointments to get this problem solved. And I just learned this afternoon that a close friend has tested positive for covid. We had our vaccinations together back in March. She says she is doing fairly well but I am still worried about her. She's worried about me because we spent time together at the end of last week. It's all pretty depressing and scary.
August 4, 2021
Seeing a fully stocked and ignored shelf of Lysol tells me things have shifted. Not only in the way we think about transmission but regarding anxiety level. Also - apparently everyone at Old Navy is allergic to masks. People are acting like everything is totally fine...
August 4, 2021