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June 29, 2020 | 10:52 pm I've been thinking a lot about how Coronavirus is like 9/11. Before, you never had to remove your shoes and could bring any liquid size. Now, TSA always requires you take off your shoes and it can only be 3 oz. for a carry-on. And that's how things are. Similar to COVID-19. You put on a mask and maintain you six-foot distancing. That's how things are. We've adjusted. I've also been thinking about wearing a mask. Why is it so political? Is it because of the party leaders who have been wearing them? (Or not). Is it because of the reopening of economies in different states? Why are people upset? Is it because they feel like they're being forced?
July 6, 2020
Corona is getting on my last nerve. I am starting to forget what life was like before it entered our lives. Tomorrow, I am going to the dentist. This is my first appointment in four months and the first time I will be seeing and interacting with someone other than my husband. I am nervous.I'll let you know how it goes. I am not a vain person, but I would like to get my hair cut. The possibility exists that I will get my hair cut by my hair stylist of almost 30 years, in his backyard. He lives close by so I, hopefully, will not have to go to the bathroom--heaven forbid!! I'll let you know if that happens. I have doubts about that activity. The flowers on my balcony look lovely, but I am so enthusiastic that I might be watering them to death.
July 6, 2020
I am very worried about businesses that will probably not survive this pandemic.I am worried about schools and jobs that will not survive this pandemic. Amazon will do great and those people will get richer and richer while other people will lose their jobs and homes. This is totally unfair and evil. I am starting to understand the Black Lives Matter Movement in more profound and meaningful ways than I ever understood it before. This is a real plus in my life. I love seeing Confederate statues toppling down. I loved seeing the statue of Frank Rizzo in Philadelphia topple down. Good things must come out of all of this. Maybe the Pandemic is part of God's Plan for an eventual better world.
July 6, 2020
COVID-19 has HUGELY affected both my ability to work and the work that I was doing. In a nutshell, my industry, which had been booming, full swing, prior to March 2020, currently no longer exists due to the virus. Pre-pandemic, I worked part-time as an Experiential Marketing Specialist, or Brand Ambassador (BA) in the promotions industry. This work required a person to be flexible about doing a multitude of tasks while onsite at a promotion. She must have a super positive demeanor, be friendly to everyone and above all, be comfortable working front and center within large crowds of strangers at all times, like at the Westward Music Festival (pictured here). Although my personality skews towards introverted, I have been able to be a strong brand ambassador, regardless. This has been partly because I have been willing to wear so many different hats as BA while having fun in the process. I have done everything from donning an official, Universal Studios minion costume on a float in downtown’s Parade of Lights, to giving hand massages to anyone at a busy festival, wearing a sandwich board while being bounced around in a drunken crowd during St. Patrick’s Day celebrations, taking iPad leads at huge concerts and football games and so much more. Promotional work is social, entertaining and has enabled me to interact with different kinds of people from many walks of life with which I would never otherwise have had contact. I have enjoyed the work and am grateful for which I get booked. ... By early March 2020 when the highly contagious nature of COVID 19 became widely known (especially among large groups), my industry literally crumbled overnight. All work I did have in the pipeline literally disappeared into thin air. I was 100% job-free with absolutely no prospects of finding one drop of similar work to replace what I had lost. Unfortunately, I had tons of company. Everyone in my position suddenly found themselves completely out of work. ... Admittedly, I have had a degree of ambivalence towards working in an industry that sometimes has made its non-benefited workers chase after their pay and that largely exists at all to enable corporations to make more money. Thus, I have been willing to give only so much of myself, my time and energy to promotions. Possessing a master’s degree, I also know that I have other options if this pandemic (or anything else) makes exiting necessary. I can feel only so passionate about what this pandemic so clearly and painfully highlights as easily disposable, “non-essential” work. Despite these comments, I will also say that I have enjoyed striving to be the best BA I can be during the last 6-years and hope to contribute further to events when the work within the industry safely returns.
July 6, 2020
Yes, I do. I live in a very lefty DC suburb and everyone on the list serves has been looking out for those who are in need. The county gov and schools stepped in right away to continue with free lunches. Farmers are giving away food to people who are hungry. People are volunteering. People are wearing masks and overall being kind to one another.
July 6, 2020
There are several strong mutual aid societies popping up in my neighborhood and closeby and I am very heartened by them. After NYC cancelled city wide food scrap pick up for compost, a group of us claimed a piece of land to compost on and grow some food. The owner of the land is now open to negotiations. The opportunity for the community to come together in this way in the face of overwhelming stress and lack of political justice is so welcome.
July 6, 2020
I guess - kinda -- sometimes -- people are supporting one another. I actually think it is harder to support others during social distancing. You don't see people, and thus you don't think about them. People also get wrapped up in their own issues and have no energy left to support others. I wonder what are the cues that spur people to reach out to others. Visual cues? (when you just look miserable), vocal cues? (when you say you are fine but your tone indicates otherwise), behavioral cues? (when you do things that reveal that you need help), or other things... the things I can think of all require contact of some sort. I had an interaction with my far-away son this week that revealed to me how much he resented the fact that I may need some additional sensitivity because I am alone during a pandemic. I did not feel supported. I called several people when this happened, and 3 were helpful. One was not, but it wasn't her fault. She was very busy and in fact in the short conversation we had I didn't even bring it up. You always can't count on people to be there for you when you need them -- some of the people some of the time is about as good as it gets.
July 6, 2020
This has been a good week in my part of the country. Our numbers look good, and they are getting better. Meanwhile, there are some really scary numbers coming from the south and the west. What I don't understand are these people who have made a big deal about wearing a mask. Why? It makes me think that there are people in the US who care for no one but themselves, and to hell with protecting others - because, ya know, it is my right to be a complete jerk. Their thinking is warped. And when they get sick, we are all supposed to feel sorry for them. The fact that these people are not shamed by their behavior is a mystery to me. Meanwhile, I continue my "stock up for a year" project. I fear that things here will get bad again -- and that certain foods and commodities will be scarce again -- that online shopping will be overtaxed and that shipping will once again be overloaded with long delays. So I am preparing. All the staples I need for a year are now in my basement. Toiletries, dry goods, canned goods, soaps and detergents, and paper goods etc. This helps me worry less, and eases my mind. And -- even if we don't have another spike, I'll be all set for the next year on all these items. So -- win-win. Still working at home, and I see no end to this until we have a vaccine. They are talking about vaccine availability at the beginning of 2021, but I am betting on next Spring.
July 6, 2020
I really hate the fact that the president has tried to make the problem more about the economy than the the health of the people. By doing that he has gotten the masks to be a political symbol equating mask wearing with the democratic side of the upcoming election. I heard Trump referred to as the agent of chaos. This seems to fit him to a tee. He can’t rise to any level of competency by guiding the nation financially or medically. The racial issues, partly financial in nature, are even further complicated by Trump’s own bigotry. Again he becomes the agent of chaos. Then there is the fact that the president doesn’t even seem to read his press briefings to see that his cozying up to Putin has gotten him possible bounty to those who can kill American servicemen in the Middle East.... Unfortunately the economic impact will be huge. For good or bad, who knows now, this pandemic may permanently alter some institutions. One is the realm of small business and how it survives or not. The other permanent change may be in the way education is delivered. It should teach us about one major flaw in our economy and that is the huge number of people who live paycheck to paycheck. So many have not even a week to survive without pay, and they bear children into these risky situations. We should not have hungry children whose families rely on free breakfast and lunch programs at school. ...
July 6, 2020
I feel angry at those who have ignored lock down and the rules. They are so selfish thinking that this doesn't affect them. It affects everyone. My close friend has lost her mum because of this virus. She's only 21, her mum was barely 50. I am also annoyed at the Government that their selfish and arrogant attitude towards this virus has cost thousands of lives. Why are they not being held accountable? I am so glad Scotland has devolved power over health and education so we can make better choices compared to England. The amount of people who are always in the parks sitting in massive groups, even before it was allowed to have picnics, should be held accountable too. And what is with people not understanding the 2 meter rule? The amount of times I have to move out the way because they won't is infuriating, like, sure, I'll just press myself against a wall/ walk into the road to avoid you? I just wish everyone started taking accountability for their actions.
July 6, 2020
The idea of grids and separation comes about through the idea of 'social distancing'. Keep 6 feet away, we are told. The image here plays with the idea of individuals in a gridded pandemic system, the color and lines in between them denote the spread of infection, or in contrast, the human connections.
July 6, 2020
Oh! It's Tuesday again! How time flies when you are locked down and can't go anywhere. ... I submitted this photograph for the Newton Community Pride photography competition. ... This is what I wrote for my contest submission: "From the beginning of the Covid lock-down, I sewed more than 350 masks—asking only that recipients donate to the Newton Food Pantries. After completing each batch, I would tape labeled packages to our front door. When friends, neighbors, and others, came to pick up their masks, I would open the door a few inches, just enough to hear one another. I cherish those visits, as mask-making seemed like my only personal contact to the outside world. This photo was taken in early spring, less than one month into lock-down." When I look at it now, it seems like the distant past. Not that we aren't still locked down, but an endless cold and rainy spring ended with extremely hot summer weather, changing my mood from down and dreary to one of hope--until, of course, I remember what's really going on. ... Fortunately, the days are longer now. That's the good news. Difficult news is that almost everyone has been remarking how tough they think it will be once our days begin to darken. Technically, post-solstice, our days ARE darkening earlier. I refuse to acknowledge shorter days until after Labor Day!
July 6, 2020
This is my cart from Costco. I spent over $500 buying things we don't need, things we won't use, things we shouldn't have, and a few items from my list that we actually DO need or want. It was hard to push! I definitely had buyer's remorse as I approached the check-out line (but was too intimidated to share or go put anything back). I was also stress-shopping as a family member (not in my home) was in the hospital so I was (and am) worried. Every time I go to the store I buy as much of everything as I am allowed, especially canned beans, toilet paper, paper towel, chicken, bread, and more. I hope this doesn't become a problem for us.
July 6, 2020
The week was another year... Each day feels longer than years and the news makes those years become wishes - wishes for this all to have passed. Vaccines available, people’s health an actual priority, politicians who know what our country needs, change occurring daily with thoughts and ideas shared between unlikely groups, safety felt when walking down the street, children in school, jobs filled and hope for every color on everyone’s doorstep.
July 7, 2020
Health care has become politicized. Life and death has become politicized. I have no faith in the national leaders that I should be able to trust with my health and safety.
July 7, 2020
this is complicated since I'm doing the math of steady rises in cases on the east coast and midwestern states adjacent to us here in NYC and I've estimated that I will have to stay indoors for the next 2 years, and hopefully will no longer be the spirit of the cursed prophet Cassandra and have to once again make the choice of dragging my half rotting body to the mountaintops to scream against a backdrop of chaos for the sake of dying with fire in my lungs or if I just finally release myself from this voluntary show and go quietly into the night since the society I have been forced into doesn't care about me, and the novel times I hoped to be alive for, will just be fictional hopes from generations before me. If anything I am reminded of the generations after the wars waged in other countries, where children were robbed of their chances to dream. Children now may never see beaches, be outside for hours, see sunsets, see trees, they will not dream. They will grieve as I am for the things that will never be, that were promised generation after generation only to become a debt for the impulsivity of people who had their heydays, who saw the sun and laughed, who had children, who had money and a place to live and yet they just keep punching the future in the face with their immovable stances on how to do things the right way. It is no longer safe to think of a tomorrow, or a day outside in the world. Maybe dedicating my moments of robbed adulthood to the dark academia of studying death could be of use, or maybe just accepting the fact I was never meant to live gaily would be better. I am unsure what is the point of our continuation to hope if not for the sake of screaming into the nothingness. I am starting to believe in the theories of the universe being the corpse of a long-forgotten ancient diety and we are all just growing ecosystems of life, profiting off their physical absence. Strange that I was bargained into not believing in a just death for myself was not an option, but all I have lucked out on is dying with a cold calloused world of the global north setting itself on fire, and dooming what they could not conquer with it. We are all but crabs climbing on one another to avoid an assuredly painful death. I wonder what will become of the idea of a future. Will, there be the idea of dreaming again. Will nights be filled with the hum of hope again? Will the songs of dark times no longer keep us company? I do not know, all I do know is the scriptures of our history do not rhyme, they repeat themselves into prophecies, and we are all fools for believing in the notions of dead ghosts.
July 7, 2020
My mom and I went to CVS the other day, and we went into the cards aisle looking for picture frames or things related to arts and crafts. We were shocked when we saw how many cards were gone. As you can see, on the righthand side of the photo almost all of the 'Care and Concern' cards were gone, completely cleared out. When my mom saw it she gasped and put her hand to her mask. It was shocking. Our minds immediately jumped to the thought of so many people having the virus that the CVS almost ran out of cards. ... the implication of all of those cards being gone definitely makes you think.
July 7, 2020
One of my favorite things about this quarantine life has been my daily walks in Central Park around sunset. I walk all around the reservoir and everyday it is like God gifts me with a beautiful painting in the sky and I know everything is going to be OK. These are my moments of zen and I'm so grateful for them.
July 8, 2020
I am getting more upset by the day with this evil virus that has turned the world upside down. I want to be hopeful, but news that we will probably be in this state for a year or more is hard to take. I will try to stay hopeful nevertheless.
July 8, 2020
In January I moved across the country with my husband and daughter and in March there's a pandemic. the compounded effects of moving, leaving lots of friends and family and a job behind, and then being even more isolated by the pandemic has made me feel insanely anxious, like I am going out of my mind. I have also experienced really intense depression. This pandemic has made me put on hold all of my aspirations and plans. I have never had so much trouble sleeping. There have been nights where I turn out the lights only to be kept awake by my unrelenting heart rate. I feel like I have been in survival mode for months and I worry about the longterm effects of this on my health. I also feel like my body has aged ten years -- I have a lot more wrinkles on my face and my joints hurt. I am so sick of feeling this way that sometimes I feel furious with how stuck I feel. I am pretty sure I will never find a job and I have two masters. I am over qualified for most things and under qualified for everything else. On the other hand I am terrified that I will find a job because then I would have to put my daughter in daycare and I am so scared of her getting sick. No matter what I can't rest because everything is scary.
July 8, 2020