2775 entries
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“Retirement is not the end of the road. It is the beginning of the open highway.” Unfortunately, a mere two months after my January 2020 retirement, the presence of COVID-19 transformed that glorious and inviting open highway into a bleak "no through" road. My husband, who retired in August 2019, has repeatedly said that it feels as though we've been unceremoniously robbed of the freedom that we labored over four decades to secure. It is simply incomprehensible--like something out of a dystopian novel--that a dangerous virus could appear on the scene and immediately throw up a stop sign to effectively halt numerous aspects of our lives and those of others around the globe.
July 19, 2020
No, my political views have not changed as a result of this pandemic. It only shines a light on the suspicions and innuendo that many persons not elected to office suspect of their representatives. The pandemic is yet another opportunity for wealthy, well-connected members of society to profit from the events of late. This newest nonsense of Trump & Goya products is just another fleeting example that will be lost to the twitter-verse when the next 'scandal' drops. I wonder if this is not just a ploy by the Trump et al. network to profit from the anticipated and predictable rebellion that blue liberals have had to whatever the scandal is. I observe the reactions of persons (liberal, moderate, conservative, ignorant) and see it as a machine with predictable inputs and outputs.
July 19, 2020
On the positive side, I was offered a job interview. I have been trying to find a job for over 10 months, and finally am getting interview for a job I really want and that is also decently paid. The negative side is that I have to go to the interview in person. Which means travelling by train for over an hour. I haven't gone on any public transport since March 12. And I realized that going on the train scares me. I am worried about how safe it is. I am worried about what it is going to be like to wear a mask for that long. I am worried about what it's going to be like to be interviewed while wearing a mask. Or what do I do if they tell me I need to take it off?!?! I'm worried about what are the new social codes - that although there are rules, not everyone is following. And how does one REALLY keep distance while waiting for the tube or sitting on it? ...
July 20, 2020
Cielo Rosa 💗 Soy estudiante mexicana y vine de Intercambio a Buenos Aires, cuando empezó la pandemia del COVID-19, así que me encontraba en la disyuntiva de no saber si regresar a México o quedarme aquí, comenzé a llorar cuando me enteré que Argentina entraba en cuarentena obligatoria, yo sólo había llegado dos semanas antes, ni siquiera tuve tiempo para disfrutar, cuando sentí que todos mis planes se venían abajo, me acerqué al balcón de la residencia dónde vivo y pude ver este cielo color rosa maravilloso, entonces sentí un gran alivio, de una u otra forma sabía que todo iba a estar bien y que todo pasa! Por algo había llegado a Argentina, así que decidí quedarme, decidí pasar esta pandemia fuera de mi país y lejos de mi familia. Sola completamente sola! ¿Fue una buena decisión? 🇦🇷🇲🇽
July 20, 2020
Mañana es mi cumpleaños #20, me habría encantado poder celebrarlo como todos los años, pero la verdad es que la situación actual no me lo permite, siempre he sido una persona introvertida a la que le agradaba pasar tiempo en casa y con su familia. Este año ha sido demasiado bueno en mi experiencia, mi salud mental estaba en la basura para ser sincera antes de la pandemia, tuve algunos problemas y eso me causó una inestabilidad mental terrible, en estos meses de pandemia he trabajado en mi salud mental, y después de muchos años por fin he dedicado mi tiempo para mi, he reforzado mis inseguridades, he ayudado a otros a lograrlo, he creado de algún modo el mecanismo para hacerme feliz, me siento bien. Pero hay días que tan solo me gustaría poder salir al parque de mi zona a leer un poco, a sentir como el mundo vive. Siempre me ha gustado observar desde lejos como las personas viven su vida, y ahora es triste ver como todo a mi alrededor cambio tan rápido, la mascarilla se volvió una parte esencial del atuendo que vas a usar, lo superficial que veíamos antes en las personas desapareció, ahora nadie se arregla para salir, sino más bien, se proteje para hacerlo.
July 20, 2020
It's been weeks since I last made an entry. So much has happened. I am the third person in my nuclear family to be tested for COVID-19. I've been so sleepy and fatigued. I've missed work, and I'm falling behind on personal goals/projects/responsibilities. I oscillate between forgetting that I'm one of 3 in my immediate family to be "under surveillance" for COVID-19 to having it become an all-consuming spiral of what this means for our family if one or all of us becomes very ill if it should result in death, what does that mean for my family? I've not watched much news coverage for the last few weeks, it's too dreadful. I derive joy from looking out my window and seeing the blooms on trees in the summer breeze. Funny how I have always despised summer until now, the comforts of indoor climate control coupled with quarantine allows one to find pleasure in window shopping from the interior of one's home and observe life moving out of doors. That's all this week.
July 20, 2020
What brings me happiness these days? Knowing that my children and grandchildren are doing okay, physically and mentally. Reading. I feel very sorry for people who don't like to read. There is no end to enjoyment from reading. Only God will be able to help me if I can't read any more. Also, eating. Also, good television series--mostly foreign series. Lately, from France, Finland, Wales. Walking outside. God will have to help me once again if I can't walk anymore. Actually, I have been looking at apartment size exercise bicycles, etc. Maybe that will work out in the winter and when it rains. Who knows? Also, talking to friends. Actually, only some friends. The insensitive, stupid, narcissistic ones make me feel worse. Choose your friends wisely. I haven't always done that and it is coming back to haunt me.
July 22, 2020
Not being able to sing at church makes me sad at times. Singing online is okay but sure not the same.
July 22, 2020
This is Maisie. She keeps me sane and provides structure in this pandemic nightmare we're in.
July 22, 2020
My friend and I took in a 24 y o homeless woman and are helpless gm her get back on her feet and press charges against her domestic abuser
July 22, 2020
I started wearing my hamsa necklace again, hoping to keep the “evil eye” of my inner demons and external demons away. I know it’s, realistically, not powerful in that way but it’s comforting. Maybe that’s all I’m looking for: something to hope for and to feel comforted. Is that too much?
July 22, 2020
Early on in the pandemic, when everything was closed, my mom said that she missed hugs. She lives with one of my sisters (in an attached apartment), but because of Mom's age, my sister and her family were maintaining a social distance for her protection. That has since changed since they are in the same household. She hasn't been one to get out much anyway, so staying home has not been difficult for her. She misses us, her other daughters, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren. We were planning an eightieth birthday party for her in September, but I'm not sure that it will happen. So many disappointments from this pandemic.
July 24, 2020
The COVID pandemic is surging through the states of Florida, California and even Arizona which are large states here in the U.S. Hopefully the number of cases decrease and people take another step to the action of staying at home and avoiding large gatherings. I personally have been affected by it with getting sad news about my family members in Dominican Republic having the virus and struggling to get through the day and so my mother always check with them as if is a endless thing that she does. My mom worries every time because things are very concerning especially since Dominican Republic aren't as successful as this country when it comes to its finances. Other than the pandemic ravaging many parts of the world till this day I kind of worry about where I live at since there's bad things happening sometimes.
July 25, 2020
... I just learned a new word: coronacoaster. It helps define that combination of adjustment to/enjoyment of aspects of the new normal and the depressing uncertainty of this time. Yes, coronacoaster - our current amusement park ride.
July 28, 2020
Many of our acquaintances do not practice social distancing. They ask to spend time with the kids and I feel like we're being shamed for trying to keep our family safe. It's a bummer. ...
July 28, 2020
Everything seems normal until I remember it's not - then I remember actually it is, this is normal now. I worry about anyone coming too close, or going anywhere crowded. ... Watching the country is depressing and infuriating. The amount of people who don't seem to care, or who only care about themselves. Politicians who only care about their advancement and their party. People, normal people, fighting for equality and being stomped on for it. It's almost too much sometimes. I'm definitely drinking more than I used to.
July 28, 2020
Extraño mucho salir. No solo con amigos y la familia,, sino también la tranquilidad de poder salir a un espacio verde y sentirme segura viendo el mundo pasar, pero ahora no solo siento inseguridad de las personas que me rodean, sino que el mundo está detenido ante nuestros ojos. Es nostálgico y algo melancólico ver cómo muchas cosas han cambiado y como la tranquilidad ya no es la misma
July 28, 2020
Responded to texts from 2 friends regarding health of their child and wife, respectively. Commented to my husband about how nice it felt to "be a doctor again". This pandemic has stripped me from my usual experience at work as an inpatient hospital pediatrician and, in turn, the joy and fulfillment I usually receive from my job.
July 29, 2020
En un inicio, el hecho de tomar cuarentena fue agobiante. No soy una persona que se acostumbré a los cambios. Y este cambio fue demasiado radical. El salir en la casa da inseguridad, y eso que en México salir significaba exponerse a robos o asaltos, ahora el virus es un plus más. Por un lado he aprendido a ser menos materialista. Sin embargo, la ansiedad se ha presentado más frecuente en estás cuatro paredes. Sentía que la vida se había detenido. Pero me tranquilizó pensando que soy de los afortunados que aún cuento con un techo y que comer. Ahora, creo que me acostumbré a la existencia del virus. Creo que se cómo reaccionar si tuviera los síntomas. Y se cómo prevenir en enfermarme. Estos son los primeros pasos para un nuevo estilo de vida. Eso creo.
July 29, 2020
Participo en un grupo juvenil católico, nos reuníamos cada semana para impartir temas y compartir. Las medidas han hecho que debamos cambiar a la modalidad online. Ha sido todo un reto, el contacto humano es irreemplazable, pero nos hemos tenido que adaptar para hacer lo mismo que hacíamos presencialmente pero ahora mediante herramientas como zoom.
July 29, 2020