2775 entries
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I feel too depressed to write today. Things don't work out for me lately. I am not sure it is because of the pandemic. But it doesn't help that there is so much depression around. Friends, family, neighbors, the humus-seller in the square nearby, my children's teachers, a taxi driver I talked to, a supermarket worker - some lost their jobs or parts of it, all are very worried. A couple from my children's school is getting divorced. it is not because of the pandemic, but the months at home made the problems too clear to ignore. maybe that is also what happens to me.
July 29, 2020
Me siento inútil, no tengo trabajo desde que empezó en marzo la pandemia al principio tenía fé de que algo podía hacer pero ahora ya no estoy tan segura. Hay personas que no les ha afectado su vida yo me la paso entre la angustia miedo, coraje e impotencia y de paso envidia de ver que hay gente que hasta de vacaciones se ha ido
July 29, 2020
... As I'm writing this week's entry, Dad has just started playing "R-E-S-P-E-C-T" by the great Aretha Franklin from his iPhone and said that he was imagining Congresswoman A.O.C. walking away from her speech at the Capitol where she [ADJECTIVE] Rep. Yoho for his slander earlier in the week. Dad's cough is not getting any better. we're still waiting for his COVID-19 test results. He's been home for nearly a month awaiting test results. For someone who is used to being busy and working it's not easy for him to stay home. He's not abiding by strict quarantine guidelines. Our daily and family needs don't allow it. When data shows that BIPOC is disproportionately affected by COVID, I understand why. Although we have sufficient income to not worry about necessities like groceries, bills, and living expenses, the (extended) family relies on him for too much. I wish he could stay home and rest. I wish he could not worry about everyone else's worries. So Sunday was a nice departure from the daily COVID-19 grind. Dad napped throughout the morning and early afternoon after spending a few hours in the yard. I made fish tacos with homemade corn tortillas. Dinner was served with white wine. A fine Sunday if I ever knew one.
July 29, 2020
As a disabled person I have more access socially than before the pandemic because of everything being on Zoom so it's possible to attend. I miss seeing people in person though. My religious community is keeping me really connected through services.
July 29, 2020
Since the whole pandemic started it really didn't change how I look at stuff politically. To be honest I really don't pay attention to these types of things really. I did though pay attention to the governor when this whole thing started at first to see what he had in mind to lower the numbers. I can say he did an amazing job with the situation and kept the number of cases under control.
July 30, 2020
I don’t think it’s affected my political views that much but it has made me distrust in the government to a degree I never have before. Before, I had the belief that during times of hardship, the US would do the right thing by its people. That’s due to the privilege I have in my background, but as we get further into this crisis, I’m reminded of Tuskegee and the AIDS pandemic and my distrust that they are helping, or care enough to help, grows. I’m super pro vaccine, I’m a biology major, and want to work in a hospital, and at the same time I am so distrustful of the federal government at this point that I am not going to get that vaccine right away. They want to roll it out so low income communities and communities of color have “access first”. Maybe good intentions, but it’s not a good look. The major corona tests didn’t work well, the antibody tests aren’t checking for the right ones, they are so focused on results that they’re getting sloppy. I know enough about biology to know that you can’t get sloppy.
July 30, 2020
Throughout the state mandated stay at home law, I spent much of my time working on jigsaw puzzles. I found this helped me to ease my anxiety by focusing on small details without having to think too hard. Work is changing next week and will be allowing more staff in the building at a time. Moving from 5 people to 25. Thankful patrons and public are not allowed in the building. Just hope we stay covid free. The numbers of positive covid-19 rates are going up in Washington state. I'm only going out 1x every 2 weeks for groceries. My life is now only my time at work and home. I have 6 days off next month. But can't go anywhere.
July 30, 2020
... I'm getting to the point where I can't even imagine what being back in the office is like. I've been avoiding crowds for so long, and so much has changed - the post-pandemic world will be so different. I wonder how we will all change as a result?
July 30, 2020
We're having a rough time right now balancing parental duties, work duties, and trying to keep our own sanity. I typed a lot of specifics here, but deleted it because it makes me feel ashamed seeing it all written down. I have a lot of anger and guilt over the anger because I know it's not either of their fault; it's just this bullshit situation in this bullshit failed country. I keep noticing that my jaw is clenched. It's been giving me headaches.
July 31, 2020
I'm an Information Professional. I trust the people with legit degrees who spent copious time learning, researching, studying, testing, etc. If there is legit evidence to back something up, with correct numbers to prove a point, then that is what I trust in. None of this hokey crap by those drinking that orange drink. THINK PEOPLE. THINK. I can't stand the stupidity.
July 31, 2020
We had to get away again. ... We were extremely lucky with a weather window. Paddling out to the middle of the lake on the kayak and paddleboard was extremely freeing. It was true social distancing. You truly felt as if you had the space to breathe. Fenrir TroubleOn4Paws, had so much fun swimming, hiking, and being ferried around the lake that he was often tuckered out around camp. Except when the raccoons decided to throw an after-hours party right beside our tent. Garbage and food were left out so the Trash Pandas were in party mode. Fenrir barked his displeasure at the disturbance, waking us up. I swear that one of the little masked marauders dared to come right up to the tent and put his grubby little paws on the tent fabric just to tease my dog. *insert eye-roll* It was refreshing to get away. Very much needed - especially since work is recalling us to go back into the buildings. I don't believe it is a good idea and am not a fan of the decisions of our Powers That Be. I need to find an outlet for the stress caused by this mismanagement.
July 31, 2020
The number of COVID patients in our hospital just keeps increasing. We now have 2 dedicated ICU's to treat them and have opened up rooms in a new tower to take care of non-COVID patients. We are desperate for nurses, as are so many other hospitals. The pace at work is relentless. When thinking of healthcare workers in a hospital, most people don't think of pharmacists, but we are in it just like the nurses and doctors. We get so many calls about critical patients, and there is so much to consider with the COVID patients. It's daunting. We have several code blues (cardiac/respiratory arrest) a day. Some mornings when I go into work, there are several used code carts lined up waiting to be restocked. They make the department feel crowded and claustrophobic. I've had a headache for 3 days now. I'm still dreaming about work. Still not sleeping well. Feeling very weary.
July 31, 2020
I'm not sure what made this week different from last week. All the days blur together and I've lost track of time... I did go to the beach on Sunday and that was really fun. Felt nice to be outdoors and swim in the ocean. But one really annoying thing is that on my way home there were two girls on the subway who didn't have masks on. When I asked them why they didn't have masks, they got really annoyed with me and started to insult me. I felt horrible and helpless. I didn't know what to do. Everyone else just stood around silent. I wanted to cry, but didn't. I got up and moved to another area of the train, and I could hear the two girls boasting that they had won and that I was just a stupid nag. I felt awful.
July 31, 2020
Esta última semana me he sentido muy bien, he sido capaz de participar en proyectos y conferencias que de no haber sido por la "nueva normalidad" y la tendencia a hacer todo virtual jamás habría podido hacerlo, lo que hace que me sienta inspirada y mucho más feliz.
July 31, 2020
Many things regarding politics have turned upside down in my point of view and that's because of the reopening of schools being relied and linked to politics rather than public health which is bad because not every politician have experience such experience that the people are experiencing and not every one of them know the core of health and what's needed for the people and what should be avoided. Many of the politics want things to go back to normal to regulate the flow of things that were once taking place before the pandemic but at these times we should all be more careful than sorry because the minute a school reopens with the many kids and teenagers in them the virus will ravage the places making potential new epicenters throughout the city. This type of decision will do more harm than any good the step I believe politics should take is having every kid and teenager getting access to home school or maybe at least for the ones that mostly need it like special education children's at home. Maybe my opinion may not be accurate but I strongly believe that the politicians should take all of this into consideration and make things preferable for everyone's sake and this countries sake as well.
July 31, 2020
Quisiera que todo volviera la normalidad la antigua normalidad ... mi vida no cambio mucho con el covid pero el simple hecho de saber que estoy privado de muchas actividades me hace sentir cual ave en su jaula sin embargo entiendo que después del covid nada será igual
July 31, 2020
... I have a little brother that just graduated from elementary school is going to middle school. In my opinion it’s going be difficult for them to learn. It’s not the same thing as in person when the teacher explain and helps them to understand. This is new for them more that they are going to a new school and don’t know their teachers. They don’t know how to do it on the computer where to go. It’s good that children have friends so they can ask them for help if they having trouble in any homework they have.
July 31, 2020
Definitivamente no. En mi México, misteriosamente podemos ser el pueblo más solidario del muno y a la vez el más egoísta. Años de ignorancia y miedo tienen a la gente envenenada. Más que terquedad o malicia en el corazón de la gente, yo observo muchísimo temor, pero más ignorancia. Nos han engañado por tantos años que hoy el pueblo no sabe qué creer. Piensa que esto que estamos viviendo, una vez más es culpa del gobierno y por eso las indicaciones o recomendaciones de salud que se nos dan, deben de ser pasadas por alto. Además la mayoría de la gente en latinoamérica, si no trabaja no come, así de simple. La genete necesita salir porque creen que más allá de su salud, está el bienestar de su gente, y nos han hecho creer erróneamente, que la felicidad y el bienestar vienen de la mano del dinero.
July 31, 2020
I think we all knew that the prime minister was not fantastic, but I do not think anything prepared us for how awful he would be when dealing with this pandemic. How is he in charge? It scares me. I'm also worried that the UK are so far behind and that we are just going to go back and forth with all these 'mini lockdowns.' Fortunately, here in Scotland things are being handled much more effectively. I feel safer here then I would down in England, however you do get silly people everywhere who think the virus has somehow now gone...It is very much still here. I think also this pandemic has really shown major holes and cracks in our infrastructure of a country. Although I suppose that is not always a bad thing as know we can clearly see these faults I hope they improve.
August 1, 2020
I went to the doctor, and she told me I was borderline obese, and that I should try to lose weight because it increases my risk of dying of COVID. I work out a lot, but I guess I have been overindulging lately. I'm kind of surprised at how much this has affected my body image over the past week. I was feeling pretty happy with my body, actually, but now I find myself being more self-critical and unhappy in my skin. Blah.
August 1, 2020