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La pandemia vino a acercarme con mi familia, dado que estamos conviviendo 24/7 con en casa. Aprendimos a dividir tareas, buscamos formas de distracción en casa y tenemos planes para el futuro. Mis amigos de la universidad, que son la relación no consanguínea más cercana que tengo, están cada uno en distintas ciudades, y nos ha servido para darnos cuenta de que nos hicimos muy cercanos e importantes. A menudo nos escribimos para hacernos saber que nos extrañamos y que estamos esperando el momento en que podamos volver a reunirnos. Espero que pueda ser pronto. De verdad los extraño.
August 10, 2020
I'm on a Greek island now ..., and while cases are rising in different parts of Greece, things here remain calm. I get angry seeing some people acting 'resistant' and not wanting to socially distance or even wear their mask properly. On the island here, though people have been quite careful from the beginning, I see a phenomenon called 'the little mask' worn by many professionals in the restaurant business. It's a patent made and sold locally, and this 'mask' is a piece of plastic which is attached to the lower chin, and only covers the mouth, not the nose. It's also quite removed from the mouth, and I am not sure it truly protects anyone, really. If someone were to sneeze wearing this, I am not sure anyone around this person would be protected. I also hear more and more people are starting to spread the 'conspiracy' rumor, though I am not exactly sure what this conspiracy is. Something about Bill Gates, or 5G, or how 'THEY' want to control 'US'. Also, many people reason that, since they don't have someone close to them who has been directly affected, it must be 'terrorism' spread by governments and the media.
August 10, 2020
En la última semana estuve de vacaciones, en una situación normal seguramente hubiera salido a visitar a mis familiares lejanos y salido mucho con mis amigos o pasado mucho tiempo en la iglesia sirviendo.Sin embargo, me mantenido entretenido haciendo cosas que en otras situaciones no habría hecho. Por ejemplo, he estado produciendo una canción que es un cover de una de mis bandas favoritas. He aprendido a usar un programa de edición para realizarla. En la vida normal no hubiera tenido el tiempo para hacer esto, es algo positivo en mi opinión y sirve para no pensar mucho en la pandemia.
August 10, 2020
I'm so glad you asked this question. It's so important to try and stay focused on the positive where/when we can. Things that bring me happiness are sowing my garden, pickling the cucumbers I have grown, tending to my house plants, cuddling with my cat, talking with my son and daughter, playing guitar, zooming for my bi-weekly book club with my 12 year old niece, cooking, writing fiction, writing in my journal, and yoga! I Might add that this pandemic journal also brings me happiness. I love the idea that some day, somewhere someone will read our words and hear what we went through. It's not the pandemic itself that is the problem, I think. It is the human response to it--in particular the US government. But it's also a wider symptom of how bad humans are at sharing the planet with other species. We have the science. We know we need to increase biodiversity and protect habitat. But corporate and individual greed get in the way. Paradoxically, writing this last paragraph actually made me happy. Even though it's a depressing theme, I am happy it's going into a record somewhere!
August 10, 2020
Fui admitida a la universidad para la cual presente, entonces, es mi nueva motivación durante la pandemia. Sin embargo, mi papa ha vuelto a su trabajo y pues obviamente el esta expuesto al virus, al igual que su novia. Tambien se esta haciendo recorte de personal, por lo que esto los hace vulnerables pero confió en que ellos no serán despedidos, ya que son muy útiles en la empresa. Por otro lado, yo tengo que cuidar de las hija de la novia de mi papa, nunca he cuidado a niños de tiempo completo, se que suelen ser latosos y con mucha energía, esta situación me hace platearme dudas, sobre si en el futuro quiero hijos, ya que es muy cansado tanto física y mentalmente.
August 10, 2020
Reluctantly, we decided to send our children to their usual summer day camp -- retooled to follow COVID-era precautions: questions and temperature checks at drop-off, no buses to/from camp, which is a good 1/2 hr away from where most kids live, brown-bag lunches, socializing only in tight groups/pods, masks on staff (but not kids), no late nights or overnights, no hand-clap games, backrubs, or usual camp hugging, touching, or roughhousing. As I write about these restrictions they sound awful. And yet the kids are THRILLED to go there every day. They get away from their cranky and exhausted parents, from the perfectly comfortable house (with a playroom! and a backyard!) where they've been stuck since March, from zooms and screens and nagging and chores. They're swimming in the pool, fishing in the lake, doing dance routines at flagpole, making lanyards and friendship bracelets, and building wooden boxes in woodworking. And they come home filthy and sweaty at the end of each day. It's not normal camp -- for sure. But this little taste of summer is such a blessing, and a gift. This week, Tropical Storm Isaias pummeled the coast and sent them home early one day, only to be stuck at home the next because of power outages and storm damage. In anticipation of the storm, our little one came home with this piece of art yesterday -- marker on a hunk of wood from the woodshop -- and told us it represents a tropical storm. It's chaotic, and beautiful, and a testament to the fact that in this CRAZY time of asinine and criminal political leadership, economic freefall, deeply embedded racism, environmental destruction, etc., little kids are absorbing this mad world -- and, sometimes, refracting it back to us as a place of beauty.
August 10, 2020
The virus has affected me personally in a emotional way and physically because I have noticed that life is very short and people die everyday with out knowing there last day on earth. This is crazy but life goes on when people die I tend to get very emotional and everything just hurts, my emotions just come out as one. I just want to be alone sometimes I really dont like when life hits you in the face .
August 11, 2020
So on top of all the crazy COVID stuff, this week we are dealing with the aftermath of tropical storm Isaias with 700,000 customers without power in CT alone when it finally cleared out of here. Our electric company, Eversource, has been taken to task for underestimating the storm which is in the top three worst storms in recent times here in CT. I've been through the other two (Sandy and the freak October snowstorm in 2012) and yeah, its that bad. Trees and wires down everywhere. I drove past this homemade sign the other day. A massive tree had fallen across the dead end road the sign is pointing down, wires pulled down everywhere, and even after 3 days there was still no crews in sight. Neighbors ended up cutting the tree themselves in order to be able just to get out to the main road. I talked to someone who lives on the road and they will be lucky if they get power back in a week, but it will probably take longer. When I drove past this sign ...I thought to myself, "yeah, right good luck with that. Eversource will come when its good and ready, meanwhile you guys need to take matters into your own hands if you actually want to get through this." So what does all this have to do with the future after COVID? Increasingly I think we are being left to fend for ourselves across the board -- whether its after a major storm or in the face of a global pandemic. No government guidance, assistance, or protection so its going to to be up to us, individually and as families, to take care of ourselves. That seems to be the way Republican like it and they seem to have gotten their way in this country at least. When a crisis happens we pretty much have to take care of ourselves, our families and our friends, because no one is coming to assist us, at least not from any government body or in any official capacity. ...
August 11, 2020
I escaped this week and it felt great. This picture is only about 30 minutes of relaxation while watching children, but still, to be out of the house, in nature, with family, it was amazing! I broke all the rules - hugs, snuggles with a baby who is passed from person to person and slobbers over everyone, going into houses, eating together, etc. Frankly, I don't care. Right now at least. I hope and pray that I am able to stay healthy and that all of my family is too. It was risky but necessary - my mother had emergency surgery and I needed to be there. Thank God, she is healing and fine. And I would do it again to be there for her. I had missed her so much. Going there felt great, and coming home again felt much better. I don't feel as trapped, as desperate. And when I do start to go stir crazy again, now I have this beautiful picture to remind me that there is still nature and family not too far away.
August 11, 2020
This is a photo taken as I passed a bus on the street. I personally am too high risk to ride public transit in this pandemic, even if it were physically possible for me, but I found it interesting that the driver has a taped off section in front and riders are supposed to get in the back door. Other notes from.the week: Participating in Pandemic journaling project study feels good , to know I can contribute somehow to future understanding of this crazy time. Has an effect on my writing because I know someone else might read it. ...
August 11, 2020
Mi ahijada tiene apenas dos años, su segundo cumpleaños fue durante la cuarentena, antes de esto nosotras nos veíamos muy seguido. Jugábamos, comíamos juntas, mirábamos dibujos animados. Ahora, solo nos hemos comunicado por audio o videollamada con ayuda de su mamá, y me resulta adorable y doloroso verla pedir a través de la pantalla que le haga upa, así como sus audios pidiendo verme. Incluso su madre me ha llegado a contar que cuando siente sonidos fuera de la casa la pequeña piensa que soy yo, llegando al punto de llorar al no verme en la puerta. La extraño mucho, y no me gustó perderme su cumpleaños.
August 11, 2020
I had to move out due to the end of my lease and help some friends to do so. We had to take extra precautions for moving things around from one place to the other. I have been exposed to supermarkets and stores more than i wanted in order to get products I needed in order to move out.
August 12, 2020
It has affected me for a few days now and I have been having so much anxiety I was feeling depressed and when I had my midterm in my finals I found it because I kept overthinking about how bad I was going to do during this test and I would always put negative thoughts in my head I’ve been in this house for a whole week and I’ve been stressing it’s been hard
August 12, 2020
I’m living with a lot of people in this house I Live with my parents my sister my baby brother my grandmother my two uncles and my aunt and her daughter so many people are in this house but that is a good thing because our house is very spacious and big for everyone to sleep in and it’s actually been OK during this pandemic because we all been coming together and doing our best to maintain this life in this world we protect ourselves to not get the virus also for my grandmother She makes Haitian tea which cures everything and I’m glad that she makes it for us because it’s a real lifesaver it’s amazing.
August 12, 2020
I think offices will be a thing of the past. I always felt they were sub-human and that working in cubicles was such a strange thing for human beings to do everyday. I think that many office buildings will need to be repurposed into other things-- e.g. homes, greenhouses, or knocked down to make parks, etc. Good riddance! I hate offices and I'm so glad to see that era of office work come to an end.
August 13, 2020
This pandemic has made me :Feel ● Cautious ● Scared ● Surreal ● Bored ●Sympathy/Empathy ● Hope/ Hopeless ● Mentally Unstable when I see the different cases of people that die I am heart broken and this is not acceptable
August 13, 2020
My roommate has been going to work in construction, where a majority of his coworkers are conservatives and think that COVID is either a hoax, or overblown. His foreman has cancer, and still refuses to take precautions. He goes to work wearing a mask like this, and a faceshield, every day. Since he does so, he's been harassed and referenced as an "Antifa terrorist" for it. He just doesn't want to die, and doesn't want to put me at greater risk, while paying the bills. It's caused a lot of stress, and I worry for his sake.
August 13, 2020
I have not been able to hug my grandparents. It is so hard for me to see them through glass or from far away. My grandfather can barely hear and it gets frustrating at times. They survived being bombed and going through war and this feels worse to them. They at least they had family to hold onto. It really makes me upset.
August 13, 2020
Esta semana estuve pensando sobre el poder. A través de los años, me di cuenta de que me gustaba desafiar el poder y detestaba ejercerlo. Alguien podría decirme que en realidad tengo miedo de ejercer el poder. Pero no. No me gusta obligar a nadie a nada. No me gusta ver cómo la gente se transforma al ejercerlo. No fue nada bonito cuando me tocó ser el daño colateral de la lucha de poder entre dos hombres con egos grandes. Ellos están como si nada, yo vi mi vida destruida. Reconozco que me gusta trabajar con mujeres poderosas, mujeres que ejercen el poder. Entonces, no me dan ganas de apedrearlas para bajarlas. Casi siempre han llegado allí por méritos propios y eso lo respeto. Y no envidio para nada sus posiciones y éxito. Me gusta llegar y que me den trabajo, trabajar para ellas un tiempo y luego, marcharme. Ese es mi éxito: ser libre y ejercer un poder pequeño, si se quiere ver asi: el poder de mi propia vida, bajo mis propios términos . No obligo y no me obligan. El gran poder de mundo seguirá revolcando conciencias.
August 13, 2020
En mi país se ha hablado mucho de la reactivación económica, lastimosamente se ha tratado desde el ámbito político, para desestabilizar el actual gobierno,no realmente para ayudar a la economía de la población. Definitivamente es necesario reactivar la economía, pero de una manera ordenada y por ciertas fases, sino en poco tiempo habremos colapsado y ni todo el dinero que tengamos podrá salvar la vida de todos.
August 13, 2020