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La ventana de mi cuarto. Cada noche antes de dormir, cada mañana antes de despertar veo hacia el cielo por medio de la ventana de mi cuarto, escucho los sonidos, los pájaros que cantan. Ya no he escuchado los pajaros que a las 5am cantaban anunciandome que ya iba tarde a la escuela, ya no he escuchado a mi vecina gritar "Vas tarde" a su hijo, ya no he visto al chofer que siempre me decia "No te atravieses asi" cuando veia que el camión se me pasaba, no he visto a mis amigos en el camión, antes no veia la ventana de mi cuarto y ahora si. Al ver la ventana de mi cuarto me pregunto, ¿Cuándo volvere a salir como antes? ¿Cuándo vere a mis amigos otra vez?
February 3, 2021
Six more weeks! Am I suprised? Lolol. No! At least we can turn the calendar over to February! I'm still hunkering indoors except for food curbside pickup and a medical appointment now and then.
February 3, 2021
Various tubes, bottles and jars of makeup—once applied with precision before I would venture out of the house—now sit untouched in an organizer. After all, there’s little reason to put on mascara, foundation, etc., if I am stuck at home due to COVID-19 directives. Heretofore, I was reluctant to even be seen in public without makeup, but the pandemic has prompted me to adopt a lackadaisical, no-fuss attitude toward beauty. It's so freeing!! Likewise, my hair is now a fashionable pandemic gray. Prior to the arrival of the coronavirus, I would visit a stylist every three months for color/highlighting and no doubt outlaid enough money over the decades to finance a child's college education. Now, however, I’m off the bottle and embracing, rather than concealing, my silver roots. Gray locks are almost a badge of honor—symbols of courage and strength that boldly emerge from an environment of pain, sorrow and anxiety.
February 4, 2021
This photo was taken a year ago. I thought that the painting I was looking at depicts what most of us miss right now - physical contact with people who do not belong to our household because of the coronavirus pandemic.
February 4, 2021
I looked forward for the second vaccine. Maybe because it gave me something to look forward to. I counted the days between the first and the second shots, and read about the increased protection that each day brings. Now that I got it, there’s nothing to look for. Again. All days are the same. Still in lockdown, we don’t really see the end of it. The infection numbers in Israel are increasing although about 20% of the population already received the second shot. My daughters are still underemployed and edgy. My partner still deppressed. I am still terribly lonely. This is the second shot deppression: understanding that it doen’t bring any instant cure, that the way out is not near. In the picture: people waiting in line for the first vaccine in Rabin Square.
February 5, 2021
I was walking with my daughters to the playing ground when we passed through this tree. I probably walked this way a hundred times, but I didn’t see this before. The tree met an iron fence in his way but it didn’t stop him, he changed its form, hugged it and grew through it. I wanted to hug the tree.
February 5, 2021
I am still digesting Amanda Gorman's amazing words from the inauguration. This is my dream, for everyone and for myself. I'm not even close right now due to mental illness, but I pray one day I will be.
February 5, 2021
I am lucky enough to be living in a house with some of my best friends while doing online classes. It is the only semi normal thing that I've been afforded (or afforded myself) in this pandemic. I bought myself a [Nintendo] switch as a reward for surviving last srmester- my hardest, most depressed I've ever been. I am happy to be able to say I made it through last semester to be able to experience this one where I get to play animal crossing with my roommates.
February 5, 2021
November 11, 2020 Photo Sketch 1: Caption: Covid days. Thought bubble: Am I spiritually paralyzed? Me today. Little sleep. Searching for Bliss always as the rain beats down. Photo Sketch 2: Caption: Covid days. Relief Biden win. Protect the vote. Pentagon shakeup. Anxiety: Thrusts of energy from grassroots hustling. More phonebanking...Georgia. The largest social movement in history BLM. (After note: As I look at these sketches now (Jan. 26, 2021), I'm reminded how I grew up in a culture that always emphasized strength and overcoming difficulties --- but I was falling apart in these sketches. I thought that was important to sketch. I want these recordings to be truthful, and not distorted by "how we should handle" multiple crisis. I was exhausted.)
February 5, 2021
Not sure whether our neighborhood grocery store was just waiting for stock to come in or what, but whatever the reason, a Sympathy section devoid of cards is a pretty intense thing to see right now -- especially while you're shopping in a mask and trying not to touch anything unnecessarily or go the wrong way down the aisles.
February 5, 2021
The image is from the Government of Bermuda Facebook page today. I am extremely lucky to be here. Today I went in to the town of Hamilton, the capital and only city on the island. I had to see an ophthalmologist this afternoon and after my eye doctor appointment I went into the local department store and got some carry out for lunch. I sat down at the Bermuda Underwater Exploration Institute, and looked out over the bay. Then I walked the 2 miles back home through the Botanical Gardens. Everyone i town wore masks. All the businesses require you to use hand sanitizer upon entering, and signs tell you to keep your distance. Bam in November the numbers were high here....over 200 active cases and the minister of health said last night she felt that they almost lost control of the virus. But now the numbers are down. They still require masks in stores, or where you can't socially distance, there is a curfew...can't be out after midnight. Indoor bars are not open. I still continue to be very careful and keep my social circle very small.
February 7, 2021
December 10, 2020 Sketch photo 1: Caption: Covid days. To not let my reading slide - I plan to read this tomorrow (Sophocles' Antigone) and to take notes with post its. But M. and I did complete last touches on my tutoring website. I want to get lost in a book again. Sketch photo 2: We stay in. Order from Fresh Direct. I take quick jaunts to stores for necessities. Record breaking deaths from Covid. New death numbers each day. 300,000 lives so far. Unlike so much -- Covid is "not fast moving content."
February 7, 2021
We live in a small town with a centralized downtown that often attracts nearby towns to our community. My neighbors are important to me. A few werks ago I shared my neighbor’s photograph if an owl who was sitting in a tree in my yard. My neighbors who have tiny toddlers are important and moved in just before the first baby was born. After the mini blizzard hit Connecticut, I texted them - and we now share the same plow service! Our driveway is quite libg and circular so we found a fabulous plow service - he is meticulous - and now will plow our young neighbor’s driveway too! I try to text everyone in our area and up the road during storms - making sure we are all safe & that help is always here. 💙💙💙
February 7, 2021
My studio attached to our converted barn has two skylights. Today as I was part of a Creative Tribe on Zoom, my husband climbed up on our roof and cleared a foot of snow off my art studio skylights. I realized how as a couple we try to clear off our emotional sky lights each day during a 100 year pandemic and a Congress that was stormed by a mob! We need clarity and truth shining through to us each and every day as we await our vaccine shots. BTW my husband and I mark forty years together this coming Summer.
February 7, 2021
Snow day for the kids yesterday (and remote learning today) after the big winter snowstorm. Since last spring I've kept a stack of these "daily schedules" up on the fridge with a clip magnet, just in case. Even though yesterday was supposed to be a full day off, I had the kiddos make a bit of a plan to give some structure to the day. After weeks and weeks of these, they put up no resistance and had no trouble planning. Here's what our little one pulled together, in what his teacher has encouraged him and his classmates to confidently describe as "kindergarten writing": - color - snuggle - snowman - tinker (i.e., tinker time -- pull stuff out of the recycling bin and build buildings a town) - Grandma - playtime - watch (shows on the ipad) - watch - watch I think the kids hit them all ...
February 9, 2021
... The record temperature recorded in Death Valley of 130 degrees F reminds me not to forget to feel despairing about the climate crisis. The pandemic has made everything feel like it's falling apart 8/19/20 Wildfire smoke from up north, and it's raining ash. Air quality monitors say unhealthy for sensitive groups/orange first thing today. By 1 pm it has crossed into Unhealthy (red). We're so lucky not to be in the middle of the fire, but our strategy in the past was to close the windows even in the heat and to wear a valved mask outside. Now I just feel hopeless enough about the future (keep pondering the fact that my injury keeps me from having the colonoscopy I should be having now, and knowing my own history and my family's, that makes it super likely I will die of colon cancer at some point -- is this just pandemic depression talking?) that we're just keeping the windows open so we don't get so hot, and going about life pretty normally except that S won't go running. Y and D had to evacuate to a hotel farther south with their cats. ...
February 9, 2021
Photo Sketch 1: Caption: Jan. 4, 2021. (corrected year) Covid 19 days. I couldn't reach H. Not home, Refused, Deceased, Moved, Call Back, Wrong Number, Do Not Call, Disconnected. Cancel. Save & Next Call. It's often lonely and monotonous volunteer work --- maybe out of 60 calls, I reach 5-7 voters, over 2 1/2 hours. Photo Sketch 2: Caption: Jan. 6, 2021 (corrected year) Reverend Warnock wins his Georgia Senate seat! The first black Senator for Georgia. Covid 19.
February 10, 2021
La semana pasada celebramos el cumpleaños de mi hijo. Aunque cumplió 27 años, pedí un pastel de un personaje de comic que a él le gusta. Creo que él también fue flexible y amable en tomar con entusiasmo un pastel un poco infantil para la edad que cumplió. Para esta ocasión, nos reunimos varios miembros de la familia ampliada. Éramos 8 en total. Con algunos no nos mirábamos desde mayo. Fue una reunión agradable y cálida. En estos tiempos nos damos cuenta de lo mucho que nos hacemos falta entre nosotros. Aunque nos vemos en reuniones virtuales o hablemos por teléfono frecuentemente, el hecho de reunirnos en torno a una mesa y comer juntos es una especie de comunión que une, alienta y nos conecta. Hicimos todo lo posible por mantener el distanciamiento social que establecen las normas para evitar el contagio de coronavirus. Aun así, nos reímos, conversamos, intercambiamos ideas y opiniones. Estuvimos unos para otros. Fue una reunión "oasis" en un desierto que nos pide estar aislados, distantes. Al despedirnos, queda un calor especial en el corazón. No solo celebramos la vida de una persona porque sabemos que la vida en sí es difícil y hay que celebrar cada avance que logramos, también celebramos que, aunque somos personas imperfectas, con muchos defectos, somos capaces de comprendernos, de amarnos y aceptarnos.
February 10, 2021
COLLAGE in PANDEMIC Covid MAP HUMOR on iphones with shared emails Llama (lama) means “WHY” in Hebrew BOOKS my salvation in a pandemic JOY - we Seek it each day 💙 COLLAGE in PANDEMIC
February 10, 2021
Life changed today Notice arrived Register! Sign up! Today life changed Notice filled out Registered Signed up Both of us Together My husband His wife - me Both of us Together Vaccine for him Vaccine for me Close enough We could walk Put on his boots Lace up my boots Shot in his right Shot in my left March 13 A very special day!!
February 12, 2021