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This past week of business in school combined with the election has been what I assumed would be a recipe for disaster; I anticipated feeling uncontrollable anxiety and despair. However, I have been somewhat at peace the past few days, and am trying to practice self care and remind myself that whatever happens this truth is always the same: I can have faith that God is working all things for good. I truly do believe that, and although I would feel an extreme level of distain if Trump does win ( yes I am an evangelical Christian and NO I am did not vote for Trump), I ultimately hope that our nation can stay united. All I can do is pray that God sends revival, that we become a nation that loves and accepts ALL, that we rid ourselves of the superiority and nationalistic pride that wrecks the lives of so many, and HUMBLE OURSELVES so that we may heal from hundreds of years of racial division and inequality.
November 4, 2020
Election Day.....it's like the entire country is waiting on biopsy results! Gasp!
November 4, 2020
I feel like I've been tense the past 2 days because of the election. It's like my whole body has its 'fingers' crossed, and I just really hope Biden wins. A few days before the election, I had so much energy and I was ready to make a sign, go out to the streets and start protesting for a peaceful transfer of power. However, as the election draws to a close and the race is much tighter than I expected, I feel like I have to wait until Nevada is called to even begin making my sign, and my energy has kind of dissipated as well. I have hope that I'll have a spark again if Biden pulls through, and that I'll be able to start advocating against the president's desperate power grab and efforts to bypass the democratic process. Our democracy is what's really at stake if he tries to sidestep our system to stay in power.
November 5, 2020
Realm Of Emotions I (sometimes) hope that you don’t read what I write, All of the words I think I fail to tell you in person But can somehow manage to write on the paper That has now become a screen of bright light always challenging Me to write more and continue forward as the beacon of Emotions a realm of its own for me to feel less shame And guilt for having anger, pain and sadness. For we live in a world where we thrive off of shadow’s pain As a drug to survive and stay illicitly positive Even though are not… The words are just lines articulated and speculated at in a way that Makes sense to people. Language can be written, learned from seen in the vibrations of sound A curvy wave of a line that dances to melody of spoken word Sung out in a way that can be unrecognizable and yet desired To have more music making more memories masquerading That art is a form of line that can be interpreted by the body Creating shapes like letters similar to the wind blows the leaves In a circle cascading leaves in a mini tornado We read the lines, deep in them with meanings that aren't written But felt; a soul wave of connection empathetically taking over me I can’t stop creating new ways to think and feel Because it’s all already been said or done before but rather Interpreted differently, As though my life is a remake of scattered clips n collections of Thousands of lives before me making me my own version My own line that I can drug myself into Intoxicated with the realm of emotions Felt day in and day out. Fueled by emotions and a minimal amount of coffee i take off Into the transparent screen of bright colors illuminating my mind Into a world of that feeds my imaginations creativity surpassing it at times To have bursts of information continuing to digest in my mind As the art forms take me on an emotional rollercoaster of cinema That helps me to learn, relax and live life inside of the black rectangle. I can log in everyday to my life and I don’t have to see people as much anymore My life is now contingent upon the waves of emotions i feel, spurts of energy that I used to be able to hold onto longer but now I struggle to maintain face and composure. I edit some of the raw parts of myself out, suturing sewing seams into myself to make the scars within me look a bit more presentable Nowadays that’s the popular thing to do, clean up the scars and present yourself to the world. It will get harder not easier but in time we can all sip lemonade and feel less scared about ourselves and the rest of the world.
November 5, 2020
This week is election week, and we all know that the nation views this as something that is monumentally important, quite possibly the most important election in history. The pandemic has not caused the United States to act in a sort of way where they would lose sight of that fact. For that reason, the pandemic has not really affected me as much as previous weeks. I was still able to vote while keeping safety regulations in mind and going about my day the same way I would any other day. The election is at the forefront of everybody's mind, which has momentarily replaced the stress of the pandemic as well. There is still stress, yet it feels good to feel alleviated of a worldwide burden, and focus on something that is so important to our nation and the world.
November 5, 2020
Luckily, I was able to acquire financial assistance from my state in the form of Pandemic Insurance through the department of unemployment benefits. Thankfully I do not have any children to provide for, but I did help my family around the house, namely my mother, by purchasing things they needed and providing some financial relief. I would not like to go into specifics of where or how the money was used within the household, yet I am very grateful for the financial assistance. Work was hard to come by, and having this source of income was very beneficial. However, I am excited to get back into the workforce once the pandemic has come and gone, and earn money the way I've always known how: hard work.
November 5, 2020
The Election! We stayed up way too late on Tuesday night into Wednesday morning, following this. I am still on pins and needles waiting for the outcome of this. I found a recipe for an Election Cake - pictured above - in the NYT's on Tuesday, and made it while watching the returns on Tuesday night. Baking this cake, concentrating on the directions, reading about its history, etc, helped me to manage my anxiety last night. Fortunately it is delicious - like a sweet cinnamon raisin bread. A new Election tradition in our house! I must admit that I am also shocked that the president has done so well. Given how poorly he has handled the pandemic, not to mention so many other things, I figured he wouldn't come close to winning. I truly hope that Biden wins. However, whatever the outcome - Biden, please!! - we need to reflect as a country on what all of the votes for the president mean.
November 5, 2020
This week, I am going to write briefly about different days. Thursday 10/29/20 - Went to my office to meet virtually with clients. It was the first time since March that I worked from my office. It felt good to be there. I wore a dress, rather my typical pandemic work attire of jeans and a nice shirt. Friday 10/30/20 - The weather was terrible - wet snow all day. It was beautiful to watch from my window, but really created a trapped feeling. We can't gather indoors, and with this type of weather, we can't gather outdoors either. Saturday - Halloween! Trick or treating was very different this year. Fortunately, enough of the snow had melted that kids could go out in costumes, masked and in costume, with masked parents. Our city had directed us to leave candy out for kids to minimize contact. Our neighborhood did this in great style - lots of light up decorations and tables left out with candy. I was disappointed to not interact with all of the costumed kids, but glad to respect safety measures. Sunday - Felt sad and anxious. My husband's birthday is on 11/10. In trying to organize a small outdoor gathering to celebrate his birthday. My son announced that he and his girlfriend, who live in NH, have decided that they can't come down due to concern about exposure and/or exposing us. I completely understand, but my stomach really sank. I can't imagine what this holiday season will look like if we can't be together - but need to prepare for this. Monday: The number of cases in MA are going up significantly, from the low hundreds to low thousands, with increasing deaths and hospitalizations. Our governor, Charlie Baker, announced a curfew and closings of some businesses, starting this Friday. It is essential to do this, but I really don't like this new direction. Also - election Tuesday - ANXIETY!
November 5, 2020
I'm worried about my sister. She got sick over the weekend and has had a high fever. I text her every day to make sure she's still alive. She lives alone, and far from me and any other family. Fortunately, her doctor thinks it might be strep throat. Funny how that would be good news!
November 5, 2020
For this weeks journal entry, I wanted to focus on a certain event that occurred over the weekend. I attend Skidmore college as a junior. I feel extremely lucky to be able to attend college this year, especially due to what is happening with COVID-19. However, this weekend, on October 31st, a large group of freshman congregated in a public space on campus, and had a Halloween party. There was NO social distancing, and masks were not being worn properly. Two Asian students attempted to break up the party, as It was violating an immense amount of rules. Instead of dispersing, one freshman got aggressive, and shoved one of the students to the ground. She ended up having to go to the hospital. This act of violence, as well as having a completely unsanctioned party during COVID, is disgusting. It makes me embarrassed to attend school here. We all signed a pledge to make sure we could continue our educations during this unprecedented time. Instead, some think that partying is more important. So important, that a fellow student doing the right thing ended up in the hospital. These events, along with the election, have caused me to have severe stress and anxiety. I fear for our countries future, and I am disgusted with how some people are treating COVID, and fellow students attempting to do the right thing. This has probably been one of the hardest weeks at school during this pandemic. To anyone reading this, I hope you stay strong, and remain healthy.
November 5, 2020
I don't honestly know. The only thing I can say is that I continue to fall back on my experiences growing up and the people in my life who taught me how to be in the world. We didn't always have a lot, but we had our love for each other, and the willingness to roll up our sleeves, and pitch in and do what it took to contribute to keep things going. I remind myself of all of their guidance and life lessons and I keep coming up with reminders of some key philosophies: - the importance of listening to others and doing what I can to help, even if it might seem small. - The importance of just taking each day as it comes and to do my best (sometimes that might be just to get through the day). - And reminding myself that this isn't going to last forever and to keep my faith and hope in what's good and to try to stay positive and encouraging. - Gratitude - It's been very important to me to every day think of what/who I'm grateful for (family, friends, good health, a roof over my head, food on the table) and to share what I have with others. I find comfort and strength in those ideas and thinking about my loved ones and what they would do.
November 5, 2020
Today I am unable to escape anxiety over the election. I am totally disgusted with the population of the United States who seems to okay a president who is an insane, egotistical, liar. Right now, a day after the election we are told that the count could go on for days. This is so wrong in a day when “Tweets”can travel the world in seconds. Everything is wrong with the USA today, from my point of view. I’m afraid that I might be accused of being old fashioned or out of date when I expect our leadership to be caring, literate, dignified, honest and respectful of all of those he leads. The POTUS has none of those qualifications. Because I have time on my hands, I’ve followed this election very closely and read everything available about the candidates. I have been dedicated by watching a variety of different news media. Not once did the POTUS put out any real description of his plans for the future. He seems to be totally driven by money,yet he does not put forth any idea how he might get the economy going again. Biden has put forth real ideas about the pandemic, healthcare, opening schools, the economy, our leadership in the world organizations and his goals for addressing climate change. I’m afraid that large segments of the population believe the lies spread during the campaign and by biased news media. It seems that nobody has heard the message that the pandemic must be controlled in order to maximize economic growth. This can be done with simple means, masks, distancing and washing. I really wanted a Biden sweep. As it is, if he does win, he will have huge challenges in congress. I find this all so sad for our country and fear for our democracy. I won’t give up hope until all the votes are in and a winner is declared. Hopefully trouble won’t ensue.
November 5, 2020
The only thing that has prepared me for a time like this is my age - the perspective. The pandemic has invited me to step back and ponder what is really important. I realize the importance of family, friends, faith and connectedness; I'm willing to follow pandemic protocol to protect those who are important to me. I brighten my days by reaching out to others in hopes of brightening their day. I stay active in order to be as physically and mentally strong as possible. Pandemic fatigue is real, but I will make it through.
November 5, 2020
Even though I am from the UK, this week feels like the last few days were sucked into a void due to the US election. Four years ago on the Trump vs Hillary election, I woke up at 4am and at that point the news was suggesting Trump might pull ahead and then the notification came through that he had definitively won at about 5.30-6am British Standard Time. On Wednesday night I suppose I subconsciously feared the same would happen so woke up at 4am again. For a while I lay there and just stroked the cat who lives in the house I rent a room in, who had come and curled up against my stomach when she felt me woke up, too nervous to check my phone. Eventually when I did both Trump and Biden had between 100-200 points each with Biden in the lead. Biden pulled ahead quite a lot and was 100 points ahead about 4.30-5am but then Trump won Texas and accelerated 100 points by the next time I woke up, sleeping ten minute increments at a time. About 7.30am it stabilised at around Biden 224 vs Trump 213 and stayed like that for most of Wednesday - every time I checked BBC news compulsively it would be the same. My landlords are originally American from New Jersey and Illinois and they stayed up all night watching the election results and sleeping on the couch on and off. The day felt like a trance due to sleep deprivation and the distraction of checking the results constantly. In my class the lecturer asked if people had been keeping an eye on the election and others answered yes and kind of laughed about how it was stressful and so annoying to not have an answer yet and in general the embarrassing behaviours of Trump. I couldn’t say anything because tears kept welling up in my eyes thinking about how people can kind of roll their eyes and chuckle about something that has the potential to devastate someone else’s life. I kept thinking about my American friend who had undocumented parents (documented now) and what it means to her to sit and watch the results knowing so many people voted in ways that they likely know could hurt so many others and symbolise no care for their existence or quality of life. Last election when Trump won even though I was only just 18 and not very knowledgeable about American politics when the announcement came out that he had won I couldn’t sleep and didn’t know what to do. Eventually I went and had a shower and stood under the water for ages and just wept and wept until it felt like I was dissolving. I’ve seen lots of women say they did this too because they just knew what was going to come once he was in control. That day I had an introduction to gender studies class and our professor who was from Minnesota originally barely said anything the whole lesson, making us watch lots of videos instead of debating etc. The whole semester we had been talking about the gender of the presidential debates so I think people were expecting her to rage about it but all she ended up doing was that at the end of the lecture after the other videos she said ‘lastly someone has something to say’ and played the video of Hillary Clinton’s ‘women’s rights are human rights’ speech from the 90s. To sit in a class nearly entirely full of women / non binary people / gay men and watch it I had to hold in sobs so hard and looking around I’m sure a lot of others were too, including the professor. This election felt really raw with the memory of last time.
November 7, 2020
My birthday was this past week. While COVID obviously changed some things (I didn't go out with friends), birthdays have always been a super family-centered thing in my family. I don't live with my family anymore, but I traveled home to spend the day with them (and stayed to vote with them).My mom's parents were never big on birthdays when she was little. They forgot a lot of them. So she promised herself that when she had kids, she'd make it the best day of the year for them. And she succeeded. I looked forward to my birthday more than any holiday. She would wake us up with cake and singing and then we'd get to eat cake for breakfast and open presents right there first thing in the morning. And for the rest of the day it was all about you. She'd decorate the whole kitchen as a theme, a couple of times it was spongebob, or movies, or underwater, or disco. It was awesome. Now a days since my brother and I are older, it's just "birthday", but she still goes all out. Covers the windows in banners and hangs streamers and tapes decorations to the ceilings, confetti everywhere. It's really sweet. So in the past week, I feel super grateful not just for her and her continuous effort, but also for being able to spend my birthday with my family. And then to vote as a family. We waited in line for almost 2 hours (we've never waited before) but it was so worth it.
November 7, 2020
I love this thought, it has not happened to me though I have heard others talk about it and how things are just more active in the spirit world. I love that our being anchored in this time, space and reality has impeded our ability to distract ourselves by leading our “busy” lives. Instead we must notice the changes that have happened by our screeching halt: nature is flourish and taking back their space, the environment is healing itself and most of us are still okay! That speaks to my life, but not everyone else’s lives. I feel deeply for those who are not okay, who cannot pay their rent or feed their families and those that are lonely or feel helpless. I am thankful and grateful everyday and will give up more to help those with less.
November 7, 2020
7 November 2020. COVID-19 infections rise to over 100,000/day this week. Some hopeful news from ferret studies (well only six ferrets, divided into 2 sets, two with the spray and one without in two cages) at Columbia University: a nasal spray containing a lipopeptide that matches amino acids in the spike protein which seems to have protected the ferrets given the spray, while the other two got sick. A non-toxic, stable, nasal spray that is effective would be wonderful. SUNSHINE: Biden has won the Presidency, horns are honking, and messages are congratulating from around the world -- Brazil, Israel, places with their parallel politics. It is bright and warm outside this fall day. Much work still to be done: the two run-off senate races in Georgia will determine whether Democrats can control the Senate. The good news includes that 130 black women ran for Congress in this cycle, and ninety percent of black women voted for Biden. Also six native American Indians are elected to Congress and many others down ticket. There is now the first Native American superpac, "Seven Generations", named for the motif in American Indian thought of caring for the world seven generations ahead. Re. COVID-19, it is reported that 376 of the counties across the U.S. with currently the highest rates of infection voted for Trump -- whether they will make the connection between denying the need for social distancing and mask wearing and their infections is unclear (one thinks of the classic Festinger et al., When Prophecy Fails). People like their beliefs, and their anti-heroes. One can only hope that we can figure out how to deflate the folk-hero trappings of Trump, and stifle that virus before it propagates any further. CONSTRAINT. Meanwhile life with COVID teeters between a delicate normalcy and constraint. We had dinner this week with a good friend in her late seventies (no longer so old), recently widowed, living alone, and one symptom is extreme fear of infection. She invited us to her apartment, inside, noting that while we were not the first to accept such an invitation, other couples had turned her down on grounds that they were trying to be hyper-cautious (in part she speculates due to worries of their grown kids who bombard them with worries about their safety). We wore masks inside except to eat and drink, were not allowed in the kitchen, stayed six feet apart, sat at the far ends of a long table, set dishes down to be retrieved by the other party rather than passing directly. As she pointed out, being alone without a companion, means she needs to be extra cautious as there is no one to provide help in the first instance. Not that she does not have many friends who check in on her. One of her single friends with whom she speaks ever three or so days, who is immunocompromised from cancer therapy, has it even more fraught, and is dependent on food deliveries which often come with items she has not ordered (because they did not have what she ordered and substituted a different brand or similar item, without knowing if it contained something she could not have). BUT of course, we all agree, we are the lucky ones, roofs over our heads, good food, health care, etc.
November 8, 2020
This week has been wild because of the election. We still don’t know who wins and it seems crazy that who ever wins is going to have control over the pandemic response going forward. I know that numbers are spiking again and it feels like we should be going back into lockdown, but the election is dominating the news. I am just wildly overwhelmed with the unknowns of the future.
November 9, 2020
No doy más, quiero pasar mi tiempo libre realizando mi tan amado hobby "escribir" pero el artblock que tengo no me deja ni leer. No puedo dormir bien, escribir bien, ni pensar coherentemente. Soy peor que un papel en blanco, porque ni papel mental tengo. Si no puedo ni aprovechar el tiempo libre no sé que hacer que no sean las tareas monótonas de cada **** día. Siento ganas de arrojar los platos contra el suelo cada vez que los veo.
November 9, 2020
France has started a 9pm-6am curfew. I don't feel as if it will affect me at all since I'm never out and about then, but in a few weeks when I start teaching my evening class I suppose it could be an issue. I wonder how much of an effect it will have. I still feel pessimistic about what's happening on the university campus but there is absolutely no discussion about moving to online. I don't know how much students will be controlled in their apartments as far as social gatherings go, especially since we're outside of Paris proper...so I'm skeptical that we'll see numbers going down drastically as a result of these new measures. Every week I feel like I go into a battle zone to get my teaching over and done with. Thank goodness there's a week of break after this one.
November 9, 2020