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The pandemic has not shifted my political views. I am a public health professional, and have developed my political framework around what is beneficial for the common good. As a result, I started the pandemic as a strong left leaning democrat and I continue to stay that way. It is so incredibly frustrating to watch leaders make decisions about our health and safety while completely ignoring data and trusted professionals. I cannot comprehend how someone would support a political party that had demonstrated such a high level of disregard for human life.
November 9, 2020
Mientras más pasa el tiempo más veo que la comunidad menos se cuida. ¿No notarán que tenemos más infectados que antes? Yo no me quiero enfermar, ni quiero enfermar a nadie, pero de poco sirve que solo yo me lave las manos si el resto del mundo a mi alrededor no le importa, y para colmo tampoco les importa que uno mismo se quiera cuidar. Mis compañeros, algunos vienen de la ciudad vecina y unos ya fueron positivos de covid19, así y todo se rehúsan a llevar correctamente el barbijo o lavarse las manos. Por lo que dijeron sus síntomas fueron leves y ni lo sintieron, no quiero sonar maliciosa pero supongo que sí tal vez gente como ellos se enferman, deberían enfermarse con una carga realmente fuerte del virus y tal vez así serían más respetuosos con los que aún no enfermaron. Poco empatía, a pesar de haber estado enfermos y aislados.
November 9, 2020
Últimamente la noticia que más circula por la radio local es la de vecinos de la comunidad que dieron positivo al covid19 y no se aislaron como corresponde, lo mismo con sus contactos estrechos que se niegan a aislarse. La gente lo advierte por la radio, preocupados por la situación, porque la policía ya casi no pide el cumplimiento del mismo. Es difícil cuidarse cuando los infectados no lo hacen.
November 9, 2020
Hola, los saluda _____ Esta vez estaba en el aeropuerto Internacional El Dorado, en ma ciudad de Bogotá, viajé por trabajo. Quiero que observen las medidas de seguridad que nos pusieron. Debemos presentarnos 2 horas antes y subir los resultados a la aplicación corona app, con el tiquete aéreo y esto nos sirve como tiquet de ingreso al aeropuerto. Hicieron que me quitara hasta los zapatos y me revisaron todo el bolso. Fue un viaje donde nos sentaron por filas en el avión y tal cual bajamos. Ojalá siempre fuera así. Fue más rápido
November 9, 2020
Acabo de enterarme acerca de las novedades y el proceso que tomare para mi servicio social, y temo sobre la conmemoración de mi graduación para el próximo año. El supuesto rebrote que están notificando en mi país me demuestra la gran y evidente ignorancia de la gente y la falta de inconsciencia que aún existe. Lo peor de todo esto, es que a pesar de cumplir desde un inicio con la cuarentena y mantener mis medidas sanitarias adecuadas, aún faltará un buen tiempo para volver a salir como anteriormente.
November 9, 2020
This week was the longest whirlwind of my life. There has been so much anticipation towards the election for me that it has left me desperate for change, for unity and for my children. Election Day is among us and while we most likely will not know the results for days, I am here for all of the sleepless nights and long days glued to CNN and NPR.
November 9, 2020
It’s a feeling that’s been absent from my heart for the past four years. Euphoria, tranquility, assurance. Yes, this is what it feels like to have a real president—one with honor, integrity and empathy. When President-elect Joe Biden, with Vice President-elect Kamala Harris by his side, delivered his acceptance speech on Nov. 7, 2020, I could sense a shift from the chaos and divisiveness of the current administration to decency, civility and normalcy. Once more, character will matter. Values will matter. Science will matter. We will matter, and decorum will be the flavor of the day—every day. Celebrate and rejoice in the healing power of change.
November 9, 2020
For the first time since the pandemic began, my husband and I elected to go to a local beer/wine bar as we wanted to celebrate the election of Joe Biden as the 46th president of the United States. Prior to March, this had been a weekly outing for us, but we had been playing it safe by not frequenting restaurants or bars. I was still a bit worried about our decision, but we wore masks when we ordered our drinks and then settled ourselves at a table far from any other patrons. (As we had chosen to go at 4 p.m., only two other revelers were inside the building at the time.) We had a good time, and it made my heart happy to venture out after so many months of quarantining.
November 9, 2020
This week was still waiting to wake up from the bad dream that’s ever present. The full moon on Halloween was so perfect a reflection of the anticipation of the election. Forgetting politics and policy, I want the nightmare of the division and hate tearing this country apart to end. The vitriol and fear among the populist is like these dark clouds floating through the sky. I stand in the middle of the street at midnight watching the moon peeking through, the clouds washing over it, and not a sound in the area. The silence was eerie, no rustling leaves, no barking dogs, no car engines. Just a world of peace, and calm and possibilities, yet darkness and mystery swirling all around, hiding the light. When will we wake from this nightmare and be able to hug those we care about without having to mime through 6 feet of “dead” air space and a mask? Maybe we’ll have an answer to one question next week... the election, but I don’t think Covid is ready to rest it’s ugly head yet, and that nightmare continues.
November 10, 2020
I am a graduate student taking courses remotely from China. We are 13 hours ahead of EST which means we have to take courses at midnight if we want to have the live version. I have kept the "bat lady" kind of lifestyle for 2 months and I decided to change it for the rest of the semester and go back to my normal rhythm. Staying up late for a long period makes me feel difficult to pay attention to studies and feel tired more frequently than before. I think the pandemic has emphasized enough about how important health is. So I decide to make some changes!
November 10, 2020
The pandemic and the results of the presidential election were a weird combination. My roommates and I stayed up until 3am every night last week watching the election results. For no reason, mostly. We knew that the results wouldn't come in on Tuesday, but we watched anyway. We hoped for Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, even though the news said it was unlikely. On Saturday morning, I was laying in my bed when I heard someone yelling outside. I knew then it happened We all got up and got dressed and bought champagne and went to McCarren park. It was like half of Brooklyn was there. There was a live band, the streets were packed, people were cheering and popping bottles left and right. Honestly, it was so refreshing to see so many people out together. So many people smiling and cheering and laughing. I forgot about the pandemic. It turned into a daylong celebration, we went to manhattan, we came back to Brooklyn. We walked to a bridge at midnight and back. And then on Sunday, we agreed to get covid tests, because while it felt for a while like the world was "normal" again, it wasn't. So we're all waiting on our results now, and we've settled back into our usual routine. My cousins are talking about 25M fraudulent votes on social media (I have no clue where they got that number), but I'm just praying I didn't trade a day of celebration for illness.
November 11, 2020
My mom and I take every precaution in the book. So does my boyfriend and his family, as their 68-year-old Nana lives with them. My mom is over 60, and so is her boyfriend, and I tutor a few times a week. I take every precaution under the sun besides staying inside and not leaving my house. My dad on the other hand thinks COVID is a hoax to incite fear. He goes to church with 40+ people, doesn't wear a mask, and refuses to get tested. I don't live with him. My brother goes back and forth living with my mom and my dad, but for some reason he doesn't think COVID is as bad as it is. He takes precautions, but doesn't see the problem in my dad not taking them. My mom now works from home all the time, same with her boyfriend. I do school online, driving up once a week for a class we have outside. I tutor twice a week, mask on always. My boyfriend works remotely, his sister goes to high school, his mom and dad work and take all precautions. I miss hugging and seeing my friends and going to the gym and being around people, but I am making do with what I have. I am so appreciative that I am healthy, but it doesn't make it easier sometimes. It's hard for everyone.
November 11, 2020
A week ago I tested positive for COVID, despite taking any and all precautions and no one around me having symptoms. I had a tightness in my chest and really bad allergies, and my anxiety made me worried, so I got a saliva test. Flash forward a few days and I got a positive result, after having stayed with my boyfriend and his family for the weekend. This through me into a panic, my mom into a panic, and everyone I had seen, despite precautions we had taken. I had a few breakdowns, absolutely unconsolable, and thought I was going to accidentally kill someone in my life because of possible COVID exposure. Two days later I got another test, and the results came back the next day as negative. Everyone around me had tested negative as well, but I know that there is only a 0.02% of a false positive, so I am currently in limbo trying to figure out if I actually tested positive or if it was a false positive. It's all very overwhelming and terrifying.
November 11, 2020
On Saturday I picked up 3 turkey dinners at a local church and met 2 friends for a lovely picnic! I had not seen my friend [B.] since last December! It was much fun to spend time with him again. His caregiver [A.] joined us too.
November 11, 2020
The growing positive rate here in Indiana, about 19.3 % is alarmingly high! All I can do is continue to be cautious. Take calculated risks. Only enter stores with few cars in the lot. Thanksgiving is up in the air as my nephew and wife are in the middle of 14 day quarantine time.
November 11, 2020
It made me very happy that Joe Biden won the presidency. Previously I had never been a fan of his, but I do feel that his prior experience, personal style, and caring demeanor will go far to hep us heal the ravages of Trump. I just am very upset by the many who did votes for him. What can they possibly see in him? I can’t fathom how one could condone his selfishness, willful deceit and constant lying. I feel that he is not stable mentally and is now potentially dangerous in his last two months. Let’s hope that our checks and balances can prevent a war declaration or something wicked. His rhetoric has been vindictive and so unwise in so many decisions over the last four years. Even his face registers hate and contempt for the foundations of our country and the workings of government. He makes a mockery of democracy. It’s such a shame that the transfer of power could not be peaceful and graceful as it has been even in cases of bitter rivalry. Trump is no gentleman and no man of honor. His legacy will be a sad one because of his own bungling. Biden’s inauguration can’t come soon enough.
November 11, 2020
Corona virus has affected me in a lot of ways especially in terms of mental health. This week, my grandfather died and due to the pandemic, there have been less planes regularly shuttling back and forth between usual places. So, I had to wait for a plane that went from Albany, New York to Richmond, Virginia. Due to this, on the last and connecting flight to Richmond my grandfather died, and I couldn't say goodbye. I experienced his loss through a text when I landed and proceeded to cry into my hands. I couldn't talk or move but eventually had to because the plane had to continue on it's way. The pandemic made me miss the final goodbye to my grandfather.
November 11, 2020
I didn’t get to have the Dump Trump party I envisioned!! But in all seriousness - Can I get a Heck Yeah!!!!! This past week was all about the election. I have friends say to me (my Philly friends ❤️) that they felt connected to more people, everyone was celebrating and then today - a couple of days later - they are feeling more isolated and deflated again. I told my friend that because I have come into COVID as a generalized anxiety girl that I am doing better right now. I read that somewhere - that people with history of depression and those that live with anxiety are better prepared because we aren’t shocked when things don’t go as expected. Of course COVID is no one’s normal level of anxiety but I do feel that I am more cautious in general (not so much that it stops me from doing hard things or enjoying my life) but I am more adjusted to this because I am already always worried about something. Maybe now people will have more respect for those of us with anxiety! Also - our schools are starting to have more cases. There was talk a few weeks ago that they wanted everyone back in. Well - that can’t happen now. We are happy and grateful to stay all virtual.
November 11, 2020
Numbers of cases, hospitalizations and deaths are rising, and this is very sobering. Living in a more rural area has allowed me to walk with friends, to visit outdoors with friends, and this week to attend an outdoor service at our church.The gift of wonderful fall days has allowed me the outdoor and friend activities that feel closer to normal, and each has felt like a gift. Thinking ahead to the holidays is also sobering; longing to be with family is real. On the other hand, we recognize the importance of erring on the side of caution and will Zoom with our children on Thanksgiving. Then we'll look ahead to Christmas and decide what's best. Sigh...
November 12, 2020
This week I finally got a call from my neurologist and told me I can finally start my rehab treatment for my disability in December. I’ve waited 9 months for this to happen. As cases are increasing drastically in my area I’m worried that my treatment will have to get postponed. I also was notified I needed to completely quarantine to be extra cautious so I can start the treatment. I used to be able to go pick up essentials but now I have to rely on my parents and siblings to pick up stuff for me. I have so many mixed emotions. With starting the treatment I will also be exposed to more people as this is being done in a big hospital in my area. This also scares me. I just don’t know how to feel I go from anxious to excited it’sa whole rollercoaster. I’m scared.
November 12, 2020