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Where. To. Start! The terrorists in my country forcing their way into the U.S. Capitol Building is nearly unspeakable because so many thoughts and feelings flood to mind/body that it's the ultimate traffic jam. Many knew the threat. Those in leadership either requested support which was denied or supported the threat. Residents in this country are split among those who are surprised (white folk) and those who aren't (BIPOC). Credible threats are mounting for Inauguration Day. Good god, please don't let another tragedy happen. No doubt our national leadership will try to move forward and past rather than pause to reflect, fix/heal, and then move onward. I fear what will come from that. For a moment, pandemic news has taken a backseat, but there has been no respite from anxiety, only trading the cause. I was registered for a grad course this spring semester. I dropped it just hours ago. I will not take a course this semester. I see so many things cluttered, unfinished, in need of attention in, around, and about my house. I feel bad enough that I've been working from home for 10 months now and accomplished little on a long-standing and lengthy to-do list. I know the spring will bring added yard work. If I feel this bad now, I worry what I'll feel like at the end of the pandemic if I don't accomplish substantially more. So, I am putting grad school on hold for a semester (at most, I hope, but I promise myself nothing), and I will commit myself to spending non-work time one of two ways: regaining an exercise routine which was lost due to my inability to easily pivot since the onset of the pandemic, and accomplishing all the long-standing items on my household to-do list.
January 13, 2021
Before the coronavirus, I used to go to the park to exercise and journal it helps me release stress. In addition, I would go to my friend's house before the pandemic but at the moment people do not wants visitors in their house due to the situation. For the most part, we have to change our hobbies activities from outdoors to indoors.
January 13, 2021
This is the sketchbook that I picked up back in 2017, ironically, at the same time Congress was trying to destroy the Affordable Care Act which would affect the health care of 20 million Americans...(at least). They were not successful in doing this. Yet. (SCOTUS will rule on the "legality" of the ACA in 2021.). During that anxious time, the book gave me an opportunity to practice looking, and drawing what I see. Which was soothing then, and still is. It's been a great little book to have now, to record my inside little world and observations, as our country nears 300,000 Covid deaths. (December, 13, 2020) I should have posted this as my first photo, so it's possible to see the actual sketchbook, before the sketches. But here it is now. Awfully glad I have it, and glad it breaks down sketches to just one per day. Although, I can do more than one per day.It's a helpful way to avoid reading the news also.
January 13, 2021
I feel full of rage, sadness, and empty. My grandmother passed away from Covid. Words cannot begin to describe the amount of pain I feel from her sudden passing. Over the past three days, she is the tenth person who I have seen die from Covid. I just found out a few more close friends are hospitalized for Covid-19. It makes me wish I could have it so they could live. I actually did have it back in March 2020 but I was lucky, I only had a mild case and was able to move forward. I just feel angry at times. Angry at how people are taking this as a joke and it comes at the cost of human lives. It makes me wish that anyone who decides not to wear a mask in public can die from Covid-19 so that maybe the pain of their loss will slap some sense into those around them. The Christian in me says to forgive them, to not wish hatred and violence but love them. But my mind can't stop replaying me screaming at people or wishing them death for their ignorance. My friend told me, will this bring your grandmother back? No, but I just get so upset at the complexities of this pandemic. Why should I show compassion and care for White Nationalists who in the past have screamed the N word at me, have threatened myself as a queer woman of color, who have caused so much generational trauma. Part of me keeps thinking, why would I ever want to forgive someone who does nothing but spread hatred and pain? My religion may say one thing and yet my heart keeps aching from the reality I live in. I know I can forgive people over time but this has reached a new level of unacceptability. I almost wish we could have another Civil War since to be honest they never got over losing and it has been the sleeping giant awakened with a vengeance slowly stalking us like hazy nightmare. But once again, this would not solve the root of the issue. The real solution in my opinion is education, love, and empathy. We have to do better. What will be left of us after this otherwise?
January 13, 2021
The pandemic has a way of making me feel the bitter truth of our world. I grieve with a heavier heart. I work longer hours. I spend even more time obsessing over social media. I am lost in my own anxiety, depression, and trauma at times. Pain and violence have become the norm. The pandemic has a way of making me feel the bitter truth of our world. I have learned to be more independent. I have become stronger through my pain, shaping me to be more empathetic. I am allowed to give myself grace during difficult times. I learned to stand up for myself, even if it is hard, even if I had to walk away from my dream job... I can use my voice to make a difference on others and myself.
January 13, 2021
E. is prepping for Air Guard activation at a COVID vaccination command center out of state. He’ll be gone for about 10 weeks if all goes well. If all goes how it’s been going so far, then who knows. I’m not worried about taking care of [our daughter] by myself. Truthfully we are lucky to have a small but very supportive bubble to help us. We’ve been explaining [...] that daddy has to go away to help people and he’ll be back. Hopefully we’ll be able to establish a FaceTime schedule that we can all look forward to. His parents in New Jersey got notice that they’ve been registered for their vaccine groups, 1b and 1a. No word from my folks in Missouri yet but different state, different processes. If all the states go to age 65+ then hopefully all of our parents will be vaccinated in the near future. This will be a huge relief, although I am worried about what will happen if they don’t get the second doses in there recommended 3 or 4 weeks. Eric says that for most vaccines it doesn’t matter if you push out the booster, but these are totally new vaccines and I worry what if all these people - our folks included- end up not properly protected? What if a ton of people decide not to come back at all for their second dose and we’ve effectively wasted their first doses that could have gone to someone who would have completed the regimen? Although I guess that’s always a possibility anyway.
January 13, 2021
Yes, gracias a WhatsApp, I talk to my friends (who are like family) in Spain weekly! One of the most profound things that I won’t forget was that my friend M. told me was that she believes that the pandemic has taken years off of her life. It made me so sad. She is older and while I am affected by the pandemic, I have never felt that way.
January 13, 2021
Something important that happened to me this week was a safety reminder. We had a beautiful gentle snow fall, lots of it. I went out at night and took some pictures...first time for photography at night. It wasn’t too cold, and all was quiet. I was so pleased about the shots I was getting and felt like a real photographer, for once in the right place at the right time. Next day we shoveled, nice light snow so effort required was consistent but not strenuous. By the next day the snow started to melt and the magic of the midnight photo shoot was also beginning to diminish. My “reminder” occurred the next day when I went for my daily “walk and talk”. That is my pandemic routine combining exercise and socialization where I call a socially isolated friend and chat on the phone while I walk. It was a glorious sunny day and I was completely immersed in the conversation and missed (well, I didn’t miss it, I hit it) a big clod of grass a snow plow had thrown up on the street. I was concentrating on the call looking at the phone one second and down on the ground watching my phone skitter across the ground the next. It was one of those slow motion falls ....oooohhhhh nnnooooo...... completely my fault...but ultimately so much gratitude... I did not hit my head, did not lose the phone down the rain drain, and being winter in New England was dressed in lots of layers. I was lucky, suffering a few minor bruises along with a bruised ego and some very very sore ribs. The ego is fine, but the ribs will take much more time and remind me every day that “keep your eyes on the road”, is an apt phrase to remember not just when driving!
January 13, 2021
My children think about coronavirus as Hitler. When will the corona die? Are we winning it already? And the highlight: “stop talking about the corona! We don’t want to hear about it anymore!”
January 13, 2021
It hasn't affected me too much, here in Perth Western Australia, the Premier has everything as controlled as can be. We have though have been strongly advised to stock up on masks, as well as wear them traveling by plane interstate or around Western Australia. The UK Covid 19 has gotten into Australia and so just keeping up with advice from health professionals. I have downloaded app on my phone to check into all cafes, restaurants and shops throughout Western Australia. In event of outbreak will be able to track where we have been. I feel safe,but also more aware of hygiene practices and not getting too close to people. Disinfectant surfaces I touch as well as my hands, as well as not touch my face either. I realize too we never get rid of the virus, but to just be aware of it. Still have anxious moments when in public, but that is probably due to shutdown last April 2020.
January 13, 2021
I got vaccined!!
January 13, 2021
Pandemic is on the back burner for me right now as I'm mostly disturbed by the attack on the Capitol last week and the fear that more attacks are planned. Yesterday I took a walk along Madison Ave. in NYC and it made me sad to see so many empty stores. I hadn't walked along there in a while and so it was surprising to see how many shops had gone out of business. This made me quite sad and also made me wonder whether NY is going to make it through this...
January 13, 2021
Can I possibly separate coronavirus from politics this week? No! The assault on our country's capitol was shameful and frightening. It is difficult to understand the fear (or motivation) that caused so many to engage in an uprising against our government. It is painful to know that our country is so divided and that citizens are so angry that they would resort to lawlessness. It is hard to imagine being able to heal as a country. How will we bridge that divide going forward? All that pain has taken attention from the pandemic while adding layers of worry, hurt and fear to what we're already shouldering. The vaccine is becoming available; there is light at the end of the tunnel. Unfortunately, our spirits are not lifted. We must be deliberate about finding hope. We must do our part to move out of the darkness and to take on responsibility for finding -and working toward- the light.
January 14, 2021
Maintaining my composure For the past week Suddenly is a burden Days ago came the call “Tested positive,” I heard. A wail sounds off in my mind I cannot catch my breath Nothing else is of value More than the next days More than family health More than ridding virus Passing by,family unscathed There is no assurance My son and grandson Both have the covid virus As I write this entry DJT has been deemed A threat to democracy Having incited insurrection This moment the vote The 45th impeached. My heart beats rapidly As my mind spins facts “Fear” by Woodward described Knowing he hid the truth How deadly the virus He hid ifacts, so did party Now ten republicans Add votes to impeach. There is no assurance My grandson is four A fever hit him yesterday. I made the print in 2001 After 9/11 caused us pain My face was torn in two With globes spinning by I added simple spikes A simple mask in ink But now concentric Circles radiate outward Encapsulating more And more in rainbow Hues as 400,000 Perished, more follow Without Trump’s treatment Given to Guliani too There is no assurance We wait at social distance My heart ripped in two. Silence at 4:37 PM EST No one rampaging taking place in the Capitol Today in Congress the president is again impeached. 232 197 Passed.
January 14, 2021
When the pandemic is over, we'll be living a new normal. It is likely that wearing masks will be part of our lives for years to come; it is likely that social distancing will only gradually diminish. It is likely that much of the technology that helped us to connect during the pandemic will remain: churches may continue to reach beyond their communities via Zoom; options for virtual learning will enhance education at all levels; technology will remain vital to keeping families and friends connected. There's plenty that I cannot picture: using mass transportation; travel in cities or outside our country; spending an overnight in a hotel or motel; crowded bleachers during a sports event; being part of a theater audience; dinner at a special restaurant. May aspects of our pandemic lives remain: deepened appreciation for everyday moments; renewed appreciation for time with family and friends; heightened awareness of Mother Nature's bounty and beauty. May we cling to all that reminds us of the gift of life and the importance of celebrating everyday joys.
January 14, 2021
I see people I know on social media going to New Orleans, or Miami, or California over the past few weeks. I don't really get it, the point of it. I know I went somewhere, but it was nearby and in a secluded cabin we left only once to walk. At this point, I don't want to get sick but I moreso don't want to spread sickness more. Now members of congress are getting sick from hiding last week, which is a horrible follow-up to what happened. Members of my extended family who have said the whole pandemic is a hoax have started getting sick.They're carrying on with life as normal as much as they can, which is really horrifying. All to prove a point. I don't get it.
January 14, 2021
This moon rising is a reminder of all the promise of a “new” year, with lots of hope and optimism. There’s a new month, new year, and new President coming...vaccine is on the horizon. And yet, what really changes when the hands of the clock roll one second past midnight. All those issues will not suddenly disappear.
January 14, 2021
There is a lot of people feeling intense whether it's sad or mad or angry, and there is some stuff making me sad not much because i'm trying to stay positive but if i was to talk about it, i would say the thing that is making me sad or intense is the fact that even that we have a few vaccines right now it will take time for the world to return to normal. I keep hearing that it can take months or a year till we all get vaccinated but the sad part is we are not fully sure this vaccine can work as of now it;s okay but i would just like everything to go back to normal and everyone to stop worrying so much about this pandemic,
January 14, 2021
Government Checks Sent $600 Our yard is home to this owl. My neighbor is quick She has spotted him twice In our woods. . I winder what is the symbolism Does he represent anything? He enjoys our trees I wish I could spot him one day. . I thought I heard him Earlier today at the mailbox. The government respects Artists?!?! Really ?!?!! Yes. Covid stimulus check for me? Two solo art exhibitions cancelled This past April both ruined Today blame a man twice impeached. DJT this name appears on my check. A small amount of dollars from a man Who golfed a FULL year in office As president. My career worth $600? I think I heard my owl today I do not know what his presence means I study his image in the photograph And take solace in nature’s beauty.
January 14, 2021
I haven't seen any racist memes, but racism is everywhere. Our president is stoking the fires of racism, which is never acceptable, but in a time of Covid it is even worse. Black and brown people are dying from this and I believe that is one of the reasons he isn't taking it as seriously as he should. Many of his supporters just don't know anyone who had it, or is in a high risk category. I am so worried about our lives here in America. I can't even write anymore.....I have a wrist issue and having some pain. Will have to leave it at this.
January 15, 2021