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Todo este año ha sido de apoyarnos, en especial en mi pais, por la situación que vivimos, estoy en Venezuela, este año fue mas claro, las colaboraciónes, ayudas. Yo en particular participo en una ONG, en la parte de salud, tambien dona alimentos y ropa. Ha sido bastante la participación de las personas en donar medicamentos o ayuda economica que solicitan por las redes. También se observa el apoyo psicólogo y moral Entre vecinos se evidencia el apoyo, sea con alimentos o atención al más necesitado. Estoy agradecida por esta en una ciudad que a pesar de estar en esta calamidad de desgobierno , no pierden la solidaridad con el otro. Son muchas muestras y aunque nos quedemos corto, no dejamos de hacerlo. Aplausos y gracias por eso.
January 27, 2021
I work in a coffee shop. A customer had his mask below his nose. After being asked several times and not complying the customer left the store, told us to fXXk off and extended his middle finger at us.
January 27, 2021
January 27, 2021
My boss got it --- and even had to go to the hospital. My brother in another country just got it. On the plus side he already got dose #1, but now who knows when he will get dose #2. Honestly, I feel even more afraid. It is just getting closer. I feel overwhelmed. I feel angry that things are moving so slowly. How does the EU think that it is at all appropriate to be playing around with the idea of not sending vaccines to the UK? Yes, Brexit is shit. And they are angry --- but play with something that is not as essential right now. I don't know when I will be vaccinated. I don't know when I will see friends or family. I am worried about having to go out of the house to public spaces. And am thankful that for the time being I don't need to. But how long will that last. How long will my boss be ok with me working from home? At what point do I go back into the office? How long will it feel like everything is shut forever? How much longer will this be going on for?!?!?!?!!
January 28, 2021
Here in Perth, Western Australia we have been extremely lucky, Covid 19 is being kept in check. We have restrictions to travel around Australia and if come back to Perth, we need to isolate in hotel quarantine for 14 days. We also need to check in to cafes and restaurants either mandatory writing names and phone number down or check in through our Safe WA app. It has become the new normal, and if it helps keep Covid 19 under control then it is something we just keep on doing here in Perth, Western Australia. Social distancing became the new norm but I feel we are becoming very complacent, we also were told recently to stock up on face masks too. So I feel we are waiting for the other shoe to drop so to speak. My Dad has also recently been diagnosed with prostate cancer and so that means this disease adds to my anxiety about his health and care.
January 28, 2021
The news about worsening coronavirus news/statistics, and increasing requirements for overseas travel had made me feel anxious at times especially with my husband’s insistence of traveling to the Philippines this year after we have gotten our vaccination. Being cooped up in the house, I have spent time searching for new recipes, learning about gardening, mobile wifi, and Korean on YouTube, and studying Financial Accounting on Coursera. I am pleased that browsing on YouTube, I learned how to extend the battery usage on my phone. How lucky we are that we have the internet. I wonder how people from long time ago dealt with life and boredom during the pandemic. At least this time, virtual learning, virtual meetings, news, watching movies can occur readily because of the internet.
January 28, 2021
Reflecting on DC We have hope The 46th cares The First Lady cares Truth springs up Light from darkness We will not forget insurrection
January 28, 2021
Termina uno de los años más raros de toda mi vida. La vida fue normal hasta el 13 de marzo. . Luego vinieron 7 meses de confinamiento en los que prevaleció el miedo, la incertidumbre y las pérdidas en muchos sentidos. El 1 de octubre volvimos lentamente a salir. Lo hacemos con restricciones y precaución. A pesar de todo ello, tengo mucho por qué agradecer. Agradezco que estoy viva, que los seres humanos que más me importan en la vida están vivos. Agradezco que he sobrevivido a mi propia historia, que he soportado con dignidad y decencia mi propia misión en este mundo. Agradezco que aunque mi alma fue arrasada hasta los cimientos, estoy de pie, sigo avanzando, no me doy por destruida en definitiva. Agradezco lo largo y lo ancho de mi amor, ese que se expande, y envuelve como una sombra a un sin fin de gente que poseen tesoros que admiro: generosidad, valentía, entrega, compromiso, aplomo, verdad, rebeldía, perseverancia, misericordia, lucha... Agradezco por lo pequeño y por lo grande; por lo simple y lo complicado; por lo trivial y lo importante. Agradezco el trabajo que es pasión, que es creación, que construye y aporta a la vida de otros. Agradezco que aún encuentro ternura para escribir y comunicar. Agradezco que lo más importante ha quedado intacto dentro de mí. Siempre que aparece el agradecimiento en mi vida, surgen los pequeños demonios de la suficiencia, hubiera querido hacer más y mejor. Hubiera querido tener más manos, más voluntad, más recursos. Pero todo lo hecho fue con corazón y buena voluntad. Agradezco a todas las personas que me apoyaron y decidieron estar presentes en mi vida. También a aquellas que desde el anonimato me dedicaron una oración o hicieron lo posible para que la oscuridad no me devorara. Sé que fue difícil apoyarme, sé que lo hicieron contra todo, sé que el haber creído en mí me ha mantenido con vida. Muchas gracias. De verdad, a todos, muchas gracias
January 28, 2021
Right now, I think I'm most frustrated by inefficient vaccine distribution in the U.S. It's not even that I disagree with who is prioritized. I have my thoughts, of course, but I think there's no truly fair way to decide who should get it first and the CDC's recommendations are at least reasonable. But doses of the vaccines are going to waste, and that's infuriating because there's no justifiable reason for wasting a prophylactic that can save so many lives. It's not the fault of any single person. It's an institutional failure, and so much more could have been done to plan for this issue. We've been in the pandemic for almost a year. There has been more than enough time to put together a functional program for distributing the vaccine. Some individuals that I do consider to be at fault, though, are the people who are cutting the line. Wealthy individuals who are traveling out of state or out-of-country in order to secure doses for themselves. These are people who already have every advantage - jobs that allow them to work from home instead of putting themselves at risk, savings enough to cover no-contact delivery of anything they could possibly want, and working health insurance in the event that they are infected. I understand the desire to protect yourself and your family. But it's absolutely despicable to cheat the system in order to gain an advantage. This pandemic has shown, more than anything, that human depravity has no bounds.
January 28, 2021
There is a sense of darkness and despair over the land. We try to keep up fronts of happiness and hope, but underneath it is an overwhelming sadness. Everywhere you look is bad news. The novel coronavirus is all around us, hiding in plain sight. We try to make living like this okay but you can see the fatigue and sadness in the eyes of everyone you meet. A happy distraction went viral on Facebook. A photo of Bernie Sanders sitting on a folding chair wearing mittens at the Presidential Inauguration was superimposed on photographs and shared countless times to the amusement of all. But… even that photo of Senator Sanders was depressing. He was sitting alone slumped on a chair, looking sad and cold, wearing a mask and mittens. When will this time of darkness end?
January 28, 2021
I think it definitely reconfirmed the general sentiments of America kind of being a undeveloped nation with the guise of being developed, or as people like to say, a third-world country wearing a Gucci belt. Like the way the pandemic effected us is a reflection of the country in many ways: our health care system, distrust of government, and lack of responsibility to the greater good, which are the not so pleasant elements of America that typify the country.
January 28, 2021
Reminiscing on you is like opening a bottle of the wine you left. It is tricky at first, having to put the screw in and puncture the cork, Slowly twisting around like the way you stirred mac and chesse, and did my kinky curly hair. I went to your room the other day and saw your closet, It still smells like you, Snowball the dog kept sniffing around for you. He cries and waits for you to come home. I am grateful to be with family you left behind. The news echoes and follows me around like a shadow, Constantly reminding me of how you died, how I never even got to say goodbye. Your death certificate came in today. I will pick up your ashes tomorrow. I miss you so much grandma
January 28, 2021
Life experience prep?? 7.1 Alaskan earthquake 10th floor of Anchorage hotel 2 AM My husband & I looked into each other’s eyes The vibration was massive swaying building Like a ship at sea Thrown to side off my bike Central Square Csmbridge Car hit bike full speed i landed apart from bike Bike destroyed On my way home late at night As an art student national disaster area Extreme flooding in USVI Rained three weeks nonstop kow pressure system No one leaving or entering The island More? Three is enough for now. We have vaccines to get !
January 28, 2021
As a lifelong bibliophile, I have often relied upon books to buoy me through difficult times. Since March 2020, when the pandemic first began to alter all that we knew and loved, books have been my passport to safely visit people and places without mask, worry or guilt. I have walked the streets of Paris with Chief Inspector Gamache in Louise Penny’s All the Devils Are Here, found myself quaking in a remote mountain estate in Silvia Moreno-Garcia’s creepy Mexican Gothic and assisted in solving assorted mysteries confronting a Kent retirement village in Richard Osman’s The Thursday Murder Club. Fredrik Backman transported me to a small town in Sweden in his heartwarming Anxious People, Marjan Kamali invited me to 1950s Tehran in The Stationery Shop, and Lucy Foley introduced me to a dubious cast of characters gathered on a fictional island off Connemara in The Guest List. Even a deadly pandemic cannot restrict travel by book nor discourage the awakening of imagination through literature.
January 29, 2021
My post-retirement plans, as well as those of my spouse, have been shattered by this global pandemic. All travel intentions--whether domestic or international--have been put on hold indefinitely. Despite our wealth of free time, we cannot visit distantly located family members, participate in volunteer opportunities or engage in face-to-face social interactions. Neither can we proceed with the hope of renovating aspects of our three-decades-old house, as we cannot safely hang out in home improvement stores or invite contractors to visit. The only plus afforded by the pandemic is the fact that restrictions have enabled us to eliminate many expenses and watch our savings mushroom. Meanwhile, we grow older day by day.
January 29, 2021
No salgo ni a ver el correo. La aventura diaria se reduce a sacar la basura, esporádicos viajes a la farmacia para recibir mis pastillas, algún trámite alimentario. Casi todo el tiempo leo, trabajo, juego con mi hijo o escribo, generalmente atendiendo a compromisos que me mantienen en un estado de suspensión de la realidad, esta realidad de encierro en la cual han zozobrado todos, en mayor o menor medida. Las mañanas son lo mismo que las tardes, y las noches lo mismo que cualquier espera: todo se diluye en el tiempo que pasa a escondidas y se detiene cuando quiere, alimentando la desesperación. En todo caso, es más una urgencia, la urgencia de nada, de que el tiempo pase para que sea mañana, para continuar con la misma sensación al día siguiente, ya sin la esperanza de que desaparezca el ansia. Porque esto ha durado tanto, que parece permanente. Algo de normalidad -achacada a partir del hábito que todos rompen con alegría- se ha anclado a la sensación de amargura con que caminamos de lado a lado en los pasillos de la casa, esperando que se caigan los minutos, y con ellos los días. No hace falta hablar del peligro concreto, porque la pura eventualidad, atada a la incertidumbre como el dogal al condenado, basta para que nos consumamos, para que me consuma en el sinfín de la mente acorralada, esa vorágine terrible del pensamiento circular, obsesivo de creer que uno es el próximo, sin importar cuánto creamos y queramos que esto acabe algún día. Cada día camino de la cama al escritorio, de ahí al comedor y después a la cama, con intermedios en la ducha y el living. En suma, me he convertido en una rata que se acostumbró vivir en una jaula sin, sin más lugar para moverme que para acomodar la locura
January 29, 2021
As I am afraid to get on public transportation, because masks are only recommended and not required, I have been shopping locally for my food ..basically within walking distance. This includes an expensive deli-like market, cheese shop, bakery, drug store, yoga juice bar, and lucky for me ..a farmers market. I am almost 75 years old and the icy sidewalks this winter pose a definite hazard. Many seniors in the apartment building where I live have fallen in the last year and ended up in nursing homes or with family members. I walk slowly and bought a walking stick to lower the odds this happens to me. I am cooking a lot more than I did before ..I don’t go out to eat except on rare occasions when either my brother or cousin show up for a visit. We get takeout and eat outdoors at the local park. As we had a mild winter, we could do that through December. I am subsisting on grilled cheese sandwiches, meatloaf, yoga fruit bowls, homemade soup, hummus or egg sandwiches and cooked veggies. I am trying to go vegetarian but have to be careful! It to eat too much high glycemic food which I seem to crave .
January 30, 2021
A third lockdown in Israel. Schools are still open, but “unnecessary” shops are closed. And of course, culture, restaurants, social events. And our parents can’t come over to see their grandchildren. It is a political lockdown: it could have been avoided if the government managed to enforce restrictions on the communities that persistently refuse to obey them (orthodox jews, arabs). In Tel Aviv, in our neighborhood, the pandemic is very much in control and weekly tests in my daughter’s school repeatedly show no positives. But there’s no afterschool activity, and friends are not allowed to come over (we don’t obey that). In the picture: a domestic “science” experience with oil and colored water.
January 31, 2021
I believe the things that have changed the most since the pandemic began are the way people live and behave. It seems like many people are living in fear and suspicion. Emotions are either heightened or deadened. I don’t see much happiness or hope around me. The vaccine promises to make everything better, but I believe it is false hope. Since the pandemic, more people are behaving in ways that are destructive and divisive. We have seen demonstrations, looting, destruction, violence, and crime increase, even though people are told to social distance and stay home. Many, it seems, feel their rights are more important than the rights of others and try to punish others or prove themselves in destructive ways
January 31, 2021
Today I went to my office for the first time in nine ten months. It was so strange.... I even forgot what floor I was supposed to go to in the elevator! When I was there, I realize that I don't miss that place at ALL!!! Looking at the cubicles, the furniture, the lighting, the carpets, everything... I just realize that being cooped up in that place for hours on end was like a cage or a prison and it created so much misery in my life. I praised God for this opportunity to work from home where I feel so much more human and comfortable. I realized that the office is a space of alienation where I am alienated from the rest of my life and the person I truly am. It was not a good environment for me and I praise the Lord that he found a way for me to continue working, yet not in that building.
January 31, 2021