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This week's big accomplishment as it relates to the pandemic is that I was able to bring my father for his 2nd vaccine shot. He took it all in stride and had no issues, and the place we went to was very well organized, uncrowded and super friendly. I'd like to go there for my own vaccine, if possible. Otherwise, I'm operating pretty much by routines for work, exercise, diet and so on.
February 28, 2021
Today brought me much happiness. Hubby and I visited the zoo—the first time we’ve been to any attraction in well over a year. With masks on and the initial Pfizer doses in our systems, we cautiously strolled through the botanical gardens (maintaining required distancing from other guests) and then zigzagged over winding paths that featured fascinating creatures at every turn. It was wonderful to be outdoors on such a gorgeous day and to hear the delighted laughs of others—young and old.
February 28, 2021
February 28, 2021
February 28, 2021
I was born during Polish “Stan wojenny” state of war period in early 80s when strict curfew was imposed. Now I find myself again in a country with strict curfew rules. For over a month now everyone in Quebec is forbidden to leave their house between 8pm and 5am. It’s not like I have anywhere to go, especially being a mom of 10 months old, but can’t shake off feeling imprisoned. I feel our apartment door locking. We are safe here. We have a full fridge, good wifi and uber eats on speed dial. And I still feel so trapped. My partner says even without the pandemic we would be stuck at home with the baby anyways, that our life would still be a lockdown. But he is a loner, who rarely meets up with any of his few friends. I used to have a big group of female friends around me, friends that could be visiting me now, bringing wine, much needed help with childcare and just good company. Instead we both stare at their respective screen: him overworking himself so he can keep his well paying, cushy tech job, me escaping my motherly duties to the world of pre-pandemic Law and Order. I tried to watch the “pandemic” season once - could not sleep for few days. If it’s real in Law and Order, it’s real everywhere. Also I would pause the episode all the time and complain about their lack of proper masking and social distancing.
February 28, 2021
We are about to begin the second year of the COVID-19 pandemic. Unreal that it is now a yearlong, and still not over, but grateful that vaccines have been developed and are becoming more widely available. I think our son has suffered the most, recovering from drug addiction and depression. Although he attends group and individual therapy, he stays at home with us and seems to have lost all motivation. This is discouraging, as my husband and I contemplate retirement. I go in to work 3 days a week, working remotely otherwise, and to the drugstore to pick up prescriptions - that's it. Tiresome and repetitive. I have worked to expand the time I spend reading books, and have begun to journal again after a long absence. This helps.
March 1, 2021
He was gaining footing, getting jobs and feeling proud of the work he was doing. His business was thriving and I was so proud. But COVID had a different plan. It made it unsafe for him to go into strangers' houses and do work on their properties. It made it unsafe to go to Home Depot and buy supplies, It robbed him of his motivation, his excitement, his skills. For a while he kept himself busy with little home improvement projects. Making a pegboard, re-laying the bathroom floor, and carving measuring spoons out of walnut and maple wood. Then the depression and restlessness set in. As did the cold weather. Stuck inside with no end in sight, he applied for unemployment. He'll be on unemployement at least through April. And then what? He likely will never go back to his small business or the clients he amassed. Hopefully it'll be a meaningful change. Hopefully we'll all get those meaningful changes we're yearning for.
March 1, 2021
I'm joining this project fairly late (Feb. 28, 2021). My wife and I began quarantining in mid-March 2020, and we worked from home thereafter. I got into the habit of taking photos of pandemic-related scenes on our daily walks near our home in downtown Albany, NY. Then, in the summer, I included photos related to Black Lives Matter and other political issues. I'm grateful for the chance to share these photos. I'm a historian at SUNY Albany and I think this project will be very important for later researchers. This is a photo from early May 2020. It shows the front stoop of a downtown Albany rowhouse. One of the striking things for me, early in the pandemic, was the strong sense of solidarity and encouragement many people displayed. At the same time when people had to isolate from each other. Nearly a year into the pandemic, some of that solidarity and encouragement remain, but a lot of people are also getting tired of restrictions like masking.
March 1, 2021
I had a dream this week that some woman came up to me and said "I had Covid 19 and I am not sure if I am recovered yet. You may have the virus now too". I woke up not too sure if it had really happened or not. I very seldom get dreams I can remember when I get up. I have found that my life is so routine that I don't feel the passage of time. There are not celebrations (public or private) or events to mark the passage of time. I seems like all of a sudden a year has gone by and I have no idea what I did during that time.
March 1, 2021
I believe social media is the method many people stay connected during the pandemic. It is easy to stay in touch with family and friends who you cannot see in person.
March 2, 2021
After weeks of fruitless efforts, I finally got an appointment for my husband to get his first dose of vaccine for this week. It's such a relief to know that he will finally be protected. I'm still not officially eligible, however a friend of mine told me yesterday about a site where a local hospital system is registering people 50+ years old. So I immediately signed up. It wasn't clear how long it will be before they contact me to make an appointment, but I hope it's soon. My brother called yesterday and asked if he can come to visit and stay for a couple days. He lives about 2 hours away from us. He will be arriving tomorrow. Since the pandemic began I've only seen him maybe 3 times. He's come over to visit for an hour or two and we always sat outside. This time he will be staying overnight and as much as I want to see him for a longer visit I"m also worried. He will be in the house with us, eating and hanging around. We obviously can't sit outside the whole time. We can wear masks inside and I think the weather will be suitable for having windows open. Even so, there is risk and it scares me since my husband will only be getting his first dose on the day he arrives and of course I won't be vaccinated at all. My brother's wife died of COVID in December. She was in a nursing home so it wasn't exactly a surprise, but it was still heart-breaking. Now my brother is alone. His sister-in-law lives about 30 minutes away from him and they are close. But I worry about him being alone. I wish he would move back home close to me and my sister and other brother. We're the only ones left in my family and I'd like us all to be close together.
March 2, 2021
March 2, 2021
March 2, 2021
I'm not especially sad or angry these days.. More like frustrated and having Covid fatigue in the current situation at almost one year now. And the rollout of the vaccines is lagging and dragging this out longer. Hoping that the new one-shot from J & J will help move things along more quickly so that we will be closer to being able to return to a "new normal."
March 2, 2021
The arts council I belong to hosts craft workshops to raise funds. The latest one was a cardinal barn quilt wall hanging. All participants had beautiful wall hangings to take home. I couldn’t resist the leftover paint on a participant’s palette. I grabbed a board and smeared the palette on it to create my own piece of art. I believe my impulsive action was a small act of defiance to all of the restrictions and rules we have lived with in the past year.
March 2, 2021
A significant issue I have dealt with this week has to do with if and when I can sign jus for a vaccination appointment. I havd not mentioned previously that I Ama cancer patient. I was diagnosed with stage 3 lung cancer in November - discovered accidentally in the investigation of another issue. Since then I have undergone a program of radiation which concluded, after 6 weeks of treatment, about three weeks ago. I have also had a program of chemotherapy consisting of four treatments every three weeks. My fourth treatment is scheduled for next week and will occur dependent on what my blood component levels are at the time. Because of this vulnerability of a compromised immune system, I was hopeful of getting the vaccine. but........in conference with the oncologist, he has advised that I should wait a few weeks after the "cycle" of my last infusion. It is important that my system - i.e. my blood counts - are strong enough to present an effective response to the vaccine. So............ I understand this and accept his advice, but am disappointed that I will go another 6 or so weeks in the same state of vulnerability in which I have been for virtually the past year. I feel like I'm on the fringe of the wave of vaccinated and revitalized citizens!
March 3, 2021
Several of my Asian friends have had nasty comments made about them on the street but no physical assault. I try to stay off Facebook and Twitter as some people make disturbing remarks without regard to whether your right wing of leftie.
March 3, 2021
I am not the same anymore. Not sure that is a good thing. I cannot look ahead. I have some amazing things in the future (potentially), but I cannot hope for them or look to them any longer for sustenance. I have lost my faith in the other side of this. I am losing my joy. I am losing me.
March 3, 2021
My little pandemic baby in her cowboys boots. She is almost 11 months old and is not so little anymore. She was born on April 6th in the height of the first lockdown. She knows most of family members from FaceTime calls. I think at this point she thinks people live inside the iPad screen. Every time after a call she tries to flip the iPad and see where is that person hiding. Makes me sad.
March 3, 2021
El otro día fui a ayudar a un amigo de la familia a recoger unos muebles para llevar a su casa. Nos tomó toda la mañana el ejercicio. El mundo se veía raro, tenía la impresión -quizá por la nieve y el silencio- de que estaba desplazándome por la escena de una película vieja. Cuando llegamos a la casa donde teníamos que recoger los muebles, saludé a la dueña de casa, siempre desde lejos y me quedé mirando los muebles que había que mover. Algo en mí quería terminar todo rápidamente para volver a casa. El encierro me está llegando a las fibras y empiezo a temer, pero no es el miedo convencional de quien espera el peligro, sino el miedo constante de quién se sabe acechado. Incluso las conversaciones fueron forzosas. No soy alguien que conversa mucho, no por voluntad, pero esta vez había algo que me hacía sentir incómodo de hablar, una urgencia rara de quien hace un trámite desagradable. En cambio, el frío de la calle vacía, me devolvía el alma al cuerpo y me ayudaba a continuar con los viajes. Entre un punto y otro, la carretera me trajo el recuerdo del primer viaje en carretera que hice en el país, desde el Kennedy en Nueva York hasta la casa en la que, de hecho, estoy viviendo nuevamente. Había un aire nuevo en todo, pero también monotonía, una monotonía ajena que me invadía y extendía, en alguna medida, la monotonía del encierro. Parece ser que esta cuarentena forzosa y larguísima (por no decir eterna) ha empezado intervenir cada aspecto de nuestras vidas, o al menos de la mía.
March 3, 2021
I'm white, so I haven't had to face the massive amounts of Asian and Asian-American discrimination that have showed up. However, I am a member of the LGBTQ+ community and we've been trying to support each other. Mostly it's been my friends and I doing zooms, but I recently attended an online meeting to potentially become a leader in an LGBTQ+ based tech camp for the summer. Everything is online, but they still want people to be able to connect.
March 4, 2021
It has been a week of worry and of hope. Sometimes alternating in my brain and heart and sometimes living within me at the same time. I feel both when I read the news of variants and vaccines. I feel worried about my unemployed son and what his path forward might be, but hope that vaccine and lowering cases will allow him to get back to work. I feel hope that my elderly relatives who have been vaccinated are now much safer and that before too long more of my loved ones (and even me!) will join them. I worry about my grandchildren who are doing kindergarten remotely, as well as their parents who are balancing so much and are so far away from us on the other coast. Worry and hope.
March 4, 2021