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Major mask headache this week. My N95 is tight and I find myself walking around with my mouth wide open all day to keep my mask positioned properly. When I get in my car at the end of the day and take my mask off I can feel the tension in my jaw, neck and shoulders. I often have a headache at the end of the day. Fortunately I am a PT so I am able to stretch and do what I need to do to take care of my body. Also just need to mention “maskne” or mask acne. I’m 26 and have pimples all over my chin.. but the mask covers it so maybe it doesn’t matter. I’m also thirsty. I work in an environment where I don’t get many breaks and don’t drink a lot of water under normal circumstances. Masks have made this infinitely more challenging. I’m dehydrated and tired. I’m tired of wearing a mask. I’m just tired.
February 26, 2021
First a comment concerning the questions that preceded this week's question. I am from Canada, so my responses relate to my experiences in Canada. Healthcare here is something we all have without concern for cost with very few exceptions. If someone wanted to change our health care this is "a mountain I would die on."I also feel that I can trust my elected officials and the media to a greater extent than if I were to live in the United States. I watch American news, and it is different from here. Some American news can get my blood pressure up quickly The pandemic affected me this week in a few ways. First my wife is continually commenting on the lack of vaccines in Canada compared to the US. We have no production facilities which makes us lower on the list than countries that produce their own. The result is fewer people being vaccinated compared to the US which does not sit well with her. I try not to dwell on it as there is nothing I can do that will change the situation. I find the comments and comparison somewhat annoying, but I let her know I hear her. A highlight was I able to ski this week which gave me a break from the monotony of isolating for most of the time. Walking in the community was back in my routine after a few weeks off with an injury. It was nice to see the doctor a few weeks back and be told that the injury would heal but would take time. It has healed so my concerns gone. I do not often think about getting Covid-19 even though it is a possibility. In our community there have been a few minor outbreaks but nothing connected to anyone I know or associate with. I did see someone this week without a mask on in Costco. I was going to say something but decided not to as I did want her shouting at me without a mask. This is the first time I have witnessed this since the spring. I miss contact with our family and not having them over for dinners and visits. Not being able to do things with our grandchildren I miss very much. I also miss being able to crouch down and talk to younger children who are out walking with their parents or grandparents. Young children when they smile perhaps say something can really make my day. I dream most nights and often they are nightmares. Regardless of the type of dream, good or bad, I cannot remember the dream within seconds of waking up. I think my dreams have changed over the past year, and perhaps it is related to the pandemic, but I am not sure. I don't seem to dream about the pandemic, at least that I can recall. Likewise, I try to avoid social media and much of the news as there is little that is new, and I feel much of the information isn't based on facts but opinions. Negativity is something I try to avoid social media and many news sources are a great place to find it. I, like most people am just tired of doing so few things that were a part of my life. I am simply tired but will continue to do what is asked of me. I feel like we will make it and patience is a virtue.
February 26, 2021
February 26, 2021
February 26, 2021
Hace frío. -5 grados centígrados afuera. 10 grados aquí en casa. Ya es de madrugada y aún no tengo sueño, pero debo hacer el propósito de dormir o por lo menos acostarme para descansar. Aunque hoy me levanté muy tarde, casi a medio día. El horario se me ha cambiado y no sé qué es lo que lo ha trastornado. Quizás el frío. Le echo la culpa al frío de todos mis males. Pero en realidad no sé qué es lo que está pasando. Qué más da. Mañana – o más tarde- será otro día. Un mejor día. Entre hoy y ayer han estado llegando a diferentes países de Sudamérica la vacuna contra la peste. La mejor vacuna hasta ahora es la diseñada por los rusos, llamada Sputnik V, con una eficacia de más del 96%. He visto en el canal de YouTube de la rusa Inna Afinogenova – a quien le creo por lo juiciosas que investigando- que la comunidad científica unió esfuerzos y ya están combinando tanto la vacuna rusa como las versiones europeas. Hoy empezó la vacunación al personal de la salud en Chile. El presidente en persona fue a recibir las primeras vacunas. También llegaron a la Argentina las primeras 300 mil vacunas Sputnik V. Y a Colombia no ha llegado ni mierda. No se sabe cómo se hizo la contratación de las vacunas y a qué precio salieron y ya el congreso está llamando a control político al ministro de salud. Dicen que compraron 40 millones pero no dicen a qué precio y cómo fueron las negociaciones. Además compraron las que menos eficacia tienen, es decir, compraron lo peor. Aquí en gringolandia ya comenzaron también una primera etapa de vacunación. Mañana 28 vacunan a mi prima L. que trabaja en una clínica donde hay muchas personas infectadas.
February 26, 2021
This week I was able to get my Corona virus vaccine shot. Under Massachusetts' companion program I was able to take my mother-in-law for her second shot (I also took her to her first before the program started) and get my first. Registering for the shot felt both like a cruel game and winning the lottery. Our experience at the Mass Vaccination Site was incredible! It was smoothly run and all of the staff we interacted with were great! My husband got his shot as he has multiple co-morbidities and I feel incredibly relieved that we are both scheduled for our second and that maybe when we are able to reopen our restaurant it will be a little safer for each of us personally. The flip side to this is that I am a 36 year old white woman. I was able to use my computer and cell phone to snag these spots. Talk about privilege. So much of this pandemic has been a study in contrasts, our business has been forced to close, when we are open things are so hard!! But we have our home and plenty of food and are safe. With the vaccine appointments, I am home with my daughter and have the ability to get online as soon as appointments open up. In fact, I am going to try and help another "grandma" in our family register for her shot tomorrow. So I guess I am using the privilege well but I am still so conflicted. Like I shouldn't have gotten a vaccine because others need it, the system was set up for me to be successful from the bottom up. Ugh ... am I a shitty person for wanting to protect myself and my family and my staff? Maybe.
February 26, 2021
When we all realized we had to wear masks, I developed an elaborate system of ordering my masks in a row and always taking from the right side, so that I could be sure that any mask I had been using had had at least five days to "dry" out and for any virus on it to shed. Now I'm down to a coat rack, masks thrown about, no order whatsoever. This is how I feel these days--completely scattered and without any sense of forward direction. It's true, we are coming out of winter, the vaccines are here, but the messiness of the vaccines is so depressing. My very progressive county, in an effort to be equitable, is holding back tons of vaccine until poor people and people of color can get them. Meanwhile tons of old people and teachers can't get them through the county and have to look elsewhere. At the same time, the governor (a republican) is sending a ton of vaccines to the pharmacies because they are less stringent about who they vaccinate. I find myself in the off position of actually supporting a Republican in this case. I have lost patience with people who are skeptical about the vaccines. If you don't want them, then just get out of the way and let other people have them. I feel like that is totally classist and racist of me, but I have friends over 65 who are going crazy trying to get vaccines. In this case, there really is scarcity. The rollout has been such a huge mess it's depressing. And meanwhile, my mother, like SO many other elderly people in care homes, is deteriorating emotionally from 12 fricking months of isolation and there's nothing my brothers and I can do about it. Part of me feels guilty for complaining because, hey--she's alive, she has food, she has medical care, at least she didn't die alone in an ICU, suffocating in her own lungs But then I think, oh Fuck that. I'm just angry and sad that this whole pandemic happened, that Chinese bureaucrats fucked this up, and Trump fucked it up, and the world fucked it up and it's still here and how many people have suffered and died. I've been trying to keep it together for my family and stay cheerful, but I don't know. I think I ran out of happy steam or happy juice or whatever it was motivating me to be up. I just want me and everyone else to be vaccinated and all the bickering everywhere to stop.
February 27, 2021
February 27, 2021
February 27, 2021
February 26, 2021 It never snows where I live. We may go years between snow showers that last maybe overnight. But this year, we were shut down across all 254 counties in the state for at least two or three days with snow and icy road conditions. Northern counties were shut down for up to a week. It has been a big deal in the news, and it has eclipsed a larger story. The COVID pandemic is abating. After another week of lockdown enforced by nature and a vaccination drive, the numbers are down. Some businesses in my area not only got relief from the return to warm spring weather, they are now allowed to return to 75% occupancy rates. Most businesses in my area have not seen this level since the pandemic lockdowns last year.
February 27, 2021
In the context of the coronavirus, I trust Anthony Fauci. He seems to have the experience and the ability to provide calm, competent, honest responses to questions about the virus. He also had enough political skill to keep his integrity intact while navigating around the obstacles placed in his way by the Trump administration.
February 27, 2021
This Covid time has allowed me the time to decide the people I want to remain in my life and the ones I do not.
February 27, 2021
February 27, 2021
February 27, 2021
500,000 Americans have lost their lives to COVID as of this week. That is 14x a normal flu and 167x 9/11. My heart breaks for those that have lost friends and family to this virus. I don’t personally know anyone who has died from COVID and I think that speaks to my privilege. I don’t feel qualified to say much on the topic of race but I know that the data speaks for itself. POC have been disproportionately affected by COVID. America needs change.
February 27, 2021
Due to the ongoing pandemic, our small community has been forced to cancel its annual festival for the second year in a row. Each spring for 34 years, this two-day event has attracted thousands to our town and brings much need money to the coffers of area businesses. For residents and town officials alike, the festival is a much anticipated social highlight, as well as an opportunity to accentuate the municipality’s positive points. Disgruntlement prevails now, but there is no doubt that this decision--however disappointing--was the wisest course of action.
February 27, 2021
I am 76 yrs.old, retired r.n.. I took care of others for 50 yrs, now find i am unable to access health care, have had tests postponed and cannot even get an in person appt. with my doctor.
February 27, 2021
2/27/21 Hungry kids + exhausted & overworked parents = dinner @450°. A relatively common pandemic dinner in our house.
February 27, 2021
This week was my son’s third birthday. Instead of a party or a special outing we had cake and presents and bbqed outside since it was unseasonably warm. One set of his grandparents are now fully vaccinated so they came over for a little while (still outside only, still in masks). We had many FaceTime calls throughout the evening: the other grandparents, cousins, friends. My son was thrilled. And I realized he doesn’t even know a world where friends come over to houses or where kids ride carousels. Just his two of his grandparents stopping by was over the top amazing for him. This comfort of his with this pandemic life is both hugely helpful and a bit devastating for me. When we go hiking on the weekends, he runs to the side of the trail when we run into other hikers, he reminds me to “Give the people space, mommy”. When we pick up books at the library, he looks in through the glass, not wistfully as he did a year ago, but practically to see what he might want to order for next time. He doesn’t even remember going inside anymore. Words like “mask”, “curbside pickup” and “sanitizer” are part of his daily vocabulary. Covid life is the only life he knows.
February 28, 2021
A pesar de que estoy mejor de salud física, me he quedado más tiempo a vivir en la casa de mi mamá. He de decir que la estancia acá me ha ayudado mucho con mi salud mental. Realmente, la tristeza y angustia que estuve experimentando antes de enfermarme han disminuido durante el tiempo que he estado aquí. He podido hablar con mi mamá, realizamos las comidas del día juntas y nos acompañamos durante todo el día. El insomnio que yo experimentaba ha disminuido: logro dormir más horas; también tengo mejores hábitos higiénicos: anteriormente, me costaba mucho tomar una simple ducha. En resumen, creo que la soledad que experimentaba en mi propia casa no me estaba ayudando para enfrentar el confinamiento, ni las consecuencias de la pandemia en mi vida. Desde que estoy acompañada, veo las cosas con mayor optimismo y he comenzado a tratar de planear lo que debo hacer para mejorar mi situación de cara a estas difíciles circunstancias. Por otra parte, creo que mi mamá también está contenta de que yo esté aquí y me quede un poco más. Veo que se esfuerza por hacerme sentir bien en su casa. Es bonito cuando alguien te demuestra que disfruta de tu compañía.
February 28, 2021
This week I had an email disagreement with my boss over the safety issues involved in reopening my work-place to the publc. Because he (my boss) is an administrator and not working on-the-ground with patrons and I am, I thought it was important to express my concerns about things in the past (when we were open during our county's red tier) that made me afraid of being in the building: non-complaince of mask-wearing by patrons and employees, and eating/food (since folks have to take off their masks to eat and aerosol seems to be the main form of covid transmission). These are things I see, and my immediate coworkers, but that my boss does not see because he is not part of the daily working of the library. Honestly, my email was kind of blunt because I can't believe I am having to make these points now that we are almost a year into the pandemic. My boss was ticked off in his response - he told me all protocols would be followed just as they had been (which of course, they weren't) and that because I am not a frontline employee, I can just stay home and come in after hours for work needs, AND, that because I have been vaccinated I shouldn't be worrying so much. I like my boss but every now and then, when I bring something like this to his attention, he gets kind of angry at me. Makes me feel like an unneeded part of the organization. I know we will get through this latest disagreement but I think that the way it will dissipate is by me not bringing it up again, or pressing my point.
February 28, 2021
I trust Dr. Fauci & the science reference COVID & vaccines. In my actual life I have God (prayer) & myself to understand things these strange days. I do wish I had a human to talk to that would comfort me during these scary times. I have no support system. Though I am the support system for my son & elderly mother.
February 28, 2021
It has been over two weeks since I received my second Moderna vaccine but am still scared to get on public transportation.The guy in this photo has been taking public transportation all year during the pandemic and is still alive and walks by my apartment on his way to the bus stop every week. Still I’m not sure it’s safe even though recently the public transit system ... issued a mask mandate instead of a mask recommendation order. We also received notice in my senior apartment building this week that we can have a few visitors. Until now we niece only been allowed a wellness check by one friend or family member. The numbers of COVID cases in [town] are falling and are at the lowest level since the pandemic began a year ago, Some of our amenities have opened beck up, like the beauty shop, computer room, exercise room, game room and community room. We are still told to wear masks outside our apartments but not everyone does and half of those who do have it below their noses.
February 28, 2021