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Thick plastic separates me from the taxi driver. He speaks with a strong accent, and the plastic muffles the sound so much that we can hardly understand each other. He's taking me home from the airport, where I've just returned from my mother's funeral. She died of COVID a month ago, and with everyone's vaccine schedules this was the earliest we could have a service. When the driver had politely opened the door for me and asked if my trip was for work or pleasure, I didn't even know what to say. I reminded myself that he's from a different culture and language, and it's just small talk after all. But once he was in the driver's seat, it took a lot of shouting and gesticulating through the plastic to get home. A masked funeral, COVID, losing my mom, delivering a eulogy, the awkward reunions with long-lost relatives, all of it is impossible to describe. But something about that plastic was almost as disturbing, and it was hard not to cry.
May 7, 2021
Un lote de 300,000 mil vacunas vino al país finalmente. De manera inmediata, el gobierno comenzó a vacunar a personas de la tercera edad en los rangos de 80 a 100 años. Mi mamá se había resistido a que la inscribiera en el registro del gobierno. Yo lo dejé pasar porque las vacunas no venían y esperábamos que compraran la Sputnik rusa y que se acabaran las Astrazéneca donadas. Sin embargo, este primer lote de vacuna que llegó finalmente es de Astrazéneca. El día que dijeron que efectivamente estaban en el país, registré a mi mamá de 74 años para que sea vacunada. Pregunté a una doctora amiga mía si yo podía vacunarme a pesar de que estoy inmunosuprimida. Dijo que sí, que ella tiene artritis reumatoidea y que, por ser doctora, ya le pusieron la primera dosis de la vacuna. Aún tengo mis dudas, porque ella corre varios kilómetros al día como parte de su rutina diaria, es decir, tiene buena salud. Yo, si camino muy rápido, el corazón se me desboca y es probable que me desmaye. Esta semana he logrado estar en pie gracias al diclofenaco (¡oh, diclofenaco, te amo!). Alguien sugirió a un nuevo doctor para una visita. Está difícil que me decida porque cada nuevo doctor ha recetado tratamientos con efectos secundarios tan graves que por ello estoy como estoy. En fin, imploraré al divino diclofenaco que me dé sabiduría y fuerza para un nuevo médico.
May 7, 2021
The main effects of the pandemic are a kind of "phantom limb" sensation, the metaphor being, you are used to the mask, and now, when vaccinated, you feel the need/ anxiety for same, even though 1) you are fully vaccinated, and 2) CDC has said masks for fully vaxxed people not necessary when outdoors. A sense of guilt, when living in a high-compliance area, sets in: it's becoming a token of politeness, of humility, of belief that it's not really over. Anxiety has become like shoes-- you simply wouldn't leave the house without putting on. At the same time, there are my "six degrees of separation" connections to people in India, my husband's former co-workers, our neighbors, a friend of mine who is married to an Indian. So so much helplessness and sense of being deliberately lied to by their government.
May 7, 2021
May 7, 2021
May 7, 2021
I feel good because I had lunch with my sibling. This is the first time I’ve seen them in just over a year. Really good food eating outside a restaurant in a refreshing spring day. Rain clouds scudding across the sky in a strong breeze. NO MASK YAHOO!!!!! Now its sunny outside. Sunlight lighting up dogwood tree leaves. I TOUCHED THEM IN LONG HUGS!!! I’ve aching for Touch for over a year and now it was Perfect! And to see the big smile on their face, closeup, not hidden by a mask. And smiling at each other, a synergistic reaction.Feedback Love Flowing Back And Forth! I feel like crying from joy! I’ll remember this forever!
May 7, 2021
My toddler and I have been monitoring the robin eggs in a nest on our back porch light for the last couple of weeks. We can’t see in but I could hold my phone up over my head and get a photo. The eggs hatched Apr 29th or 30th. The last time we checked, Monday, this nest held four little fledgling robins. Today the nest is empty. No mama bird in sight to yell at us. I don’t think the babies possibly could have been grown enough to fly away. Husband and I searched the tall grass next to the deck but didn’t see any indication the birds had leapt out. No carnage around the nest or the deck gives me hope they weren’t devoured. We told toddler that the birds moved to a new home. I hope that’s true but it seems unlikely. I suppose this has nothing to do with Covid, although I wouldn’t be surprised if this whole drama would have gone unnoticed if we’d been in our busy old lives…
May 7, 2021
Had to go into work this week. We work in masks all day and all regulations followed. Not fun to work 12 hours in a mask. Gave a talk for the Hospital residents in person with a mask on. Otherwise same old computer work from home.
May 8, 2021
I have worked tiredlessly in my family tree and the family tree of many friends and family members, it has been a joy to put this together and to add photography and collages to each family member
May 8, 2021
I can’t understand someone who told me this week she will not get the vaccine because 3 people told her they were in bed for 2 days with after effects. My question ... So are they still alive?? Of course they were alive- I wanted her to think about that fact. I told her I it the 2 shots knowing I might have after effects but... I will be alive. Also I mentioned she is caregiver for boyfriend and dearly loves her sister. What happens if she gets covid- hospitalized and on a ventilator ?? Is not always a ME decision . Sometimes it’s a WE decision.
May 8, 2021
The economic impact of the pandemic has been on my mind because I live on a fixed income and many thing have drastically increased in price.. I used to get a haircut for10 dollars. My first haircut after vaccination cost18 dollar. I shop at a discount store and get free food from the schools to stretch my dollar. Housing too has gone up dramatically. I am fortunate I have a place to live. I don't think I will be able to move closer to my kids because house prices are too much. Just glad my current home is all one level with attached garage. I do worry about it needing a new furnace and appliances soon
May 8, 2021
With lots of luck, we can get through this. With wisdom, ward off more tragedy. With love, alleviate suffering. With faith, bring hope to humanity.
May 8, 2021
The pandemic stopped me from repatriating to Canada. I began that process three years ago. I did leave California as a climate refugee and am living with my niece. I am so grateful I have this option. But now my cousin is really sick with three known cancers and I need to get to Montreal to help her. The Canadian government website has a lot of general information but the robot responses do not cover specific details. For instance, I am returning to Montreal in July. I have been fully vaccinated and if I need to quarantine son be it. BUT, my niece is driving the U-Haul with me and I need to know if she can come in for a few days to help me (I'm 71). Of course there is no one to answer that question. Moving is such an ordeal, more so at my age. And that much more in a pandemic, AND crossing an international border too! Yes, I am suffering from stress more than anything.
May 8, 2021
been feeling a little less hopeless about life lately but covid is still a bit of a lonely world
May 8, 2021
The situation in India is so upsetting right now. This has been something that has been bugging me throughout the pandemic. Though the explosion of cases came much later than expected, the degree of the destruction is still shocking. I can't help but feel sick about the privilege we have in western countries. Right now it's just shocking to see people at idiotic graduations, sports games, and concerts (in the case of England?) on the NYT home page right next to all the pictures of funeral pyres burning. I honestly feel so selfish and terrible that I got the vaccine and that things are opening up here, just because Americans honestly give zero shits about anyone except ourselves and we wanted to inoculate ourselves first. It felt terrible when dad's sister died just a month ago of cancer that wasn't getting treated because of the terrible healthcare in India, but what about now, with the thousands dying per day? We knew this was something just waiting to combust and lo, it did, and we're still sitting on our hands not doing anything about it. I just feel so empty when I hear news of it all... after oscillating between anger at the international community who didn't care enough to help India earlier and now, and anger at the Indian government and EVERYONE there who has refused to address the issues of healthcare, poverty, and building reliable infrastructure, much less the idiotic BJP.
May 8, 2021
I never ever imagined, that in my wildest dreams, we’d be where we are right now. What a world we live in. It’s been a long week. It was our first week of having all of our students stuffed back into classes, the morale is really low at school y como si fuera poco, it was teacher appreciation week and I have never felt so unappreciated. It’s strange, really. I am not one to seek out support or love or accolades. However, seeing this sign, manipulated by someone in the community where I teach (used to read we love NAHS teachers), was a blow to the gut. I have given so much to teaching and to my students as I have this year... I wish I felt more from there. Anything really.
May 8, 2021
My mom and I have been into an unhealthy discussion on the family's whatsapp group. It didn't affected us that much, once we don't really care about online swearing. But, the thing is my uncles were spreading fake news and supporting the president Bolsonaro with his denials about the dangerousness of the virus and the urgency of getting vaccinated. We usually don't like to talk about politics with our family, because they are to stubborn to listen to other's opinions, but this isn't just politics. We are talking about lives. The huge loss of lives in our country. I don't want the people close to me to realize how deadly this virus is only when they get sick or someone they love. Unfortunately and apparently, this is how things work in Brazil, so we were called names and decided to leave the group.
May 8, 2021
I never imagined that I'd find myself in the urgent care this past week asking for a COVID-19 test but I was stressing that I was showing all the symptoms - exhaustion/lethargy and an overbearing cough. Even though I was exhausted, I walked around my neighbor anxiously awaiting the results of my COVID-19 test. I was going to blow a gasket if I had somehow contracted COVID after all this time. I mean, for god's sake, I was less than 10 days from my second shot. When the doctor called me to say I was negative, I did a mini happy dance. Once again, I have outrun the RONA. But I also dreaded the fact that I was suffering from a mild cold. And the doctor told me the best medicine was "rest." Oh the irony. The one thing I don't have. Time to rest. Things have never been busier at work than right now. I have no time to be sick. This meant that everywhere I went this week, strangers looked at me as if I was Satan's incarnate. Their angry eyes followed me, silently and then not so much judging me. Even when I wore a mask, I was still met with those stares. The ones that said "what the heck are you doing here? Get out."
May 10, 2021
I got my second vaccine last week. No big side effects. I feel so good knowing I'm protected. Life feels like it is starting to go back to normal. More people out and doing things-- I don't feel scared so much anymore going to restaurants, etc. I don't wear my mask outside all the time anymore. It feels good knowing that the government is doing its job. I'm happy that I live in a state where people are getting vaccinated. I'm happy that everyone in my family and most of my friends here are vaccinated. The only thing I am somewhat dreading is going back to the office.... hopefully it won't be soon.
May 10, 2021
I think that, from the perspective of an American, that the pandemic has really put a spotlight on the rot within American society. Poor people are more likely to get sick because they are "essential" and cannot simply stop working. Poor people are more likely to contract more severe cases of covid because, generally speaking, they are unhealthier than middle class and above Americans. Poor people are more likely to die from covid because they do not have access to decent medical care, assuming they can even find medical care at all. Too many Americans are suffering needlessly because they can't afford to go to the doctor. There are genetic components at works well, that we do not yet understand. But it is abundantly clear that this is a disease that, while it literally does not care at all who it infects, the treatment of the illness is vastly different based on wealth and community resource, which all too often means that POC get the shortest end of the stick.
May 10, 2021
It's been a strangely tough week. I think it's even been a few tough weeks. My husband got his first shot this week and a lot of friends have also been able to secure their first shot (
May 10, 2021