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Coy swim in safety No Herons, raccoons around. Just sun and cool breeze.
May 10, 2021
Most of my friends have gotten the vaccines, and keep asking me if I got mine. I am avoiding making an appointment, mainly because I am afraid of what might happen to me. I live alone, and worry that I wouldn't be able to get help. Also, I feel like the ones who have gotten vaccinated don't want to be around me, and I don't feel safe being around anyone. I just feel torn about what is the right thing to do - not sure if I can trust what the government is telling us.
May 10, 2021
Well. Here I am in Germany, where I’ve been since August. I came here for a few days, and ended up staying for months. (I’m supposed to be in Paris, teaching at a university there, but…well. Here’s the letter I sent to a lawyer a week or so ago: I am a British and American citizen, stranded in Berlin by COVID. I arrived before the 31st of December 2020, but was not able to get an anmeldung. I am a PhD student at an American university, and I have held a fellowship at a university in Paris since September 2019. It expires in August this year. I have been teaching classes for the French university remotely from Berlin since August 2020. I had planned to declare residency in France, but I am at high risk for COVID, and am concerned that the case numbers are too high to fly back safely. I would like your advice on two questions: 1. What are the options for declaring residency in Germany? 2. What is the process for registering for an eventual vaccine appointment in Germany, and how do I do that, given my complicated residency situation? (Ideally, i would get vaccinated here and then fly back to France to declare residency before the June 30 deadline, but i don’t know how to go about it. ) I am aware that vaccines for my category are not yet available, but I’d like to know how to get on the list, and that seems to require residency. I appreciate that this may not be your specialty, but I would welcome any advice you have. » If you have time to advise us, please let me know!“ So, I’m caught in the pincers of two world events: Brexit and Covid. I very much want to declare residency in Europe, but I’m in one country and my paperwork says I’m in another. I had expected the COVID-19 case numbers would drop ages before, or that the vaccination rollout would be faster. But, here I am, nose up against the deadline, and still not sure I can safely get back to France in time. It’s suspenseful!
May 10, 2021
Writing these little essays each week is good for us. Whether of not anyone ever reads what I write, just taking a few minutes to organize my thoughts is a benefit to me.
May 10, 2021
I can feel that the coronavirus pandemic isn't worrying me too bad right now because it seems to be well on my end, and my family is all well, thank God. In terms of my academy, I would guarantee that the situation is not the same as it was before the coronavirus pandemic began, but right now I learned how to manage my time with online school. Bref, I can tell that my life is easier now than it was at the start of the coronavirus pandemic.
May 11, 2021
For the past three weeks, I've been watching the situation unfold in India with sheer horror. In 2018, I traveled to India where I met my brother's extended family. I have so many memories of Delhi - the overcrowding, the food (delicious!), the poverty, the huge concerns I had about being a woman there and the wonderful extended family I found there. I look back at my time there with thanks. I am happy to have gone but happy to be back in the United States. So, I've been worried about that extended family. My brother's in-laws went back to India from March to April to help get the key family members vaccinated. I had hoped this would protect some but this week - my biggest fears were confirmed when my sister in law's 90 year old grandfather landed in the hospital on a ventilator. Again, being well-connected in India has resulted in my grandfather in-law getting oxygen AND a semi-private room. We were even able to speak with him today. He sounded weak but he was alive. Which is more than I can say for many in India. I worry about this extended family. I can see in my mind all the funeral pyres - the mass cremations, the lack of oxygen. I see it all and I cringe in horror. Absolute horror. When the pandemic first started, I worried more for India - consumed with the fear that something like this could happen - that the virus would spread and there would be no stopping it? How do you stop a bullet train going 100+ mph? Effort. It makes significant effort. Meanwhile I sit here helpless - waiting for phone calls or text messages. All I can do is support from the sidelines.
May 11, 2021
I am lucky that I have an apartment I love. I was really smart when I chose it and also I'm so smart about the neighborhood I picked. Everything is so convenient-- the stores, the park, restaurants, etc. It is lively but not crowded, a nice feeling. My apartment has a lot of natural light and it is so cozy and comfy. I absolutely love it and staying home has been an absolute pleasure! I've made some pandemic additions such as a standing desk, de-cluttering, etc. Overall though, it is as cozy and wonderful as always :)
May 11, 2021
I don't think too much about the economic impact, save for the cost of food going up. I do have some concerns for other people, who I know are worse off than I am.
May 11, 2021
We left NM for the first time. Went to CO, UT, and AZ on a camping trip. It was so weird to be in buildings with other people NOT wearing masks. Especially when I saw parents and kids not wearing masks. I was confused and outraged at the same time. Why wouldn't you want to protect yourselves and your kids? What if your kids become permanently sick from this? and How could you? Don't you know this is serious?
May 12, 2021
My son went back to daycare this week for the first time since March 2020. That's 15 months we spent at home with him all day EVERY day. We spent the week before talking about how going back to daycare would change things: waking up earlier, going to bed earlier, wearing masks all day, seeing each other for fewer hours each day. We're all a bit sad about that last one, but after his first day back at school, I was so excited to see him when he got home. Having some space to actually get work done during the day (and to not worry about meeting my son's every need all day) made my time with him so much more joyful. We heard the vaccine for small children may be available this fall, and we are so excited at the thought of finally having our entire household fully vaccinated. Trick or treating could come back this fall! We could have Thanksgiving and Christmas with our families! We could hug our friends and families again without hesitation! I have so much hope right now, which I know in these times can be dangerous. But it feels so good to be hopeful!
May 12, 2021
This is the first time I have chosen to share a photograph here. It is my version of a "selfie" with a sticker that is too pretty to peel, and was commissioned by our local arts organization, the Sweet Tea Shakespeare Company, to promote vaccination (now that it is widely available and it really is more a matter of getting people interested) and the return of live performances by this company that vaccination makes possible.
May 12, 2021
The institution of the stimulus checks have a made a difference in our family finances (though in fairness, some of them were donated by my folks, who wondered why, at their income level, they were receiving them). I hope for many people's sakes, they continue a while longer.
May 12, 2021
I had my second dose 2 weeks ago and today was the first day I was officially at peak immunity. I went to Target to buy a diaper pail. It felt like a vacation. It was also very awkward. I hadn’t been to a store in a year and a half. There were arrows everywhere and rules regarding which direction to go. It felt foreign and strange but also exciting in an odd way. There were so many items to choose from, everything looked enticing. However, I went to the aisle where I found my diaper pail, checked out, and headed home quickly. I look forward to more outings like these. I still don’t feel safe taking my baby out on errands with me, which makes me sad. But at least now I can have a few more outings here and there on my own.
May 12, 2021
I have serious concerns about the long-term effect on my kids' mental health. Both of mine are in counseling and on medication--one for depression, the other with anxiety. Whereas it may be true that these problems are organic and may have shown up later in their lives, who's to say that the extreme stress and isolation didn't accelerate the process? Should kids this age have to cope with such mental health challenges with everything else they deal with daily in so-called normal life? Growing up is hard enough. I am terrified my kids will not grow up happy.
May 12, 2021
Essa semana está sendo absolutamente desgastante aqui no Brasil. Perdemos um grande ídolo do cinema e do teatro, um comediante que estava muito jovem com 42 e morreu vítima da Covid após 50 dias lutando pela vida com o melhor aparato médico. Paulo Gustavo fez história representando a essência da família brasileira, de forma genuína, simples e hilária, agraciando todos os tipos de públicos. Ele ajudou muita gente durante a pandemia, que vieram agora revelar, porque o cara era consagrado, masi humilde. O Padre Julio Lancellote faz um trabalho com população de rua e trans e disse que tinha recebido masi de 1,5 milhões de reais dele durante a pandemia. E outros e outros. E perder alguém assim pra Covid dói, porque era uma referência e não se constrõe referências do dia pra noite. Só para mencionar alguém famoso, mas quanto Griôs, pajés, líderes comunitários, que são referências para suas comunidades já não perdemos no Brasil para a Covid. Inúmeros, incontáveis, inestimáveis perdas. Ficamos tristes como se fosse alguém de nossa família. Agravado por isso, houve um recente episódio na semana passada de uma chacina numa cidade do interior de Santa Catarina, no sul do país, que chocou a todos e todas nós. Um jovem perturbado de 18 anos matou 3 bebês e 2 professoras que estavam numa escola infantil. Algo chocante, ele usou facão e dilacerou as vítimas. Ontem teve outro episódio de chacina, numa favela no Rio de Janeiro, dessa vez foi mais uma vez as mãos do Estado que mataram vítimas inocentes com um argumento de combate às drogas. Então temos um psicopata presidindo o país, que declarou essa semana que a China pode ter criado esse vírus para causar uma desestabilização mundial e ter vantagens, já que seu OIB cresceu masi de 2% no ano passado, sendo que vem da China a maior parte dos insumos que precisamos para que o Instituto Butantã produza as vacinas que todos estamos aguardando para tomar e ter de volta aquela vida que um dia tivemos. O Brasil está em chamas e estamos sufocados por aqui.
May 12, 2021
Happy to hear the news today from FDA that kids ages 12 to 15 can be vaccinated. I have two 12-year-old girls--BRING IT ON! I saw a great article about father with a 14 year old kid, who was looking forward to having his son vaccinated. He was being harassed by neighbors (in Florida--no surprise there) about how he could possibly consider "allowing that stuff to into his son's body." The father said the neighbors asking him this question were feeding their kids fast food burgers and sodas. In light of that, he thought it absurd that they'd chastise him about what he was putting into his son's body. What an excellent point!
May 12, 2021
This past week has been rough. I have 2 favorite uncles. One died on Saturday after a long, horrible battle with dementia and the other had an emergency tumorectomy on Sunday. They are both in another state. I hate not being home. The uncle who died is an uncle by way of marriage to my favorite aunt on that side of the family. I want to be there to hug her, sit with her, cook for her. I hate it. I will miss his funeral, memorial and burial because I'm not willing to risk COVID exposure to go to Texas. This is so awful. As more people get vaccinated, there is this big push to just go back to normal. It makes me nervous because I'm still in survival mode. I need to include issues with reopening in my therapy sessions I guess. I have...what do you call it when you're still being traumatized? Not PTSD - TSD? Ugh.
May 12, 2021
This week I attended a memorial service for my friend’s boyhood friend who had i died in FL of cancer following a 2year battle for his life. His memorial was delayed because family could not travel from their scattered locations for a service due to Covid restrictions on travel and assembly. The service was in a beautiful old Roman Catholic Church. Every other row of pews was blocked by a chain which was screwed in@ one end and held on a cup hook on the other. There were rows and rows of pews- maybe 40. And there were no paper programs. It was rainy, dark and chilly. Dogwoods and phlox bloomed and enlivened the day and ride. Everyone wore masks. As usual, I’d forgotten t mine - I am so unused to going out amidst others. I continue to have a quarantine mentality. 14 months later, , and 2 months after being vaccinated, I am totally unused to going out and about. Fortunately my friend hangs multiple masks from his car’s dashboard. He even had one which coordinated with my outfit.
May 12, 2021
This past Sunday was mothers day. We did take out and had my son and wife and my daughter for dinner outside in the back yard. Thank heavens it was sunny because its warm in the sun and cool when it starts to go down. The kids got me a bouquet of decorated cupcakes each looked like a flower almost too pretty to eat. We still have alot of restrictions which they will reassess after the 24th of May.. Covid case numbers are coming down but they are still high in the 500-600 range per day for the province. Still there are a lot admitted to Hospitals and ICU . Vaccinations are really accelerating… they have dropped down to age 30 … they can now book their shots. We still have to vaccinate 12-30 year olds. They want to get school age kids done before the end of June. I sure hope we can start socializing a bit in June , im sick of being so isolated all the time.
May 12, 2021
My grandson gets an extra year of basketball eligibility. So yay for that. But my granddaughter has missed out on an in-person freshman year of college. She's a bright, resilient kid. So I'm hoping it won't put much of a dent in her young life. But no doubt, both of them have had life experiences that most of us have not had to endure at a young age. We'll see.....
May 12, 2021