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10/26/21 FDA gives emergency authorization to vaccines for kids 5-11!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! https://www.nytimes.com/2021/10/26/us/fda-pfizer-covid-vaccine-kids.html
November 8, 2021
I have very strong motherly feelings for our students and my boys. I feel our school district and county need to get on the same page. There is really no contact tracing, which is hard to believe. If there is tracing, it is only a few students. The health department and the school need to realize that those students are not only at their desks. They are on the carpet talking about their feelings, they are at the lunch tables and on the playground together. We need to do better for these little ones that are unable to get a vaccine.
November 8, 2021
I think our family has decided that the virus will always be around and we need to figure out new and safe ways to live. We can't wait for it too be over, we will miss out. However, we will continue to mask and get the booster vaccination.
November 8, 2021
Getting enough sleep has been tough in recent weeks. I recall two nights in a row, when I went to bathroom at 2 AM, didn't get back to sleep, got up at 3:30 & 3:34 AM. I warmed up some cows' milk in microwave oven & ate peanuts, hoping the extra triptophan amino acid would quickly be converted into that brain chemical that helps humans sleep. I got back to sleep. Most times when I've lain down during daylight I can't get to sleep. Some nights, I Iie on the bed about 8 PM, with radio on or off.
November 8, 2021
I noticed most posts in the Pandemic Journaling Project are about anger, fear, and blame. I try to live a normal life even though I reside in one of the current hot spots. Maybe I am a fatalist but believe you can do everything right and still die. My boss asked me to teach her and my coworkers to paint sunflowers on fence panels. We painted the panels after work Tuesday night. It felt good to help them be creative and enjoy something out of our daily routines. They all said they couldn't paint, but as you see, they were successful. I believe it is better to do the things you want to do than live in fear and anger. Many times, fear and anger can make you sick, so everyone, please try to make the best of what you have. The choice is yours.
November 9, 2021
No, I do not feel like I really know how to protect myself, and others, from the coronavirus. I do wear my mask, have been vaccinated but still fearful because of the breakthrough cases that exists out there. If I use a pen because I forgot to use mine, I freak out and use my hand sanitizer immediately. I especially dislike writing my name on a keypad, etc. That has to have lots of germs. \ As I work with students who are homebound and have compromised health conditions, I also don't know how to really protect them either. I don't want to bring them any germs or have them get CoVid because of me. I am feeling lots of anxiety around this and I am feeling the anxiety of the world too as the outer is a reflection of the inner. I feel all the anxiety and then I have to let it go. Thank you,
November 9, 2021
The response to the covid vaccines has made me less proud of my country. Covid is a health crisis and it makes me very sad, and sometimes angry, that it has become so politicized. It's a simple thing to wear a mask to protect yourself and others but I see a lot of resistance to that. I'm disappointed in people who appear to have no respect for others. There is a lot more selfishness in this country than I had previously realized.
November 9, 2021
Tough week. My mother-in-law decided to prolong her stay with us because we didn’t know the kids would be able to return to school, both of them having been sick at the end of last week. Announcements that restrictions would be eased again, as cases are rising and people stop caring. I feel like it’s going to be a long winter. I just want my kids to be vaccinated so we can feel safer again. One of my husband’s cousin got COVID and her boyfriend too. Everyone seems to have given up where I am, although if you look at other countries ahead of us, you can see that cases have been surging… it’s just discouraging. I caught whatever cold virus my kids had and out of caution I preferred to cancel my birthday celebration with my parents. It’s also awkward because I don’t feel comfortable being indoors with my sisters who’ve resumed their lives and go out a lot and mingle. Please, get us the COVID kid vaccine asap!!!!!!!!!
November 9, 2021
This week the weather has been beautiful; mild fall weather and just perfect for taking long walks. When I’m outside, it’s easy to forget we are still in a pandemic. I can socialize with friends, enjoying happy hour around a fire pit or afternoon tea on someone’s back porch. On Halloween, I tagged along with a friend while her daughter went trick-or-treating. Seeing so many kids walking the sidewalks and chatting with neighbors made me so happy. That little girl will get her first Covid shot soon and I’m looking forward to spending more time with her after she’s fully vaccinated.
November 9, 2021
Me parece que nada será igual. Hoy muchos seguimos teniendo miedo de contagiarnos a pesar de estar vacunados, la mascarilla se ha vuelto parte de nuestra vestimenta diaria, incluso los vestidos de fiesta ya traen una mascarilla como complemento. Pienso también que algunos nos hemos vuelto menos afectivos, abrazamos y saludamos menos a la gente, y cuidamos más el espacio personal. La entrada al trabajo también habrá de debilitar más los lazos sociales pues los espacios para tomar alimentos serán más controlados y no se permitirá tantas personas a la vez. Algo preocupante cuando somos seres sociales por naturaleza.
November 9, 2021
I used to think that life would go back to being how it was before the pandemic, but I don't think that anymore. I think it will always be different even if it is not always like it is now. Of course, life changes constantly as that is what life is, change. If it is not changing it is static and the only static state for living things is for them not to be living anymore, ironically. I think we will continue to have lots of telehealth from now on, I think there will be more things done by computer, I think there will be less interaction and less socializing.
November 9, 2021
November 10, 2021
November 10, 2021
People in my cultural community have definitely supported each other in a few ways. My mosque made a food drive and donated 350 food boxes to the needy with 1 month of food supplies in each box. As for those who have passed from COVID, their funeral expenses are partially covered through donations from the community and everyone gathers to mourn them while wearing masks. Mental health wise not much support has been seen as it is a taboo topic.
November 10, 2021
I've been working in local government during the pandemic, and I've been so disillusioned with how our local government works. Our public health department is run by elected officials, not public health officials, and one of those elected individuals has been on the air saying the COVID vaccine is a eugenics plot. No wonder my work is a mess. How can any public health work get done like this?
November 10, 2021
I've been finding self-support in these hard times with artmaking! Whenever I feel anxious, I make a little digital drawing about something uplifting. This one is just about the beauty of wind turbines, behemoths stretching over green fields to the horizon, waving hello in unison. They look so cool. They are so big. Sometimes I see individual blades carried in oversized load trucks and can hardly believe how big they are.
November 10, 2021
This evening, my son gets his first dose of the Covid-19 vaccine. I'm half afraid it won't be there for us when we arrive for our appointment. It almost doesn't feel real. With my whole family protected, we'll get to re-evaluate the way we live and the risks we're willing to take. With any luck, there won't be another surge on the horizon and we can all have some fun for at least a while.
November 11, 2021
I'm lucky; I'm not hugely affected by the virus, compared to others at least. I haven't had it. I don't have kids, so I don't need to handle the school-from-home-but-also-needing-to-work chaos. I was able to work from home. But still, these crazy times have messed with my head. And so knowing that for others I know, who have kids and needed to report to work and etc, it messed with their heads even more. So I just want to give everyone a big hug.
November 11, 2021
Estuve unos días en el Estado de Morelos para celebrar el Dia de Muertos, mis familiares que visitaron el panteón hablaban de la cantidad de muertos "nuevos "entre finales de 2020-2021, mencionaban cerca de 100 en un comunidad como de 15,000 habitantes. Me impresionó el caso de una familia en donde el hijo joven llevo el COVID y contagio a sus padres, el se salvo pero sus padres murieron de edad mediada, 60 años, también supe de un barrio en donde 18 vecinos habían muerto de COVID, y uno de mis primos mencionaba que la mayor parte habían sido jóvenes. Todo ello nos llevo a extremar precauciones sobretodo cuidando de de mi padre que es mayor. Me asombra que aún en localidades pequeñas y poco comunicadas, el COVID haya llegado y haya sido tan letal, me parece que la mala alimentación y salud debilitada, poco cuidado médico, son causales de muchas de estas muertes.
November 11, 2021
La semana anterior ha sido complicada. Vivir en un hogar disfuncional mientras continúan las restricciones en el ámbito universitario en mi ciudad es extremadamente desafiante. Antes tenía una rutina establecida para mis clases, y para estudiar en casa, y tenía horarios más estrictos que me ayudaban a organizarme y me permitían estar lejos de casa. De esa forma me sentía mejor, incluso viviendo con trastorno de ansiedad generalizada y trastorno de estrés postraumático. Pero ahora, mi salud mental continúa siendo un reto constante, y además debo estar más tiempo en un hogar que no me permite crecer ni expresarme. Y esto porque las clases presenciales no han retornado. Es gracioso que haya personas que crean que mi vida es perfecta, que me admiran por los bienes de mi familia, por mis modales e inteligencia, o porque les parece que tengo éxito en todo lo que hago. No tienen ni idea del precio que pago emocionalmente, o de lo dura y solitaria que ha sido mi niñez. No saben las heridas emocionales que tengo, ni lo mucho que me han exigido mis padres para que sea lo más cercano a la "perfección". No tienen idea de lo que sufro porque sé que mis padres me consideran débil y enfermiza, y sé que son dos cosas que ellos nunca van a aceptar. Ellos, que han sido criados en ambientes infernales y que a pesar de ello, son muy fuertes, emocional y físicamente, engendraron a una hija que no es como se la imaginaron. Me aman, por supuesto, pero sé que hay muchas cosas que no aceptan sobre mí y no son cosas que puedo cambiar, como mi identidad de género, mi orientación sexual, mi salud, mis ideologías y mi sensibilidad. Yo lo entiendo y ojalá algún día ellos también lo hagan.
November 12, 2021
We're back in the office full time this week, although numbers are still high and no one wears their mask appropriately. Fun, depressing fact: I work for public health. My employer has also made it clear they will offer no flexibility for childcare, even if a child must quarantine, and they don't care about us carrying COVID home to our families. So, I've decided to quit. My last day is Friday. I don't have a new job yet, but I have a few interviews lined up (all remote positions). After this pandemic, I'm not going to waste my time in an organization that doesn't care about my health (while they should!).
November 12, 2021