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My father told me today he has to close down his business for the second time. He just doesn't have any more orders and can't continue making inventory without knowing it will sell. He seems to be okay but I'm sure he's hurting inside.
October 1, 2020
9/23/20 ... Working hard on trying to develop a list of long term tenants in the building to invite to our email group, it's really hard work and requires some sleuthing, but finally figured out to get apartment numbers from the city rent ceiling website. Feels so good, getting some neighbors in touch with each other Omg sounds like covid can actually cause Parkinson's disease Also one of the last few days the US crossed 200,000 deaths and it leaves me a bit numb Horrible pain started during a Zoom call with D, I was sobbing saying "we won't let them get away with this!", and ended up unable to breathe. 9/24/20 Slept ok actually but awful pain, moving very slowly with my cane Puts me in a great mood to see 45 get booed and chanted at (while "paying respects" to RBG in DC), "vote him out!" "Honor her wish!" We will not let him get away with this. We will not. We're not dead yet. Yesterday shopping trip means we have bananas, which I haven't had in months, and yogurt! Luxuries! I love having bananas. S said this morning, "right after our shopping trip it's hard to balance things in the refrigerator getting them out to make my lunch -- I know it's a first world problem." And I said, "it is a luxury problem compared to many people for sure, but 'i can only get food every 3 weeks and then it barely fits in my little refrigerator' is not actually the definition of a first world problem!" Nice talk with my aunt in Canada. Her entire region has fewer than 1000 total cases of covid so far, whereas my county alone has 20,000 so far, so we just don't agree on how dangerous it is for her to go into a restaurant -- she "just wanted to sit at the usual table" inside so she did. 9/25/20 Still bad pain but slept okay, sweet cat snuggled up to my side for a lot of the night. B, a close friend in the past, and her family have covid in Israel. She says she is really tired and had to be briefly hospitalized but seems otherwise to be not having severe symptoms so far, and also all her healthcare has been free, which is just mind-blowing compared to the US. They're about to enter a 3-week lockdown. I really envy her being with her sister's family and her parents there. We can't leave the country because I can't travel due to my injury and I really wish we could because it's really getting frightening here, feels like 1930s Germany to me, with Trump making pronouncements about continuing his rule, white genes being "good genes," and depriving certain cities of federal money. We subscribe monthly to a lot of essential items to be delivered from Amazon, did even before covid because it's hard for me to shop, and the upcoming delivery shows 3 of our items temporarily unavailable, which is unusual and makes me worry that supply chain issues are coming in a severe way. I can't believe Florida is reopening bars and restaurants, what are they doing? And I just want to throw myself out the window knowing Amy Coney Barrett who believes in submitting to one's husband is going to be named to the Supreme Court. 9/26/20 Somewhat sweet shabbat. Still some really bad pain 9/27-28/20 One of the stranger Yom Kippurs of my life. We used Zoom for all the services so I found myself drifting off into email, Facebook, etc. It was horribly hot. We had a really excellent long conversation about Paul Berman's Tablet piece on liberalism and the Harper's letter about free debate. Maybe the high point was half an hour of virtual shmira (watching over the body) for Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg. We read and sang psalms and then read from her Supreme Court decisions and cried. Neilah was so short and kind of nothing. It was very moving to have S blow shofar at the end and we both cried as we clung to each other, S saying "I'm so scared!" At least I didn't have to go in person to services with my reclining wheelchair which is so painful. 9/29/20 Got my flu shot in the car outside my doctor's office, really grateful they would do that! The US presidential debate ruined my whole day as I dreaded it, then I stress-ate chocolate by the handful as S hid from it in the other room. Incredibly stressful and infuriating to hear him even talk, let alone the bullying he was doing. I am really frightened by 45's refusal to condemn white supremacy or to urge calm in the wake of the election.
October 1, 2020
El COVID 19 vino a poner en evidencia las grandes desigualdades dentro de cada país y entre países a nivel mundial. Las diferencia dramáticas pueden estar relacionadas con esas mismas diferencias socioeconómicas. En mi país, evidentemente, hubo y hay gente que no puede guardar confinamiento porque su forma de sobrevivir supone un trabajo diario en las calles. En los departamentos, muchas personas claman por continuar la actividad económica porque es imposible vivir de ahorros que no existen. A esto se debe agregar que los servicios de salud que son los que pueden "registrar" las tasas sobre la enfermedad, en mi país, están concentrados en la ciudad y, muy pocos en las zonas metropolitanas de los departamentos. Esto influye en que las personas enfermen y no asistan a un centro de salud u hospital, se curen o mueran en sus casas. El subregistro aumenta de esa forma o es inexistente. Además, últimamente, se ha escuchado que las personas prefieren pasar la enfermedad en sus hogares y no asistir a los hospitales porque se sabe que están saturados o que la atención puede ser realmente mala. Se ha dicho que mucha gente opta por quedarse en casa y, en algunos casos, asistir si llega a un grado de gravedad extrema por la enfermedad.
October 1, 2020
Yes I have Concerns about the long term impact of the pandemic on children My professional life has forever changed immensely during this pandemic. I have found it very challenging to exhibit strength and determination in the face of adversity. An educator is revered and vulnerable to students. Educators are never expected to show defeat especially not in the front line of students. My students have witnessed the opposite. They have seen my fears, concerns, doubts, and anger. I have exhibited a great deal of vulnerability. However, my students and I have wedged a lasting bond. Students are able to see that teachers are not only their superheroes but are human, too.
October 1, 2020
I am privileged to not feel too much economic impact, but I know I'm one of few and am very lucky. I worry so much about what is happening in India where I have many family and friends. There is so much suffering happening there, and I worry even more about the long-term impact on economic recovery because so many children are not getting adequate schooling, when we know that education, especially of girls, is key to overcoming poverty. I fear that this pandemic is going to set a country like India back decades and decades.
October 1, 2020
I am a lawyer turned preschool teacher to my child at home. This week was the first time I felt like a real teacher. I was excited to do a lesson plan about apples with my four year old. Instead of being depressed about all that she was missing out on, I felt grateful to be able to teach her, to watch her learn, and spend quality time with her. I am able to do things with her that I would not have time to if I was working. If only I could be paid for this work too.
October 1, 2020
One obstacle I faced in the past week was just emotional strain. When my friend left, I found myself getting impatient and easily frustrated at things that probably should not have bothered me. I think it was just a lot to process--getting to have such a big blessing and then having it be taken away. Last night, I also had a really tough conversation where one of my peers (I wouldn't exactly call him a friend, yet) bascially told me about how lonely and homesick he is on campus, that he would just cry every day for the first few weeks of school, that he hates it on campus and doesn't leave his room if possible, etc. My heart just hurt for him and I wish I knew what I could do to make it better. How I overcame this was by trying to encourage him and tell him how much I respected all the work he is doing on campus.
October 2, 2020
At this point it's sort of hard to tell, because a lot of the changes have become so normalized. I think something that has changed about the world fundamentally is the way in which we view and react to perceived safety in public spaces. I think everyone has a conception of how 'clean' or 'dirty' a public space is, ('cleaner' places being a public park, 'dirtier' being the airport or the grocery store) but in the pandemic we've reconceptualized 'cleanness' into more human terms. What's deemed as clean or safe is now determined upon the number of people in a place and their potential for coronavirus contacts, not necessarily how sticky the floor is or how grungy the walls may look. With this recontexualized idea of safety, I feel like after the brunt of the pandemic is over, people will still continue to change their behaviors to reflect this perceived safety, namely by continuing to wear masks in places deemed 'dirty' (full of people). I've been watching videos of people in airports and on planes for example, and even though the footage is from pre-pandemic times, I still can't believe that people weren't wearing masks in such crowded, dirty places. I think starting now, people will be wearing masks in places like airports, or even crowded public transit, now that we have an idea of how quickly pathogens can spread in those congested environments.
October 2, 2020
Ever since school began, I basically have been stuck in my room, unable to go outside and enjoy the weather since I have many classes during the day, and assignment deadlines that fall just after sunset. I feel trapped even though I still have the ability to go outside, so the panes in my window almost feel like prison bars that frame the beauty of the outdoors that I’m missing most days.
October 2, 2020
This is not necessarily linked to the coronavirus, but more related to the horror of the political situation and in particular our president right now. The presidential debate on Tuesday really horrified me and it took two days to shake it off. It made me feel very anxious and upset, unable to concentrate or focus. I also found myself feeling very angry and helpless about the situation and very very worried about what lies ahead in this country.
October 2, 2020
I'm in the midst of public health graduate school pursuing an MPH in Epidemiology. This week has been one of the hardest due to school work and other stressors. Having everything be online, school and social activities, is getting exhausting. Additionally, not being able to have my friends from home visit or go back home to visit is really hard on my mental health. I'm too busy and tired of virtual communication, it's hard to stay connected and I feel like I'm losing touch with people back home. It's hard to know when it is safe for visits. I really miss the simplicity of social interaction pre-covid. Now everything is so complex and the thought of making a wrong move weighs heavy on my heart.
October 2, 2020
So far I have been so compacted with homework and assignments I have not had the ability to do what I want in free spare time. I also applied to a Halloween store, So starting next week I'll be working while trying to maintain a balance in school work, my job and my free time. Since The pandemic I haven't worked but I soon came to realize that I am starting to become a responsible adult during a pandemic. My mother and I are the only ones that are going to be working. She work's in the [...] Hospital as a first responder. While she'll be dealing with Covid patients ill be dealing with customers, My sole purpose still throughout this pandemic is to survive with my family
October 3, 2020
Our COVID numbers are down at the hospital and in the county. We did not get the surge that was expected after Labor Day and school opening. I still wear my mask everywhere, take wipes with me, and wash my hands all the time. I think that will continue for a long time. And I still have not been to a restaurant. But the constant fear and stress are gone. I am concerned about the COVID numbers in our country. It's atrocious. How many more have to be infected or die in order for something to be done? It's awful that I still have to ask that question.
October 3, 2020
This will sound political but here goes: we have become more divided as a nation. Listening to the experts and following protocols (ie wearing masks) have become an us vs them rather than an opportunity to come together and to work together. Sad...very sad.
October 3, 2020
More people planted gardens and flowers this year. Time spent outside has been a solace for lots of folks! It's a wonderful activity. I am a Senior Master Gardener having taken the course through the Purdue Extension Course in the Horticulture Dept.
October 3, 2020
The people close to me are affected by being stressed, bills are piling up and I feel like I could be doing more to take the stress away from them but am limited because of the pandemic restrictions.
October 5, 2020
What has changed the most about the world since the coronavirus began is how we greet each other. Usually when you meet someone new you shake their hand, but now that personal connection when you first meet someone is gone. The CDC originally suggested elbow bumps instead of handshakes, but now greetings all together are not acceptable. Adding in an additional six feet of distance between you and another person into the mix also makes sure that no greetings are taking place. Social distancing and mask wearing makes it hard to read expressions on someone's face, which is a crucial part of interacting with someone new. Also, masks prevent people from being able to read lips, which makes it difficult for those who are hard of hearing to follow a conversation and contribute their own thoughts to one. Social interaction is also crucial to babies who were just born. Children born during the pandemic are missing out on these important first developmental steps. As we must continue with these protocols to ensure the safety of our community and slow the spread of the coronavirus, it is crazy to see just how many groups of people are affected in different ways and how these changes are quite significant. These new social measures will have a lasting impact on society, as it will be a slow transition back to large gatherings, handshakes, and mask free events. It will be interesting to see if people will ever feel comfortable standing within a close proximity to strangers and if mask-wearing when you are sick will become normalized. Although many aspects of the world has changed since the pandemic first started, I believe the social aspect of our world will be the most impacted.
October 5, 2020
This week the inevitable news came out about President Trump testing positive for Covid19. This is not surprising at all! He let the nation down, by not taken adequate action, and using his presidential authority wisely to contain this virus without taken beloved Americans lives. Leaders suppose to be our guidance, stars, and protectors. However, Trump failed to do that. Instead, he spread fear, violence, and division among the Americans. Perhaps, you are wondering if this has any personal affect on me. Indeed, with the high level of unusual anxiety, seen the President of this great nation, is not qualified for his job, is absolutely terrifying.
October 6, 2020
Con mis salidas al trabajo he podido distenderme más. Ya no me siento tan agobiada como antes. Al principio sentía miedo porque el contacto con otras personas y diferentes superficies era inevitable, pero poco a poco he podido calmarme y tener más confianza, después de todo yo me cuido y realizo mis métodos de higiene lo mejor posible ya sea con jabón, alcohol o saborizantes; si el virus llega a contagiarme al menos sabré que fue por la despreocupación de otros o simplemente el destino.
October 6, 2020
I was thinking of the virus and all the people who have died from it. And the sadness and suffering of those families. This image was done after looking up at the sky one day in July 2020, and seeing clouds moving fast. I was imagining all those I've lost from my family (not from virus but years or decades ago) - and even though they are gone, how their strength and presence is still with me.
October 6, 2020